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Everything posted by marin

  1. marin

    Thai Food - ?

    What would be the purpose of replying to an OP like this? You have your mind set that you dont like Thai food, but at the same time you are trying to push those feelings onto others. Perhaps you would be better off somewhere else. I do prefer Mexican to Thai, and simply make a decent version here. Some rant dude..
  2. That would be no flooding on the highways as far as Korat. Too late to edit.
  3. Of course you can. So flooding on the main highway below Korat, and above is all clearing now.
  4. It seems as if one bedroom is a loft. That is going to be the hard one to cool. In the summer months 26 would not work up there IMHO. Looks like a nice place though.
  5. When will the gullible learn. It seems here in the LOS the easy way is always taken, often to the detriment of those looking to make money without working or even thinking. Next time go find a money tree. Much better chance at success.
  6. Sportsurge.biz. Then motor sports, then F1. There is one pop up you have to kill. But been a very good streaming site for me. Get all my sport from them or Crack Streams.
  7. Yeah and there is tons of formaldehyde in Thai beer as well.????
  8. To the OP. Your girlfriend is sadly misinformed. What other pearls of wisdom has she imparted to you? AZ is the easiest option of a good vaccine here. Sinovac does not do well with the Delta variant, and Sinopharm is sort of an unknown, If she as a Thai has a chance for AZ tell her to take it. Most Thai's seem to be getting Sinovac as the first injection and then AZ as the second. Both my wife and I are fully vaccinated with AZ and had no side effects at all.
  9. I think you should be miffed at each other for neglecting to renew their Thai passports. Even within the UK its not that hard to do. Especially with you two being there to help. Your wife's plan wont work. Its all based on their Thai national ID. Unless you forgo getting these they will be eligible for conscription.
  10. you have to be fully vaccinated to enter the Phuket sandbox..
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