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Everything posted by userabcd

  1. Keep cool, carry on. As long as humans multiply as consumers and new businesses are developed to pay taxes to finance govt and employ those humans, govt will just continue to holler as a way to show they are doing something.
  2. Is that the ideal time to buy when people trading BTC once again predict it will go to 1000000 baht per BTC?
  3. On sukhumvit road foreigners are now smoking this stuff on the sidewalks. I object to having to breathe in that awful pungent smell wafting around on the sidewalk. Time they banned this stuff and arrest those smoking this narcotic openly on the sidewalks, the situation in a short time has already started to get out of hand.
  4. Truecrypt was discontinued about 8 years ago. You could try Veracrypt, more up to date. In windows would they not see that you had a usb drive attached to the pc and when it was removed. They could then possibly use enhanced interrogation methods to get the info from you.
  5. Does anyone watch such mindless tv shows.
  6. Penang curry has a unique flavour, it is good for once in a while. Indian curries are far better and the stew 'Boeuf Bourguignon' should easily be at no 1.
  7. Personal Income Tax (PIT) Personal Income Tax (PIT) is a direct tax levied on income of a person. A person means an individual, an ordinary partnership, a non-juristic body of person and an undivided estate. In general, a person liable to PIT has to compute his tax liability, file tax return and pay tax, if any, accordingly on a calendar year basis. 1.Taxable Person Taxpayers are classified into “resident” and “non-resident”. “Resident” means any person residing in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating more than 180 days in any tax (calendar) year. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand. A non-resident is, however, subject to tax only on income from sources in Thailand.
  8. Do you meet the following criteria? WHO HAS TO FILE ภ.ง.ด.90? The following persons/entities are subject to personal income tax in Thailand: 1. An individual 2. A non-registered ordinary partnership 3. A non-juristic body of persons/group of persons 4. A deceased 5. An undivided estate 6. A Community Enterprise group of persons which is a non-registered ordinary partnership or a non- juristic body of persons registered under Community Enterprise Promotion Act B.E.2548 Additionally, taxpayers can be categorized as “residents of Thailand” and “non-residents of Thailand” for tax purposes as follows: 1. Residents of Thailand If you stay in Thailand for the total of at least 180 days in the tax year, you are considered a “resident of Thailand” for tax purposes. You have to file a return on the income that you received if you meet one of the following conditions: (1) Your total income exceeded 60,000 baht in the tax year. (2) You were married and your income combined with that of your spouse exceeded 120,000 baht in the tax year. (3) You are a Community Enterprise, which is a non-registered ordinary partnership or a non-juristic body of persons registered and received a Certificate of Registration from the Department of Agricultural Extension, with the total income exceeding 1,800,000 baht in the tax year, or with the total income exceeding 60,000 baht in the tax year, but not more than 1,800,000 baht with an exemption from income tax under rules and conditions prescribed by the Director-General. 2. Non-residents of Thailand If you stayed in Thailand for less than 180 days in the tax year, you were a non-resident of Thailand for tax purposes. If you derived any income which is subject to Thai personal income tax and you meet the conditions stated in 1., you are required to file this form. No. 3 item 6. If you receive one or more of the following incomes, specify the type of incomes you received and enter the sum on line “Others”. ▪ bonus you received as a shareholder or partner of a company or juristic partnership ▪ a decrease of capital holdings in a company or juristic partnership for the amount not exceeding profits and reserves ▪ an increase of capital holdings in a company or juristic partnership for the amount determined from profits and reserves ▪ a benefit for the amount which exceeds capital received from amalgamation, acquisition or dissolution of a company or juristic partnership ▪ gains received from transfer of partnership holdings investment units or shares, debentures, bonds, or bills or debt instruments issued by a company or juristic partnership or by any other juristic person ▪ Share of profits or dividends, after withholding tax, paid out under the law governing petroleum income tax ▪ Share of profits or other similar benefits received from holding or possessing digital tokens
  9. Call everyone together and talk politely and directly with them. Use a third party to translate if you want. Ask them why, what happened and explain your rules and that they will agree.
  10. Had a few consultations with this doctor when he was at Bumrungrad. He has now moved to Thammasat University hospital, speaks good english. https://www.med.tu.ac.th/orthotu/?staff-items=rattalerk-arunakul-m-d&lang=en
  11. Some say Trunk, the correct word is boot. Some say Fender, the correct word is bumper Some say Tire, the correct word is Tyre Some say windshield, the correct word is windscreen Some say Truck but the correct word is lorry. And that's just on motor vehicles.
  12. Makro are democratic, everyone can buy there without restriction.
  13. If you are in Bangkok try taking a trip to Klong Thom area near China town. In one area there are a lot of shops selling glasses and frames for very cheap (from 80 baht a pair up to 1000's) and in my opinion some of them are good quality frames of many types. You can try them on before purchase. I get my eyes tested and then go to a glasses shop and they manufacture and fit the lens.
  14. It has been also known to hear them say the "overhead compartment."
  15. Mother tested negative for all drugs at the scene. Father tested positive for marijuana. They later were given an inadmissible test which turned up positive for everything for both of them. That test was disposed of and the results can't be challenged. So, the state said, "you failed, I took a bad test and you failed, no you can't see it, I threw it out." Aren't falsifying evidence, deprivation of parental rights, false imprisonment, etc federal crimes also? FYI this amount is a misdemeanor.
  16. "Judge people on character and actions, not by the color of their skin. " Yeah trust the legal system when government and state create and sentence situations like this, it's a travesty: "Florida man serving a 400-year sentence walks free after 'flawed' trial testimony discredited: report. The Innocence Project of Florida found several factors that it said supported Holmes' case" Prosecutor wanted 800 years, judge got it down to 400 years, shows how law enforcement and the legal profession abuse the power of their authority.
  17. Those are specific treaty agreements between Canada and the US to share that info. The airlines already hold passenger info and advanced passenger lists. Let the countries where these criminals operate and have been convicted do their own law enforcement, court systems and immigrations checks at their own borders before letting their criminals out. What is so hard after a criminal has been accused or convicted to temporarily/permanently seize their passports to prevent them from travelling in the first place. The US is quite special as it probably has the most laws and number of convicted criminals in the world and it seems the greatest number of wanted criminals on interpol website. Why exclude Children and over 65 they also commit crimes. In the country I come from acknowledgement of a simple traffic offence and paying a traffic fine gets one a criminal record.
  18. So you want to inconvenience and subject extra costs and time wasted for 10 to 40 million mostly innocent visitors to Thailand on behalf a few criminals in the world who come to hide in Thailand. On Interpol website atm there is listed "Total number of public Red Notices in circulation: 7016" in the whole world. Let the law enforcement and existing laws and treaties and agreements between countries do their lawful jobs they are paid for.
  19. I would surmise that the onus is upon you to receive your traffic fines on time.
  20. It does not matter, they are established and working in Thailand for decades according to the govt rules in place.
  21. For ref Starbucks strategy in relation to tax. https://globalassets.starbucks.com/assets/77CB10D4E6DD403A92D568DE90148166.pdf They work within the rules, laws and regulation of business, accounting and taxation, not what every beady eyed person everywhere thinks they should do.
  22. How does tax enter almost every discussion online nowadays? I think they purchase and sell goods and taxes are charged. They provide employment and employees are paid who pay tax.
  23. Gave up drinking coffee in starbucks about 10 years ago. Never again. It seemed impossible for them to make a proper cappuccino. SB prices were then trending on the very high side, shudder to think what they are now. Many smaller coffee shops around Bangkok now making perfect cappucinos for 50 baht and they dont need to be told to put less milk.
  24. Yes, inncocent people making legitimate transfers of what they have earned and deposited in a bank account are then unilaterally determined many times suspicious by the banks. Those many inncocent people are frozen out of the governments and banks acccount and refused access to what they thought was their earned money. There are many cases of this and the banks will not even discuss or give reason why they have done this. Only several weeks or months down the line will the account be unfrozen. I do not trust banks and their staff one little bit. I was frozen out of my account for a few weeks and had to make a specific trip to London at great expense, loss of daily salary, flight and hotel expenses. It was all because the bank information that they held on me when they were asking personal security info that they could not interpret between my mothers maiden name and my fathers family name all info they clearly had during our meeting.
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