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Everything posted by userabcd

  1. You seem to have very odd discussions with strangers you meet and talk with.
  2. People and news has been predicting that for the last 50 years, they are going to be saying that for the next 50 years and at the end, govt still exists and control and life goes on, the country improves and the peons continue to complain and predict nonsense.
  3. But then again if people were not spending their money as govt wants them to, who would be buying all that shiny stuff from several brands with several shops around so the money can end up in business pockets and govt coffers, several shops would not exist and people would not be employed. Also surprised they say it is people bank accounts, it all belongs to banks and the govt, even the money in the accounts belongs to govt and the banks who can freeze or seize it for whatever reason they could determine.
  4. There is an article on yahoo.com today about boils and cysts. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/boil-vs-cyst-differences-160412689.html
  5. Specific Business Tax Stamp duty is exempt if Specific Business Tax is charged on the property transfer. The total is 3.3% of the value of the property and this is constituted as a 3% business tax as well as a municipal tax of 10% which has been assessed on the total of the specific business tax 0.3% which is a total of 3.3% specific business tax. If the seller of the property you are buying from has been the owner of the property for more than five (5) years. This before the transfer would not be liable to pay this tax. This is on condition that the seller has had the property as his principal place of residency and that the seller of the property can show and prove that the name of the seller was on the house registry as least one year from the date of having bought the property. Withholding Tax This is calculated on tax marginal rates The withholding tax is essentially calculated using selling price as gross income then deducting expense from Schedule B (shown in table below) to get net income. One then divides net income with years in possession to get yearly net income. One can use net income per year to calculate tax income per year from Schedule A. The final step is to multiply tax income per year with years that the property has been in possession to calculate total Withholding tax. Withholding tax is calculated by using selling price as income then deduct expense from Schedule B to get net income then divide net income with years in possession to get yearly net income. Use net income per year to calculate tax income per year from Schedule A. Final step is multiply tax income per year with years in possession to get Withholding tax. Let’s take an example of a property that was sold for 10 million Baht and owned for two years. The table below shows the step-by-step calculation process: So, Theoretically if the property was owned for 15 years and the seller shows that they are they are registered on owner registration docs for more than one year the taxes applicable would be 1) Transfer fees (shared between buyer and seller) 2) Stamp Duty (since there would be no SBT) 3) Withholding tax calculated according to marginal rates and deducting expenses
  6. Thai land cannot be owned by a foreigner not of Thai nationality. https://property.cbre.co.th/guides/thailand-land-property-tax Taxes on Selling Properties in Thailand Many individuals who have invested in property in Thailand are often very unaware of the tax liabilities that may arise on selling the property. Typically, foreigners have invested in property either through buying a condominium unit which they hold in their own name or having taken out a lease on a landed property. As our analysis shows below, an individual or other legal structure will always be subject to taxation on the sale of the property. The general tax rates (excluding company or individual personal tax which may also apply eventually) are shown below. Perhaps surprisingly, for an individual selling a property, the taxation system is actually very complex.
  7. In Palladium, I think on the 3rd or 4th floor (on one of the electronic floors) there is a small shop that specifically repairs headphones. Last time I was in Palladium about two months ago the shop was still there.
  8. Just a few of the sources. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-were-cracking-cold-cases-dna-website-then-fine-print-n1070901 https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-watch/ancestry-com-caught-sharing-dna-information-police-warrant https://techcrunch.com/2021/02/10/ancestry-police-warrant-dna-database/ https://www.ecusocmin.org/police-can-access-ancestry-dna-without-a-persons-consent/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/14/san-francisco-police-woman-crime-dna-rape-kit
  9. Does not matter if you do not use it. If in the event any bloodline family relative decides to put their info on there, you can be traced from that.
  10. I remember when we had Filipinos working for us in Africa we had to issue letters for them which they then used to get permission to leave/work out of the country. Lots of Filipinos working/traveling abroad, I think it was to to be sure that they are not being take advantage of.
  11. Not true at all. They have an abundance of dentists and some of the best dental care in the world.
  12. I don't know but don't think the common areas electricity was envisaged to be used to charge or operate electrical goods on a regular basis for personal items. Raise the issue at your condo management meeting.
  13. They do exist and it was replied to your other enquiry about 1 week ago. BROOKS Brooks thailand store in Muang Thong Thani has sizes and EEEE (Known as 4E). Brooks Thailand has a website, they are on also on shopee and lazada. https://shopee.co.th/brooksthailand Brooks is one of the top running shoe companies in the world. All the sport shoes outlets are located in Muang Thong Thani Location Muang Thong Thani Cosmo Shopping Centre Flagship Store เมืองทอง (ตรงข้ามห้าง Cosmo) 02-065-8589 (easily accessible from Victory Monument by minibus or from anywhere in centre bangkok by Taxi) https://www.brooksthailand.com/ https://www.brooksthailand.com/category/ถนน/10?page=1&filter={"attrs%3A%3AWidth"%3A"Extra Wide (4E)"} You can filter the shoe sizes and see the Brooks shoe models which are available in size 45 and in a EEEE (4E) shoe width. ASICS Asics (also a top running shoe brand in the world has size EEEE (4E0 available. Check their website online and filter the size they have 45, size 45 is commonly available. Asics Kayano and Nimbus shoe model is available. https://www.asics.com/th/en-th/men?Rfs=varZZ15107VPYQ338121 I don't think Adidas, Nike, Saucony, Hoka or Mizuno in Thailand have 4E width shoe available, again size 45 would be no problem but not in the 4E width.
  14. Can also keep tigers as pets such as this suspect looking one
  15. If you have to login to the buiding wifi router and do not have lan then what you need is WISP function on your router. Check if your router can support wisp mode. https://wifi-settings.com/wireless-routers/wisp-mode/ Or you could just get a 4G sim router (with true, AIS, NT) and connect and share network like that. TP Link has a few routers that can do that.
  16. Just Chinese traveling and staying in hotels. Good business sense to cater to a majority of their clientele and be inclusive for majority of nationalities paying to stay at these establishments.
  17. Good for them, real entrepreneurs. Providing investment, contributing to the Thai economy and providing employment opportunities for Thai people and taxes paid to govt.
  18. Check this: What Are Pigeons Good For? 5 Things Pigeons are often stigmatized, they’re routinely described as “rats with wings” and are thought of as dirty birds that are a nuisance. However despite being thought of by many as vermin pigeons actually contribute some important things to the world. Here are 5 good things that pigeons do for the world and us: 1. They Help Disperse Seeds Pigeons help to disperse seeds and fertilize the ground by defecating on it, which some trees need in order for their fruit to grow. Due to the vast numbers of pigeons they have a significant impact on seed dispersal and are likely responsible for far more of the flora in our cityscapes than we realise. 2. They Help Control Insect Populations 3. They Remove Food Waste From Our Streets 4. They Make Great Pets 5. They Can Be Used For Homing
  19. Did he show you his pink ID card?
  20. Suggest you seek written legal opinion to clarify and make sure.
  21. Lets hope so, Indian and Chinese tourists to keep the Thai tourist economy buoyant.
  22. So many articles about the same subject lately, wonder what is behind this by tourists or non immigrants themselves. There seems to be an unhealthy fixation by some related to Russian tourists.
  23. " I have asked the head office of the bank if they could print a statement, but they say they cannot because the account is now closed." Always find these kinds of statements by financial institutions strange. You can bet if the police or tax office or some other kind of government investigation was looking for financial evidence you could bet they would get access to historic bank account info going back years and years.
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