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  1. To be fair we do have the odd gem. They are few and far between though.
  2. Hopefully he'll think twice before the next one.
  3. Sad news. Wish her all the best.
  4. I reckon all those 36 kids should give that so called teacher a dammed good flogging.
  5. ^ Wow that's $500AUD I'm sure I saw a group of them last time I went to the tip shop over here. Will have to have a look next time I'm there.
  6. Seems, to me, we have most of the world leaders carping on about "how we are meeting our targets" "on track to reduce emissions" etc. etc. And, in the meantime, just carrying on just the way it always been, knowing they will all be long gone by the time the sh*t hits the fan.
  7. AFAIK There is very little available "over the counter" in most of the world. You could try getting hold of a "Home Power" magazine from the USA or join the "Back Shed" forum. The problem is that most units are built/ designed to be site specific.
  8. Why not chuck a few dozen over the walls?
  9. Stealing electricity for sale? Something missed in the translation?
  10. I buy the biggest containers of water from the nearest 7-11, and decant into smaller bottles for taking out. These get frozen.
  11. Had one of these a few years ago. Wish I still had it. Very rare now. 1975 TL250.
  12. When I was due a pension I rang this number 001144-191-218-3600. First thing they asked was my NI Number, which I had memorised at 16. Anyway, they were very helpful and you could start here. Good luck.
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