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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. People need to learn. Pedestrian crossings mean nothing in Thailand. Always cross only when traffic allows. Pedestrian crossings are part of the dumbing down of the populace in the west. People are no longer capable of doing simple stuff like looking for traffic. With that said, my best wishes to the victim and good luck finding the car driver. I have to believe that it was a hit and run, even though not stated.
  2. Clearly the end is not nigh if there are actually people existing in various future dates to return to today to warn us. Clearly the tiktok crowd isn't very bright.
  3. Please try to get a life...
  4. It's not really paranoia if they really are out to get you...????
  5. No, but it affects different people differently. For me, I no longer desire to be a vegetable after smoking a bunch of the current 20%+ thc content weed. Growing up in the 60s/70s when it was 2% or so produced a much more functional high. I achieve the same by smoking a very small amount of the latest 20%. Better on my lungs too as the smoke intake is significantly less.
  6. You're smoking too much. Try less and see how it works. I actually weigh the amount I smoke beforehand. Too much, then weigh out less next time.
  7. You don't develop resistance to antibiotics. The bacteria develops resistance to antibiotics.
  8. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21058104/ Stuff the British Stole 8.7/10 Follow Marc Fennell on a globe-trotting, emotional quest for the truth as he unravels the twisted mysteries behind six iconic and priceless objects taken by the British Empire and meets those who want them back.
  9. Chon Buri (Pattaya). If someone has one lying around for View Talay 2 it would be great.
  10. Immigration is looking for a map of where my residence is located to complete my application. Does anyone have a sample one they could post or PM to me so I can see exactly what they are looking for. I recall when doing this a few years ago that they didn't want google maps, etc and wanted it hand drawn. Hopefully that requirement is no longer in effect as my hand drawn map would be atrocious. Thanks in advance for any input.
  11. Now on to Georgia. Shouldn't be exciting enough now to get enough Republicans out to win this one. And with the count to likely be 51 to 49, Joe Manchin will no longer have Biden by the balls and just imagine what could transpire.
  12. Don't be naive. Putin is withdrawing his troops, and last week he recommended civilians to leave. Then it's time for a tactical nuke. Are Russian tactical nukes plutonium or hydrogen based? Hydrogen nukes don't disseminate radiation I believe.
  13. Trumpty-Dumpty sat on a wall Trumpty-Dumpty had a great fall All the king's horses And all the king's men Couldn't put Trumpty back together again
  14. Al Jazeera is a reputable news service. Of course they can't have discussions involving the GOP propaganda, similarly to how they won't have Ukraine/Russia discussions with the Russian talking heads. You obviously need to focus on the opinion stations, like Fox news, newsmax, etc for what you're looking for.
  15. I think the title says it all, but after just arriving from Canada the situation here is ridiculous. Clearly you wouldn't want to carry it with you, but what about shipping it?
  16. More details about the ATM would be helpful. What bank owns the machine? Is it standalone or attached to a bank, 7/11 etc. I had this happen in Indonesia and went to the bank when it opened and got the card back. There should be a phone number on the atm machine to call too.
  17. I really don't want to know what you use that for...????
  18. Just get an unlimited sim and put it in your phone and use it as a hotspot. 400 baht a month for DTAC, I'm sure there are equivalents from AIS, etc. Especially convenient if your phone has 2 sim slots. If not, use a cheap phone...
  19. Wow. Women could be in there for hours...
  20. Had to look it up: May 2022 – UNODC-SMART: Emergence of “Happy water” in Southeast Asia BANGKOK, Thailand – May 2022: On 30th May 2022, the UNODC SMART Programme launched its annual report on “Synthetic Drugs in East and Southeast Asia – Latest Developments and Challenges 2022” in Bangkok, Thailand. The report provides an overview of the latest methamphetamine, “ecstasy”, and NPS trends in the region, highlighting recent changes in the manufacture, trafficking, and use of synthetic drugs. In addition to new substances emerging on the illicit drug market in the region, the emergence of a new drug product was noticed, sold under the street name of “Happy water”. The product is typically sold online through social media as well as in entertainment venues in liquid or powder form and consumed dissolved in water or other drinks. “Happy water” products may contain a range of different psychoactive substances in varying combinations and concentration. “Happy water” samples seized recently in Thailand, for example, contained MDMA, methamphetamine, diazepam, caffeine, tramadol, and ketamine. https://www.unodc.org/LSS/Announcement/Details/0f57ddbe-01dd-481c-af78-0bc494c84a53
  21. So much for the Thai plan to attract tourists by having legal weed. It will soon be legal almost everywhere.
  22. There's a betadine ointment I use religiously. Last jar I bought was 110 baht for 50 grams. This stuff is magic. I don't use bandaids anymore. Just put a bit of this in the small cuts a couple of times a day and a few days later all healed.
  23. +1. I've used this guy for decades with no problems.
  24. Look in a mirror. There you are. Problem solved.
  25. It used to be that only Asean countries driver's licenses were accepted in Thailand. All the others would be invalid and get you fined, and maybe the bike impounded. It would be good to know if this has recently changed. You may be lucky and just be able to show your British license and get a Thai license without a test. The written test(when I took it) was a joke. Many questions had the wrong answers marked as being correct. If this is still the case, there are sample questions out there, with the wrong answers marked the way they score them, so get those and memorize the answers. I studied the actual driver's license study book and got a couple wrong when I answered as the study book said.
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