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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. I gave up on the app and use a chrome based browser for shopee. Even set to English, you still need to do the addional translation described by KhunLA. Best solution so far.
  2. Kaleidoscope (2023) . A master thief and his crew attempt an epic and elaborate heist worth $7 billion dollars but betrayal, greed and other threats undermine their plans
  3. There won't be anything left of the Republicans when trump is through with them..
  4. Sounds a lot like all the threats coming out of Putin. Please Donald, do this. Split the Republican vote and guarantee some sanity in the future with Democrats guaranteed to be running things.
  5. Baba Wawa gone. How sad.
  6. In Canada I smoke kief exclusively. I purchase 1/2 oz each of 20-25% thc indica and sativa for around $60 cdn(1500bt). I have a 4 layer grinder for each and only smoke the produced kief. It's quite strong, so I weigh out 20-30mg and smoke that. Has anyone tried the kief here? Wonderful if they use good pot to make it from but I suspect the quality of the original pot would be low. Please advise.
  7. The 2g of OG was free. I suspect it will be lower quality as they aren't selling it. If so, another good sign about this dealer.
  8. Only tried the sweet zombie. Best I've seen since Canada.
  9. Many people living overseas use the Schwab ATM card as a cheap way to get money from the US. Obviously people living in the US have little need to avoid foreign transaction fees. The issue is the expats that keep a Schwab account to avail themselves of the freebies and have no investments there. Schwab likely determined that the easiest way to minimize their costs was to just get rid of all people living overseas, some of which may have significant investments there.
  10. As I indicated, the pics on the site are accurate for the strains I bought.
  11. What does paying federal taxes have to do with using a Schwab account to get something free?
  12. The line shopping order from HI OG showed up and was <deleted> as expected. The good news is that I placed an order yesterday from siam seeds at around 4:00 pm. This afternoon they called and set up a meet at a local big c. Kind of like doing drug deals when I was a teenager. Not smoked any yet but I purchased a few grams of different products, and they all appear just as on the website, and all smell good. 2 free grams of OG Kush as a holiday bonus too. Looks like I've found my supplier. Also, they are licensed for online sales.
  13. Most of the current Chinese travelers will have some Omicron variant which is relatively mild. The big concern is that with no more lockdowns in China, the likelyhood of new variants developing there is somewhat high. This is why the US and others are requiring pre-flight tests before allowing travel.
  14. It's all these people with Schwab accounts with little money in them that use the account for foreign ATM transactions as Schwab has no foreign transaction fee and covers any local ATM fees. I've wondered for years when schwab would catch on to the freeloaders. Looks like it's finally beginning.
  15. It's been over a week since I received the message on line that the product had been shipped(no tracking num). Still not here. Lucky for me it's COD. Obviously not coming. Vendor was HI OG. Probably best to ignore him. Anyone have success on line shopping?
  16. And I thought cherries were only a thing in the Philippines ...
  17. I'm not frightened of a disease. I'm frightened by the antivaxers whose narrow mindedness will allow these (almost) eradicated diseases to gain foothold and overload the medical system. Many countries right now cannot handle the current respiratory diseases. How bad do you think it will be with all these eradicated diseases back in the mix?
  18. Yes, of course. Those viruses and bacteria will never be allowed through immigration so cannot exit those countries. Problem solved. Antivaxer are you?
  19. Sorry, you do not own the car. She does. Expensive mistake. Nothing you can do now except maybe offer some cash for her to sign it over. Good luck.
  20. It's all the antivax morons. Measles, polio, smallpox, whooping cough, etc. Expect resurgences of them all.
  21. If you have an android phone, android auto does all that. Short for android automobile, not android automatic. Google maps works well. There are many audio players that are compatible. Google it to find one you like.
  22. I brought it over $5000(daily limit) at a time with ATM over the counter withdrawals. Never saw the cash, directly deposited into my account where it has remained the last 4 or 5 years. Nobody has ever asked to prove it came from outside.
  23. Just did this myself. 800k in the bank for years. 2k for the NR-O and 1900 for the 1 year extension. Only fools and destitutes need to use agents.
  24. Please explain your definition of "research". As an actual scientist with letters after my name to prove it, I believe I would have a very different definition. I suspect your definition would consist of finding some site on the internet that has info that concurs with your preconceived view of the world. Goes back 2000 years? Obviously you are referring to the bible, the biggest book of fiction ever concocted.
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