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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. I watched it last night and agree somewhat. That said, it is still much better than most everything else being produced these days which is why it was so welo rated. It grabbed and held my attention, which is rare these days, for most of the movie. Only deteriorated in the last 25%.
  2. They couldn't script this stuff better if they tried. If Trump or his minions were smarter this stuff wouldn't happen.
  3. Thanks for that. I guess it's time to get off my ass and come back. I'd use the old warning "I'm coming back, lock up the women and children", but it's probably not PC enough for current times.
  4. Sorry, but unlike the propaganda emanating from the right wing media, there is not a "woke" police that has an agenda of brainwashing the populace of their supposed ideas. Obviously the brainwashing is clearly on the right wing side.
  5. So are we back to the pre-covid scenario where no additional paperwork, insurance, etc is required if you're passport country is on the visa exempt list?
  6. And it's all true. I remember when the news broke that these guys broke the lottery.
  7. Probably better to tell us what you like instead of what you don't since you apparently detest what is rated as the best tv/movies of the past 30 years...
  8. Yeah, it's not a boring crime documentary with whites in all protagonist roles. Few here will appreciate it. I will, of course, check it out. The original GOT started out relatively slowly as they introduced the players. I expect the same here.
  9. The way I understand it, the original dosage on the drug when it was first introduced was 0.3 mg, or 300 micrograms. The larger dosages are for marketing purposes only. I take 1/4 of a 5mg tablet daily. Taking 5 or 10mg has a result that is no different than taking 0.5mg. Melatonin is not your typical sleeping aid which knocks you out. It just gives you a bit of a nudge towards sleep. This nudge is sufficient for some.
  10. Please explain what you mean by "turn things around". More tax cuts for the rich? More stooges in important government positions? More civil liberties stolen? If Trump gets back into power he will attempt to become another Putin. Too bad for his supporters he isn't smart enough to be successful. He would again be a puppet of whatever "strong man" leader that is dominating him that week, just like when he was in power.
  11. How old are you anyway? Funny you haven't figured this out by now. It's the same all over the world, not just Thailand. The sales <removed> will tell any lie they can think of to extract as much money as possible from your pocket. Not just vehicle sales, everything you buy has the same problem.
  12. Bill Maher has an interesting take on woke. Well worth a watch..
  13. The US is in the middle of collapse. Expect a dictator similar to Putin to be running it in 10 years.
  14. Yes, maybe you can find somewhere relatively safe. But unless you expect to die tomorrow, you need to concern yourself with what may happen in 5 or 10 years. Who knows what cartel may spring up down the road from your residence. And remember, it's a country where the government is clearly unable to control the criminals, so you can't rely on them. Five years ago your argument was used about many of the resort areas where murders, kidnapping, robberies, etc are now prevalent.
  15. The title says it all...
  16. This one appears to not be very bright either. He was carrying a nail gun. His social media posts from the time indicated he thought he could get through the bulletproof glass but his attempts failed. Even though I haven't seen any reporting about it, it's obvious to me he thought the nail gun could break the glass. Soon to be discussed on your favorite news source...
  17. There's a 2009 movie with the same tifle, also excellent. Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Helen Miren. Remake of the tv series. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0473705
  18. The operation was actually performed, not on screen obviously.
  19. You'll have to watch it till the end. I'd hate to spoil it for you.
  20. Some of us have brains of our own and don't need Fox News to tell us what to think. Not nearly enough of us though...
  21. Have you seen the one yet where they do a sex change operation on a baby?
  22. Saw Bob Odenkirk(Saul from BCS) on Bill Maher a few weeks back where they discussed his start in a skit comedy series from HBO in the 90's called "Mr Show with Bob and Doug". Found it on TPB. He sure has some talent. If you're into skit comedy, this is a winner. Isn't it funny how good comedians make great actors but it generally doesn't work the other way.
  23. Mexico #1? Ha. I would have retired there 25 years ago but the drug cartels and the associated violence killed that(pun intended). I don't think much has changed.
  24. I had a 2011 650R which I purchased new. It came with a sticker indicating 91 octane.
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