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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. I have Vanguard MF's and use a foreign address. When changed from a US address to a foreign one, Vanguard closed my brokerage account but had no problem at all keeping the MF's open. Mutual funds can be transferred between companies without a tax hit if you keep the money in the same fund. Try Vanguard or Schwab to see if they can help you.
  2. Anyone that watches Code 404, season 3 has dropped.
  3. And hopefully they stay that way.
  4. It's part of being a landlord, not just in Thailand but anywhere. Tenants break leases all the time. If it's too much for you then you need to get out of the business.
  5. I run Linux exclusively on my laptops and desktops for at least the last 10 years. I use no antivirus or firewall software on any of them and have had no problem. You need to realize the virus cretators target the most prevalent systems which are obviously windows and apple. With linux being a comparably much smaller segment, they have little reason to target it. Your firewall has no reason to be in your laptop/desktop regardless of the OS. Much better to do that in your router.
  6. Thanks for the reference. Looks good. And it reminded me that I still haven't watched the final season of Shameless...
  7. I just started downloading through TPB a 2008 series called The Fixer. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1204507/ It looks like it is something that would be appreciated here.
  8. And another one's gone And another one's gone And another one bites the dust You know the tune, at least hum along
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/25/health/marijuana-potency-addiction-study-wellness/index.html CNN — Higher concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC – the part of the marijuana plant that makes you high – are causing more people to become addicted in many parts of the world, a new review of studies found. Compared with people who use lower-potency products (typically 5 to 10 milligrams per gram of THC), those who use higher-potency cannabis are more likely to experience addiction and mental health outcomes, according to the study published Monday in the journal Lancet Psychiatry. Scientists have established a “standard THC unit” of 5 milligrams of THC for research. That amount is said to produce a mild intoxication for nonregular users. “One of the highest quality studies included in our publication found that use of high potency cannabis, compared to low potency cannabis, was linked to a four-fold increased risk of addiction,” said study coauthor Tom Freeman, a senior lecturer in the department of psychology and director of the addiction and mental health group at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, in an email. XXXXXXXXXXXXX Enjoy
  10. How many times do you need to criticize the same movie?
  11. So no model number then? What are you trying to hide?
  12. If you had the model number it would be easily proven. I have a couple of boxes by MeCool with 64 gig of memory, built in chromecast, etc, etc. that were under 2k each. The specs match at least the best minix i could find. 500 baht for yearly app support would be a good deal, especially for the technically challenged.
  13. And if you buy the exact same box on aliexpress it's around 2000 baht. You may need to load some of the apps but it's not very difficult. Those local dealers are bandits.
  14. As explained earlier in the thread, the literature that came with the grinder said pollen was what was screened into the final chamber of the grinder. It is actually kief, also explained earlier in the thread.
  15. Just get a scale capable of weighing milligrams, or 0.001 grams. I got one from Amazon for around $20, but I'm sure they are available on lazada or aliexpress. I already had one that weighed in 10mg or .01 grams but with the dosage around 20 or 30 mg, the resolution wasn't fine enough.
  16. Yes, you're correct. The proper term is kief. Shame on me for believing the BS provided with the grinder. Regardless, it's much better smoking the kief than the regular product. Not harsh at all by comparison. It is stronger than the regular. I weigh out the desired amount of mg and smoke it in a screened pipe. That allows me to control the intensity of the high. Works great. https://www.thrillist.com/lifestyle/nation/what-is-kief-what-to-do-with-it-and-how-to-smoke-it
  17. Yes, pot is getting cheap in Canada. Bought a half oz (14 gm) of 19% thc yesterday for $43 cdn. That's about 1200 baht, or about 85 baht per gram. It's so cheap I only smoke pollen now. Not harsh at all, and easily extracted by a 4 layer grinder.
  18. I'm only a few episodes in and I see it as a poor imitation of Vera. It's from New Zealand. Like Vera, it has a flawed main character who is portrayed to be a police mastermind. Ok to watch occasionally.
  19. I used to stay here almost exclusively. I stopped as the internet wifi was terrible. It's been a while so maybe it's been fixed. They wanted to charge extra for internet access. The rooms in the newer wing were also very tiny, so if you go this route insist on the older bldg, that is the one with the pool on the roof.
  20. If anyone watches the Brokenwood Mysteries, season 8 has begun to drop and an episode or two are available.
  21. Don't know how that happened. I selected the text from tacochun's post and clicked quote selection. We now have to check the website does this basic stuff correctly?
  22. Sorry to cloud the conversation with facts, but the Ukraine HAD nuclear weapons but because Russia signed a non-invasion treaty, they would give them up.
  23. Oh come on. This isn't news anymore. This is America. The US should be on travel warnings...
  24. Genital warts. Enjoy.
  25. With the UN being basically useless due to Russia and China having veto power over any substantive motions, expect NATO to start expansion into the sea of China. Initial members will be S.Korea, japan maybe Vietnam. Later additions will be the Philippines after much cleaning up of the corrupt government there. Taiwan? Hmmm.
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