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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Is fox news really accredited? Hard to believe.
  2. As I stated the tox3 box i got from AliExpress has the same specs but runs much better. 20 degrees c cooler too. 2 week delivery.
  3. Don't worry “comrade“. If you were Russian I wouldn't have given it to you anyway.
  4. Hk1 rbox x4. S905x4 4gb ram 64gb rom. Gigabit ethernet. Bidders?
  5. Haha. I'd throw it out before I did that. Offer 1000 and I'd consider it.
  6. Here's a similar model to the one I purchased that comes with a power adapter. I ordered one without as I have many adapters already and didn't need another. https://shopee.co.th/ORICO-4-7-Port-USB-3.0-HUB-with-12V-Power-Adapter-USB-Splitter-OTG-Adapter-For-Notebook-Desktop-Laptop-PC-Computer-H7928-i.329102920.6291548646?sp_atk=98799664-77e1-4282-bded-9bb32f0eb965&xptdk=98799664-77e1-4282-bded-9bb32f0eb965
  7. I bought a 64gb 4gb ram hk1 box. It was a POS. Overheated, occasionally dropping video, etc. It's now in a drawer. I replaced it with another box with similar specs, a TOX3. About 2500 baht in Thailand or 1500 on AliExpress. Rooted, no heat problems, no video dropping... And as for not getting android updates. I don't want them. Google keeps adding stuff to make them more secure, which can prevent me from doing something I want to do.
  8. Each USB port can handle one 2.5 inch hard drive. For more than that you need a powered USB hub. I recently picked one up on shopee and have 4 of those drives mounted and functional on it. Poor quality USB port in your tv would explain your scenario.
  9. So what you are essentially saying is that people who have a history riding big bikes are some of the friendliest you have met. I do agree. I might exclude harley riders though.
  10. Yeah, me too. But my drinks will be free comparatively as I haven't paid for an onward ticket... Which onward ticket company do you have a financial interest in?
  11. Yes, but not the cheap flights. It tells you on the page after you select a flight if it is cancelable.
  12. No. You cancel your ticket while waiting to board your flight, not when you get to Thailand.
  13. No. Send him back. He can be cannon fodder for Wagner. Sent to attack the Ukrainians with no armaments or armor.
  14. Sorry, only in Canada... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-man-not-guilty-stabbing-wife-automatism-1.6734158?cmp=rss A B.C. man who stabbed his wife in the back with a kitchen knife has been found not guilty because he was in a state of automatism — a term describing unconscious, involuntary behaviour. According to a B.C. Supreme Court ruling, Jean-Luc Charles Perignon stabbed his wife Debra following an Easter Monday dinner at their Sunshine Coast home in April 2017. Perignon claims he was in a state of automatism after consuming alcohol and prescription drugs prior to the attack. The most likely explanation for Perignon's actions, the judge ruled, is that they were "entirely involuntary because it occurred while he was effectively asleep."
  15. What's it called on Amazon?
  16. Just use your Jedi mind tricks on them. Simply say ”sorry, I don't give money to police“. Worked for me every time I've done it. I think they were flabbergasted and didn't know what to do.
  17. I would never buy pot from someone who says pot ground into powder is the future... Clearly looking for naive customers.
  18. Prices everywhere in the world are higher than they were 9 months ago. It's called inflation. Don't try to blame it on Thailand. Actually, just having come from the west, I have noticed that the increases here are much smaller than the increases there. The worst may be to come.
  19. I see little need to have a printer, unless I have a business needing lots printed. Here I only print docs for immigration. I put the filled out forms on a USB stick and take it to a photo shop where they print it for a few baht a page. No printer needed at my house. No ink cartridges, no space to put the printer, etc. I do the same in my home country. Easier though. You email your docs to staples and then go to the shop and print them. $.12 per sheet for black and white.
  20. If anyone is interested, big c extra, at least in Pattaya, bakes a wonderful multi seed low GI bread, about 100 baht. The only bread I'll eat while in Thailand.
  21. Historically, when pot was maybe 2 or 3 percent it was hard to find. Hot knife hits of black Afghani hash did fit the bill in the 70s though. Lately while in Canada I've been smoking only kief that I extract myself. As I have previously described, because the pot is so cheap there I buy 1/2 oz each of indica and sativa with a 4-layer grinder for each. The pot is about 20%, and I would guess the kief is well over 30%. One hit is more than enough. It also is much smoother than smoking the source pot. Here I've been smoking this for the last few weeks. It serendipitously fell into my lap. Opportunity knocked and thankfully I answered the door. Called shatter or dank or bho. I would estimate the THC content to be over 80%. One toke of this will knock you on your ass. I smoke the tiniest amount. The gram I acquired should last months. Sorry to say though, the source has asked not to be identified and I will respect that as I will probably want more sometime in the future. It can be purchased in Canada for $35 CDN (25us) for 2 grams. I likely won't smoke kief in Canada any more.
  22. Any smokeable that takes more than 1 toke to get the desired effect is not worth smoking.
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