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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. When farmers are told to miss a harvest, the government should compensate them. Planting tree? FFS.
  2. Anutin agrees with him https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/09/asia/thailand-cannabis-legal-minister-interview-intl-hnk/index.html
  3. That does not sound like official immigration speak to me. ????
  4. The 'ripple up' effect of increasing the minimum wage will increase tax revenues, but cause hardship to employers. ie when the lowest paid have an increase, the more experienced staff also need to have an increase - otherwise they leave.
  5. I wonder who was paying him for that one. Lawyers do not usually do free work.
  6. That was probably just when Samui had opened up after Covid. People were only just returning to the island. Grab is pretty much all over the island these days. Many of our guests use Grab except for trips to the airport/ferry terminals. Grab are also banned from some tourist spots.
  7. CCTV footage of the shooting is doing the rounds here in Samui. Someone sent me a copy this morning. Pretty damning evidence.
  8. A good article thank you. Thai Enquirer is one of the very few publications that does not give in to the whims of the censors and the government. They are not afraid to tell the truth.
  9. I disagree. The escalator did an emergency stop, as it is supposed to do. How many folk follow the intructions for the escalator use that are on the side of every one? Clue - not many. How difficult is it to step off the escalator before you hit the end?
  10. Sad that Police Major Siwakorn had to die to become famous. All he did was refuse to be bought by ex kamnan Nok.
  11. They certainly cannot afford the same treatment. If they could, they would be in the next room.
  12. I too pay the developers 9 baht per unit, plus FT charge, plus VAT. I am not expecting the greedy so and so's to drop the price. If they do I will publicly go down on my knees, say three Hail Mary's and thank Allah.
  13. When I have made a claim with April - it was paid PDQ. Not that I have made many, but always money straight into the bank. My problem now is that they only accept claims via a phone app. Changing insurance companies is not really an option. At 72 and with (now) pre-existing illnesses, I doubt if any insurance company would accept me onto their books. For me, it is April or self insure.
  14. It seems that there was a fight between two mini van drivers at the airport today. I am not sure if it was at the official waiting area for arrivals or the unofficial one just outside the entrance to airport. Anyway, it appears that driver 1 argued with driver 2 then punched him in the face. Driver 2 went to his van, picked up his gun, and shot driver 1. I understand that driver 1 has passed away. RIP Driver 1's friends restrained driver 2 before he could get away. Has anyone else heard or seen anything?
  15. It is similar here on Samui. Most hospitals have 'helicopter' doctors, coming for scheduled surgeries. Bangkok Samui has a number permanently based here on a rota system. Often from the government hospital here.
  16. At least the fourth quarter is usually low season, although one would not realise that when looking at the amount of traffic on the roads at the moment.
  17. This in an article in AN today. Has anyone on Samui seen any significant rain in the last month? Here in the NE peninsular we have only seen an hour's heavy rain in that time - two or three night's ago. A very quick shower last night.
  18. You are doing bloomin well if those are annual payments. My April premium for 2022 was $4,108 for six months. I was 71 and have made two claims in 12 years. Prostate biopsy - no cancer and draining a lung after an infection. Both pre 2017. My policy for this year is $6,202 for six months aged 72. The policy is in patient only - no International repatriation (which they cancelled last year). I am not sure, but I think that it was an extra $50 (or $25) per payment for instalments. My dealings with April direct have been abysmal failures. They send the bill out in December, for Jan 1 payment, by snail post. Since Covid decimated Samui, we have zero post in the area where I live. No postman. I have to send emails asking for the amount to be paid. (They send emails reminding me that I have not paid it!) Now, all claims have to be by the 'easy claim' app. They have stopped supporting the online web portal for claims. As I used to work in the software development business for more than 30 years, I do not trust these micky mouse apps on phones. I do not even have wifi on my phone. I wrote to April in July asking for an alternative claim media as opposed to apps. They replied last week. Guess what - snail post again. Too old to change now with a couple of new pre-existing conditions.
  19. What you say is fine in theory. Reality says that if the airport is successful, people complain about high prices. eg Koh Samui. A private airport does not have the benefit of taxpayers to support it. Private airports have to make money for dividends to the private investors who took the risk in the first place.
  20. Totally agree. I use that format for back ups and for ledgers.
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