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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Shutting doors and bolting horses springs to mind here.
  2. And who are the sad degenerates taking these photos and spreading them? Anti-social media strikes again.
  3. The final number of victims is still to be arrived at. There will be some family members that will never recover from this horror. They will be broken forever. Very, very sad ☹️. RIP ????
  4. I am not sure how much you know about Samui and how committed you in coming here. KhunPer has good local knowledge and gives good advice eg new Honda Click. I buy second hand bikes for staff from the local guy who services and rents bikes, on the understanding that if there are any problems - he fixes them. I have bought 7 or 8 bikes off him over the years - for staff. Even my own 'Noah's Ark' era PCX. No problems with any of them. If by Bophut you are thinking Fisherman's Village, Maybe reconsider a kilometer or two along the coast. Maenam has some cheaper long term places as does Bangrak. The downside for Fisherman's village (and Chaweng) is the cost of meals in restaurants. The rents in those villages are higher (many tourists) so the meals tend to be a more expensive. Being on an island has an extra cost. Get your Bangkok Airways resident's card as soon as you can. Big savings on flights. Regarding Samui Immigration. These days, I and my friends, have no issues. Learn their rules and just follow them. Simple. I do not have a retirement visa yet (71 and counting) but there is a separate thread on this forum about them. Good luck. It's a lovely island. It is a lot more than just Chaweng.
  5. It is very hot. I have been using it for years.
  6. The police do not have a good record with this scenario! It is all red bullxxxx.
  7. I have some sympathy for the poor guy. That one is a killer. I too suffer from COPD and there is not a lot that the docs here can do. Even if he has insurance, eventually, the insurance companies stop paying out. Good luck sir.
  8. As a teacher, my 'farang' wife had no trouble in getting a loan for her new car. No idea about a mortgage though. We paid cash to have the house built.
  9. Of course casinos are coming. This is the most corrupt government ever in Thailand. They will not miss a chance like this.
  10. Lovely photos thank you. This is the view at sunset that I have to put up with.
  11. A lot of strange statements here. My sister was 12 the first time that she ran away from home to find her father. No deep-rooted conspiracy theory - she just missed her dad. She would run away once a year and I just kept finding her and bringing her home to mum. When she was 16 years old, I stopped bringing her back. She found her dad and he told her to brugger off. She stopped 'running away'.
  12. Same here but lived here 22 years. Never stuck in traffic - I ride a bike. I would never do that in Bangkok!
  13. Maybe those smokers that are in denial (all of them?) should search 'mental health issues from smoking cannabis' Many medical and government bodies are in agreement that there is a connection - especially in younger people. More studies are under way. Previous studies say that there is a connection There are also studies re the long term affects on the lungs. These have never been looked into before because those that smoke it think that it is safe. Sucking anything into your lungs is not safe! Tobacco is not the only killer.
  14. The fact that the military in Burma are involved in the drug trade at the highest level has been known for years. The drug dealers can only operate if they pay the military. The other side of this one is that the money is laundered through Singapore as 'development' projects and the like. And the Singapore government know where the money comes from! Death penalty for the little guys and visas for the big ones.
  15. Shame on Thailand for sucking up to another illegal junta. I understand that the young lady has sought asylum in Thailand with the UNHCR. Stop a hero but cannot find Boss. Double shame.
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