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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Thank you for that lom. I went there today. Very good service. I needed to upgrade my reading glasses and the pair that I use when working at the computer screens. New reading glass lenses - 1,800 baht. Fitted to the existing frames. New work frames and lenses - 4,300 baht Consultancy 1,000 baht. They will all be ready tomorrow. The bad news - cataracts. Not too bad for now. He suggested waiting before considering the operation.
  2. In a different article, I read that the dog smells the chemicals that coat things like flash drives etc. That is where the photos of the victims tend to be stored. It is not a drug sniffing dog. I cannot remember where I read that article now.
  3. Thailand is in anyone's pocket when it suits them and if there is money to be made by those in power.
  4. Seems that submarines and F35's are not going to be much help against Thailand's biggest and most aggressive enemy. ????
  5. No it is not. Everything will be 'blurred' is the basis, in order for Prayut to get back in. The result is a forgone conclusion. ????
  6. No decline of quality tourists on Samui - plenty of Indians checking into the villas up here. ????
  7. Totally agree that Thailand desperately needs PIF's. I still remember them from the '50s and '60s. Do not dazzle (headlights on full beam) Parking (never on the brow of a hill or a corner/bend) Careful overtaking (again never on the brow of a hill or a corner/bend) And so on infinitum. Well said.
  8. I do not disagree. The bit that amuses me is that pretty much everyone who posts here breaks the law somewhere. The charm of living here is that we decide which laws we want to break. The complaints about the lack of law enforcement is just people complaining that someone else breaks different laws.
  9. First of all, well done on thinking ahead. Many do not. I do not believe that the statement above is true. When my wife died (without a will - we were in the process of writing one) I had to go to court to claim her possessions. In law, all of her goods were to be shared between me, her parents and siblings. I had to obtain written statements from them all stating that they did not want anything. Once I presented those documents in court, I was given possession. Your parents (?) siblings and any children would have to do the same presumably. Better to write a will in Thailand. Depending on where you live, English may be OK. I am not a legal expert but that is what happened in my scenario.
  10. Hanging on by his fingertips maybe but it seems that his fingertips are set in concrete. Difficult to prise him out.
  11. Please recommend a good optician to me. (Age conquers all.) Having lived on the island for a while, I have been seen by the pretty ones. The ones on commission only. The ones who sell fake Ray-Bans and the ones desperate for a sale. I am looking for the one that can do a professional eye test and not always recommend the 10,000 baht frames. I used to go to a guy in Nathon, but he has now closed down (as have many other businesses). ???? Thank you ????
  12. We have managed to send small items with lithium batteries via FedEx. Not cheap though. Post office said no. Both use the same airline.
  13. My wife was a teacher at an International school. One morning the father of a Thai student gave her a rolled up newspaper and told her to hit the child with it if the child was naughty. This was a child in kindergarten. My wife politely refused the request.
  14. I believe that you have to go to court. When my wife died (no will) I had to go to court to obtain legal access to her car. I had to get her parents AND siblings to sign a letter that they had no interest in the car. The court awarded the car to me. I then took the court order, death certificate and car book to the Land transport office and had the car changed into my name.
  15. Tell me about it. My cleaning staff are being 'stolen' by the local hotels and they are even after accounts people. On my third one in four months.
  16. There are very few flat roads on Koh Samui. (If any.) Taxis and minivans will not pick up/drop off at many addresses - road to steep. (In Samui language - is the villa up the mountain? Cannot!)
  17. I am in awe of anyone who can read a book on a phone. Tiny, fiddly screen! I speed read and my fingers would be swiping like crazy (and they are not that good). I probably need to see about half a page at a time. Good luck with the phone.
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