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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. I never criticise or laugh at Thai spelling in English. Whatever is written is a million times better than anything that I could write in Thai.
  2. It is very different on the islands. No cab on Samui uses the meter. In my experience, it is the same when I have been on Phuket and KPN. To be fare though, they are very courteous when they take 800 baht for the 15 minute trip from the airport here on Samui.
  3. I have often used Agoda and have had no problems.
  4. Wrong. No need for a TM 30 if the ladies (or men - I am not sure what FL, WS or LT mean) are registered in the same province. The immigration law, as I understand it, is that all visitors from outside of the province should register their stay. As some have written - no one really cares if you do not do it - until something goes wrong. Then, there could be problems.
  5. Roctopus have a good reputation. Have a look at their site. roctopusdive com Ignore the previous posts - fear mongering. You have more chance of dying in a motorbike accident somewhere in Thailand
  6. I had to go to the DLT office at the provincial capital (Suratthani) for my IDP. Very quick and professional service.
  7. Pretty well sums up all of the policies of this illegal government. Leaks everywhere.
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