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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. The law has been around for a while, before 2017, but it was largely ignored. 1970's? The law states that you must register (TM 30) your place of accommodation within 24 hours of arrival. It is the legal responsibility of the house owner, landlord, property manager, hotel to do this. However, if they refuse, and you do not have one, immigration may - refuse to talk to you arrest you or whatever. This seems to differ by IO location. The bottom line these days is that if you want to talk to immigration about anything, it is more likely to be more fruitful if you are registered on the TM 30 database.
  2. If we have to tell you, you probably will still not understand it.
  3. Close. It was Thursday. If the FMP is on a significant Buddhist date, the party is the day before or the day after. 2023 2024 Friday, January 6 Thursday, January 25 Wednesday, January 14 Sunday, February 5 Sunday, February 25 Thursday, February 12 Tuesday, March 7 Sunday, March 24 Friday, March 14 Friday, April 5 Tuesday, April 23 Sunday, April 13 Saturday, May 4 Thursday, May 23 Monday, May 12 Sunday, June 4 Friday, June 21 Wednesday, June 11 Sunday, July 2 Monday, July 22 Thursday, July 10 Thursday, August 3 Thursday, August 31 Monday, August 19
  4. Sadly, I think that you are correct. Boeing have a reputation for hiding defects. They all get swept under the table or Boeing blame someone else and it is not just the 737 Max. Would you volunteer to be a crew member on the Starliner? https://www.businessinsider.com/boeing-software-errors-jeopardized-starliner-spaceship-737-max-planes-2020-2?op=1
  5. So if you were lying in the middle of the road, you expect folk to just drive around you and ignore you Unlike some posters here. I am a caring human being. In both examples that I quoted, I stopped to see if I could help With the two girls, it was an offer to take them to hospital. They were both standing and in a bit of pain. The nearest hospital was at least 40 minutes away by car and the bike was useless. In the case of the hotel worker, it was too dangerous to do nothing. He and the bike were in the middle of a narrow lane, just after a blind bend. Anyone driving there would have wiped themselves or him it. It was shift change time at the hotel. So I parked the jeep before the bend and checked on the lad. I am not a medic and I do not try to treat folk. I called my Thai business partner to come and help with translation with the stopped traffic. I called an ambulance and waited for it to come. Meantime, I moved the bike to the side of the road. And some posters here would just try to drive around the accident. Unbelievable. My post was not about being a 'hero' as suggested by one callous poster. It was about being careful to believe eye witness statements on Koh Samui.
  6. When a foreigner is involved, Thai witnesses do not always tell the truth here on Samui 1 young girl on a motorbike had a toddler in front of her. She drove straight into a parked truck. Just not looking. I stopped my jeep and went to see if I could help. eg take the toddler to hospital. A crowd of 20 - 30 Thais soon gathered around and started blaming me until two Thais told them not to be stupid. I was nowhere near the accident. I was driving on the other side of the road going in the opposite direction. 2 worker from the hotel near where I live was diving fast down a narrow lane and hit a pot hole. Came off his bike and smacked his head. Unconscious. I was the first to arrive and again tried to help. Another worker from the same hotel called the police and said that he had seen the accident and told them that I had hit is friend and knocked him off his bike. The police examined my jeep but could not see any damage. The case was left open until the first guy recovered his senses and told the police that no one else was involved. So forgive me if I read 'witness 'statements like the above with a bit of scepticism
  7. But how is that going to stop the continual +60 and +697 calls that I keep getting?
  8. In the last few days I have been receiving at least three scam calls a day in quick succession. From +60 numbers. I know them to be scams as they are on a phone where no one has the number. I use an app so that I can stay in contact with my business partner if there is a problem. She is the only person with access to that phone.
  9. I wondered how he made all that money so that he could by expensive clothes. I had assumed that he was funded by Prayut's party, but now the answer is obvious. "Pay me or I sue you".
  10. We did that for a friend of mine. His widow, a monk et al were all in the boat but then we had to pay extra to the guy that we hired the boat from. He thought that we were on a fishing trip. His argument was that he now had to have the boat blessed by the monks to remove any bad karma.
  11. You seem hell bent on supporting Russia. The support for Ukraine is not an American, EU or UK thing. It is Nato and the next countries that might be invaded by Russia are in Nato. There are already threats from Russia that 'they are next'.
  12. But none of the reports mention that he was carrying a red chair when he took the taxi. Of course, he may have taken the chair there on an earlier visit.
  13. But this is Thailand. My wife died suddenly in her sleep. No existing medical conditions. She was a 'young' 55. The police called round to investigate 'the crime scene'. Foul play was ruled out. The hospital said that there would need to be an autopsy - at least a week's delay. That autopsy did not happen. It was one of a number of scams by the hospital to get more money (government hospital). You rent the space in the morgue. As I said, it was one of a number of scams and I am not sure if you do have to pay for the morgue. If there was an autopsy, her body would not be in the morgue and I would receive a copy of the report.
  14. But you will be on their database when they enter your name. I do online reporting. I never carry a TM 30 report.
  15. Technically you are correct. It probably depends on the local IO. Friends here on Samui did not have a TM30 report. They were 'arrested' and escorted to immigration. Not the house master.
  16. Seriously? The people of Ukraine and Crimea might disagree with you comment, but then again, when they disagree with Russia, they tend to disappear.
  17. I am not sure if that is correct. When my wife died, it was just after we had sold a property and I had put the money in her bank account so that she could tell her family that she was now a 'millionaire'. I then spent the next two to three weeks transferring the money to my account (500,000 baht per day max.) I mentioned this to my lawyer (she did not leave a will - we were waiting until the property sold). The lawyer said that was normal in Thailand - do not worry.
  18. Sorry for your loss. My wife died a few years back and the process was relatively straight forward. You will need copies of the death certificate and I think there was a letter from the embassy to allow the hospital to release her body. Then it was a trip to the local temple to arrange the cremation/funeral. After the cremation you will receive a certificate from the temple confirming that Mrs xxxxx was cremated. Take what ashes you want for the family, home and put them in a couple of jars. (Plastic, sealed coffee containers.) I was advised by some baggage handlers to put a label on the jars stating 'Human remains - non toxic'. Then I put the jars in my suitcase and flew with her in the hold. I flew with Turkish Airlines via Istanbul and Antalya as friends wanted some of her ashes and wanted to see me. Then onto Birmingham to see her family. *Warning* you will be flying with white powder that apparently looks like drugs. I was searched/scanned/questioned at every stop of my journey (4 or 5 times) so carry the relevant documents in your hand luggage. Addendum When my father in law died when we were living in Australia, his wife wanted the cremation to be done there and the funeral parlour posted his ashes back to the UK.
  19. I think that survey is very limited. SE Asia seems to have been ignored. Just western places in the list. Hong Kong and Singapore They have to up there in the top. They are very safe cities. I have lived in both
  20. It is probably for leaving Thailand. If you do not have a TM 30 you have broken the immigration law.
  21. Not sure if it is connected, but the TM 30 online reporting system was also down today. Good old Thai apps. And the banks/government insist on you using them.
  22. You are obviously too young. My UK licence 'died' a few years ago. I never bothered to renew it. Thai DL and Thai IDP work everywhere that I want to go to.
  23. That is a difficult question to answer in the world wide context. However, here in Thailand, they would never spend their life in gaol. So yes, go to gaol.
  24. Oh dear. What could possible go wrong? Whatever happens, I hope that the little lad survives OK
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