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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Rubbish. Do you believe the same thing when the west helped to stop Hitler in the second world war? UK. USA and others helped to repel the murdering invaders.
  2. Not really. Russia illegally invaded Ukraine and bombed innocent civilians. It is the aggressor and Russia could stop at any time if it wanted to. Ukraine is trying to defend itself and repel the murderers. It has no choice. What is strange about that. Yes, now Ukraine is after Russia in its own territory. It is called war. Do you believe that the West should not try to help the oppressed smaller countries?
  3. Love all of your comments. Keep up the sniping - it is entertaining (and I am not a prostitute).
  4. Thank you for that. I have come to the same conclusion. I will need to rethink as it was only a 'nice to know' thing. Not worth a major hassle or expense. The main benefit was for all to see what was going on. Oh well - back to the drawing board.
  5. From the main article How does this make her a prostitute?
  6. It's not a disrespect thing. Just normal for a lot of SE Asia. Thais are not taught 'queueing'. It's a relatively new thing. You can go with the flow or educate them one at a time. Up to you.
  7. Well done to the rape/assault victims for pressing charges. Very brave indeed.
  8. Who the heck carries paid utility bills around with them.
  9. I have never had a problem renting from Birmingham Airport and using a Thai 5 year licence. The rental desk have a book of all different driving licences. They looked up Thailand. Compared mine to the one in the book and just asked me which number was the driving licence number.
  10. Ah yes. The infamous plane that was almost shot down by the Singapore Air Force. https://<URL Automatically Removed>.com/thailand-and-asia-news/23991-koh-samui-plane-forced-land-singapore.html
  11. You are correct. HAMAS have zero intention of stopping the slaughter of innocent civilians - women, children and babies. And they kill, rape and torture them close up, with glee. And hide behind and under innocent Palestinians. Wipe HAMAS out I say.
  12. To help you in your moment of need. From the heading of the article. Is cannabis legal for foreigners in Thailand? Know the rules
  13. According to the 'head of prisons' in a report on AN a while back, thousands of prisoners over 70 years old serve their sentence at home or in hospital.
  14. Interesting that the 'rules' never mention smoking cannabis, just 'consuming' it and only for medicinal reasons.
  15. That is exactly why I want the monitor. The online sites tell me that on Samui, it is in the 60's or lower but south KPN lately has been 120 plus. Where I live on Samui, I am probably closer to KPN than to where the readings are taken here. I am not concerned for me, but if the readings are higher then I will probably buy an air purifier for the old Thai lady that lives next door. She shuts the house up tight at night.
  16. Thanks for that response TGJIB. I had not thought about the power supply. There is one near the place that I had planned to use, but I do not want cables trailing there. I need to find one that runs of AA or AA batteries - similar to the thermometer.
  17. Thank you phetphet and KhunLA. I will look into your suggestions
  18. Thank you both for your suggestion, but I do not think that it will work. I wanted a meter, to place on the wall below the thermometer/humidity meter. See photo. With a meter, I can see what the quality is like where I live, and the staff can also see for themselves instead of asking me. I have no problem with the air quality. I live with all doors and windows open. Even though I have COPD (chronic bronchitis) I can breath well here. (Unless I try and climb hills.)
  19. I am looking for recommendations for an accurate air quality monitor. Whilst the air on our beautiful island is very good compared to most of Thailand, there were a couple of days last week where we were not as clear as usual. The sites that show air quality are not that accurate at a precise location. Good for an overall quality view, but I want to monitor what I am breathing. Moderate 67 AQI US on Friday, according to https://www.iqair.com/thailand/surat-thani/ko-samui Two photos from last week and the last photo is how it usually looks.
  20. Not much help to you but water trucks short deliver as well. Common scam here on Samui.
  21. Samui is usually pretty good. I have COPD and always have doors and windows open every day. I have no trouble with breathing there. At the moment, it is a bit higher than usual but still OK. A friend living nearby is a chronic asthma sufferer and she is usually OK here is well. https://www.iqair.com/thailand/surat-thani/ko-samui
  22. I never said that. You assumed it. I wrote More traffic means more chance of inexperienced bike riders being wiped out.
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