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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. What is the point in that? There is a law about speeding - ignored. There is a law about wearing crash helmets on bikes - ignored There is a law about drink driving - ignored There is a law about buying alcohol only during certain times - ignored There is a law about selling cannabis with greater than .2 THC - ignored There is a law about smoking in buildings - ignored. There is a law about e cigarettes - ignored. There is a law about excessive noise from modified bikes - ignored. The list here is endless.
  2. Erm - it is called confidential. Not secret. There is a big difference. I certainly would not want my medical information given to the hate mongering press.
  3. What Thaksin issue? The poor old chap is not well. He has not said that he wants the top place at the trough. The only people that raise this point are the Thaksin haters. Most of the population actually love the poor unwell guy.
  4. I agree with the comments that you made but but the downside is that food and drink in Fisherman's is probably the most expensive on Samui. The food is good, but expensive. For me, Choengmon is better value for money and a much better beach than Fisherman's.
  5. Why not do a TM 30 for her? Just put yesterday's date as arrival date at your place.
  6. This government loves to spend money to help big businesses. And the poor are left.........more poor? 600 baht a month for old folk. Wow!
  7. Sorry for your loss. If you are not a director, you will have nothing to do with the situation. My understanding is that only directors have the liabilities. The good thing about this forum is that if my understanding is wrong - lots of posters will correct me.
  8. Mitsubishi Mirage. Good little worker. Nippy (1300cc engine) and very easy to park. Bought it for the wife in 2012 and lots of friends etc drove it as well. No problems at all with it and the only time that it saw a garage was for the annual service. Just sold it a month ago (wife has passed on) for 140,000 THB
  9. Nothing personal against you - it is normal practice in China and in Hong Kong when I lived there. They spit everywhere and anywhere. Back in the late 90's walking along the shopping streets was the most likely place to get a gobful.
  10. Normal practice here in Thailand. I certainly believe that a criminal should not have the power to run a country and represent the people. What sort of example does having a criminal in charge give.
  11. He is certainly further up the honesty ladder than the alternative.
  12. When a security guard thumped a Thai visitor (don't you know who I am guy). I paid his fine - 500 baht. For us foreigners, probably more.
  13. I suspect that there was a bigger crowd for the New Year's Eve party on KPN. There were certainly more boats going back and forth 'all night long' than on the FMP date. Bloomin things kept me awake all night with the constant drone of engines. At least the sea conditions were good. No accidents to my knowledge. I was told that prices were significantly higher than usual for transfers to the NYE bash.
  14. I agree with Sheryl. I am employed so my contribution is compulsory and it is via direct debit. I used to receive a paper card many years ago. Different colour every year. I still keep the last one in my wallet 'just in case'. (2556)
  15. No. The photo that you posted was pretty much perfect thank you. Lucky man.
  16. Surely, encouraging drunk drivers and boy racers onto the higher speed motorways during the '7 deadliest days' is contrary to their safety efforts.
  17. Let me help you here Airlines have always 'overpriced' flights during holiday seasons. It is their cash cow. After two years of nothing during Covid, we have to charge even more in order to replace those lost profits.
  18. Well done khun Kittipong. You did the right thing. Shame that those in the wrong can be so evil as well. The folk in that hospital are digging the hole deeper and deeper.
  19. Cannot. I had to go to Suratthani. Very quick once I was in the building. Parking a car is a nightmare there. I want by motorbike. Longest journey the bike had done in 7 years.
  20. Clever thinking, but another Indian help desk? They seem to have a dubious reputation.
  21. You are OK as long as you have not spent nights elsewhere and they have filed a TM 30. eg a hotel. If there is another TM 30 from somewhere, then you need to update again. Immigration look at the last TM 30 posted.
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