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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. If it aint't broke, don't fix it. They pay on time and they appear to not have been a problem. It sounds as if it is working. The real tenants have probable just gone and opened another (successful?) restaurant. Normal practice. Train staff. Watched them for a while and moved on to the next one. New tenants could be a can of worms.
  2. I had lens replacement in April. I went to Bangkok Hospital Phuket. There they do both single focal lenses and tri focal lenses. I went for tri focal. Total cost 219,000 baht. I too self insure. The advantage of the tri focal, I no longer need to wear glasses. With the single focal I would still be wearing them. The department is called Bright View Centre. Excellent service, great staff and a brilliant doctor. Day 1 - left eye, one hour. Day 2 right eye, one hour. I was doing emails on my laptop after about 3 hours on day 1. https://www.brightviewcenter.com/
  3. Yes. Different immigration offices are working to different rules. It is not only CM stating that rule. It is all well and good for the 'I am correct' posters to say that you do not need to report your TM 30 again. They do not give out visa and extensions. If the person giving the service says 'do a TM 30', I advise you to do a TM 30! Register on line and it will take less than 5 minutes for you both to re-register your TM 30. I do it every time I return home. Simple. No issues with immigration. Here on Samui - it is a must.
  4. Ironic. And just this week, two newborn babies have been found in garbage bins.
  5. As Anutin was responsible for the wording in the act, I suggest that his knowledge of the facts before, during and after the act are more realistic than your dreams. Perhaps Wikipedia will help
  6. I do not like many of your topics, but I would never wish ill on you. Hope that you recover soon. By the way - Glenmorangie. Works for me.
  7. Nooooo. I want a long, long, sleep. Please do not bring me back.
  8. I think that Thailand is working towards that. To my knowledge, this is the first time that Thailand has had a single reporting system for arrivals in Thailand. Hotels, villas, condos etc. I suspect that the tricky bit is that TM 30 is for everyone. Originally just tourists, but now, everyone. Huge database. The TM 47 system is not usually used by tourists/short stay etc. Let's hope that they get there but many folk will not like it.
  9. Fairly recent. This year some time. There are some good threads on it. I found this one. https://aseannow.com/topic/1306628-tm30-new-website-address-for-filing-notifications-and-registration/
  10. OK. That is the theory. BUT if the person wants an extension or anything else at immigration, they will have to have a TM 30. Saying 'but it is not my job' will not help. I had some friends who were taken to the immigration office because they did not have TM 30's. Immigration were threatening to cancel their visas. (Real threat or not, I do not know.) Friends phoned their landlord who called me and he asked 'what do I do'. I told him and he did their TM 30 before they got to the front of the 'naughty' queue. Phew! Close. (Here on Samui, immigration are carrying out random checks looking for tourists with no TM 30 or expired visas.)
  11. That would have been on the old 'Samui Hotel system'. The new system is Thailand wide and everyone had to start from scratch when it started. Old system records lost.
  12. I know what a Tomboy is but I did not know that they had Tomboy bars. So why are there blokes there? Or is it a pick up bar where blokes can short time a tomboy. But tomboy's like girls??? Ok. I give up. I leave it all to you experts.
  13. There is no extradition treaty between Germany and Thailand. BJ is seeking 'assistance' from the German embassy here. In an article in the BP (I think) police in Germany have arrested the guy and offered to let Thai police interview him (via video???).
  14. I guess that I need to get out more but what the heck is a Tomboy bar?
  15. The PM has lost the plot. It is only fake news if it is not true. However, photographs would indicate that this story is true.
  16. He became a monk for a while https://bnn.network/world/thailand/thai-police-deputy-commissioner-temporarily-ordains-as-monk/
  17. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/09/asia/thailand-cannabis-legal-minister-interview-intl-hnk/index.html Not according to Anutin
  18. I too am happy that legal cannabis is successful. It is the non legal, recreational use that I object to. (Yes - smoking it is illegal.) Getting totally stoned guests out of the beds and onto their scooters, cleaning all of the makings and junk out of the villas and getting rid of the smell, repairing the toke burns in the furniture etc are what I object too. Alcohol drinkers do not create as much mess and trouble in the villas.
  19. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=drugs+grown+in+myanmar&t=ffab&atb=v352-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images Home made. Google may give better results.
  20. But if they stop the drugs from crossing the border, how will the military generals get their payroll?
  21. Technically yes, but some years ago the police officially announced that a photocopy was acceptable but the original must be available. Later, some government department somewhere (sorry - I have a very poor memory) said that photos on a mobile phone were also acceptable. But a photo or copy of just the details page may not be enough. One also needs photos of the visa/immigration stamp given on arrival as per the TM 30 system. Only the police can take your passport. All of the dodgy scooter rental folk (and others) demanding that you hand over your passport as deposit - definitely illegal. The passport is a government document, not the individual's private property.
  22. Does anyone really 'jump' in front of a moving car?
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