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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. same here yesterday Thailand was Censoring FaceBook

    It seems that Thailand is censoring some parts of Facebook today, each time I try to go back to Facebook using the “Home” (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home) link, from playing Farmville I get redirected to http://w3.mict.go.th/ and each time I receive:


    This webpage is not available.

    The webpage at http://w3.mict.go.th/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


    So either they have problems or they cannot handle the re-direct traffic.

    Still being censored, when using the "Home" button, this time from "FrontierVille"

    Have you tried it using IE?

    Using my VPN now, (encrypted Virtual Private Network) they cannot read that, so no problems now

    ref IE. not tried that yet, only FF and Chrome

    Using IE I just tried going from the game to Home & got the website blocked message. What a c.... up. How do you get a VPN?

  2. same here yesterday Thailand was Censoring FaceBook

    It seems that Thailand is censoring some parts of Facebook today, each time I try to go back to Facebook using the “Home” (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home) link, from playing Farmville I get redirected to http://w3.mict.go.th/ and each time I receive:


    This webpage is not available.

    The webpage at http://w3.mict.go.th/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


    So either they have problems or they cannot handle the re-direct traffic.

    Still being censored, when using the "Home" button, this time from "FrontierVille"

    Have you tried it using IE?

  3. I recall a photo* that the girl/woman who was involved in the murder on her husband Dale Henry from Canada in Ranong in 2008 (see previous link in an earlier message) made EXACTLY the same V-sign behind the head of her husband as this woman, Bunnag.

    It gave me the creeps when I just noticed that.

    Yep, spoke volumes to me. A complete lack of respect... a Thai g/f wouldn't be doing that to her Thai guy no matter what the age difference or her status. Looks a nasty piece of work even without seeing her eyes. The poor guy was very ill to begin with and 'she couldn't wait...'. Pack of wild animals. :bah:

    It is nothing more than a playful gesture with no overtones whatsoever. Thais do it all the time when they know photos are being taken.

  4. Problem with Chrome and Firefox (TOT). My guess is that some idiot has posted something nasty about the King and thus this is the response... You get get to your profile and by using certain links there you can get in to the feed but if you use HOME of Facebook, you'll be redirected...

    same here yesterday Thailand was Censoring FaceBook

    It seems that Thailand is censoring some parts of Facebook today, each time I try to go back to Facebook using the “Home” (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home) link, from playing Farmville I get redirected to http://w3.mict.go.th/ and each time I receive:


    This webpage is not available.

    The webpage at http://w3.mict.go.th/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


    So either they have problems or they cannot handle the re-direct traffic.

    I spoke too soon above as I was in the middle of playing cafe world, using Firefox, when I got locked out but I have it partially open using IE. Can play but it does not download all the components.

  5. You dont say if you have just got 5yr or 1 yr, what hospital did you go to to get certificate for 50 bht?

    Already got both my 5 yr which cost approx 500 each medical certificate was 105 bht, I did not have to do any tests what so ever.

    Sounds like he got one year as I too paid 500 last year for a 5 year licence but did not need a medical certificate at the time although I had to sit through the video & do the eye & reaction tests but not the road code or driving test. I was renewing an already expired licence (about one month overdue) & I received an extra 5 years & 11 months. Paperwork & tests were done in the morning but had to go back after lunch & watch the video alone as I was too late in the morning.

  6. It is now called Central Food Hall & is only one of 4 in Thailand although one is closed after a fire at Central World in BKK during the recent troubles. I like the new look & the fact there are more fast food choices just outside such as the sushi place & Woody with his bagels. Yes it will take time to get used to the new layout just as it did when Lotus & Big C changed in the past. It seems like part of a larger revamp as Au Bon Pain has gone but Oishi Ramen, which I really enjoy, is still there although moved upstairs.

  7. Hi,

    can somebody give me an update on SS please. Is it worth getting for the rugby and

    other sports?

    Thanks for any advice and assistance you can give.

    The SS channels cover just about every sport including all the rugby. Good luck & if you can get it interested to know how & where you are. Some people are streaming it.

  8. 3BB, ,True I.P. works fine, just tried it for you.Try reading login advice page for F.B.

    I just tried logging in with IE & no problem but cannot when using Firefox as it still produces the same message from ICT.

  9. Who is your ISP? Sounds ISP specific, and if so, you need to contact them to get it unblocked.

    I have read alot of posts from people having these kinds of issues with True.

    I am with TOT. I was on FB just moments before it was blocked. It was slow loading so I closed the page & tried again at which time the dreaded message appeared.

  10. Bamboo Cafe is owned by Fan, who was the former waitress at Don's. Another former waitress Bang, is a cook there. Thomas' Absolute Therapy Company rented the room from Fan but he never owned anything. His company is now closed down to the best of my knowledge. Either way, he no longer patronizes the Cafe.

    Went to Bamboo yesterday & the food is good. Great mango smoothie.

  11. Recently, as befitting my stature, I have tried the 189 baht breakfast at both Orchid & Morning Coffee. Orchid wins on quantity but loses on quality as the toast was not good, tomatoes tasted like they had been washed in detergent & only instant coffee. If you like quiet garden view, c/w dogs although not annoying, Orchid is good but Morning Coffee is better if you like to watch the world go by.

  12. Solved in 5 minutes ! ... what was the problem then, was it a ToT cable problem, was it their local connection box, was it your PC, your monitor, your keyboard, your modem, or what ...

    How could it possibly have anything to do with PC, keyboard or monitor? I needed all these things just to know it was running slow. Not that I really care how he did it but he checked the settings, made a couple of calls & it was done in 5 minutes.

  13. I do.. I have lots of Thai Dog.. about 50 of then and NO ONE dares enter my estate..when my TRD are running loose.. PM me and I will give all the info I can or see my website.

    Exactly the kind of nightmare owner you dont need to live near.

    50 dogs, running loose, around his estate causing fear.. Just superb responsible ownership !!! :angry:

    I think he is referring to soi dogs that do not actually belong to him

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