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Posts posted by daboyz1

  1. Q1. What are the Reds fighting for now?

    A. They're like rowdies who are told the bar just closed ('last call'). They're mostly young unemployed (except by T. who pays them to attend the rally), between ages 18 and 38, pumped on MSG, caffeine drinks, alcohol who are itching for a fight - any fight.

    They couldn't hold a conversation about democracy or what a fair election is, other than spout a couple one-liners that they've heard shouted from their stage. They're told to say 'Thaksin doesn't matter', but they all know Thaksin is what it's all about, because they truly believe that if/when Thaksin returns to power, they'll all get a lot more money.

    Q2. What alternative lifestyles do they have - to prancing around downtown Bangkok, getting adrenaline rush, getting notoriety, and jamming with dozens of other rowdies?

    A. Plowing fields. Hanging out unemployed. Looking at rice fields dry up or get flooded, sitting in a mom & pop store all day, hoping someone comes by to buy a soda.

    I'd say that sums it up pretty well actually. Surely there are some that have a clue, but not many.

  2. If you are British it may be time to register here, just in case there is a free flight home soon

    British nationals are encouraged to register with our LOCATE service.


    A free flight home to the UK?

    fuc_k, you would have to pay me to go back to that dismal and desperate place. Thailand under an Extreme State of Emergency is far better than the UK under Normal Conditions.

    And. Monkfish, if you are an employee of UK HMG, then maybe you can explain why the UK Embassy in Bangkok charges extortionate amounts of cash for an arrogant piss poor service?

    Wait until martial law is declared. Curfew & jumpy cops and troops is no fun. Thailand has come a long way in 30 years, it can go back there even faster.

    Unfortunately, if there is a real emergency the Embassy is likely to be closed. As it is right now. So I have a feeling that embassy staffers such as Monkfish would be on the first flight out leaving everyone else with a note pinned to the gates asking UK nationals to beg the Canadians or Aussies for help.


  3. These guys say 3-5 days. And this is in the US. To test the "victims" might be longer. Anyway like I said, hospitals don't do it.


    I doubt there are any water testing labs open in the middle of the night in BKK.

    This is Thailand, and the amount of time the US would take is irrelevant.

    Good point. I'm sure their lab facilities are much more advanced than the US.

  4. I found the story below on barladies.com a few years back. Kinda made me laugh:

    A warning. I had a regular tgf last year who like all of them was resisting my kiss goodby to her when i wanted to end our relationship. to cut a long story short she ended up putting a beer bottle through a tv screen and we where off to the monkey house(cop shop if you dont know). After talking with the room owner and police captain about paying the cost of tv, the nice little girl said to the cop,"he have picture of me, I want memory card from his camers". I am sure the cops eyes lit' up. well it ended up me being threatened with a court case accused of have indecent pictures in my possetion, or paying a "fine" of 80.000bt. I had to give the police my passport, ended up missing my flight and staying another month. Did you guys know, if the police make you stay over your visa time they will still fine you the overstay fine for every day.

    So if you and g/f are happy, snap away, just dont fall out and end up in the monkey house like I did.

  5. ThaiRath article on the water poisoning:


    I guess that's one way to get out of there before the bullets start flying. Fake water poisoning.

    Seriously, are you dense? The hospital staff identified it as water poisoning.

    And just how did the hospital test the water? Do you think it's possible to get lab results from the water back in a couple hours? Even in the US testing water for contaminants takes weeks, and hospitals don't do it. I can look it up if you want to continue this. Probably has more to do with the 500 ml of Lao Khao they bought from some street vendor before they drank the water.

  6. ThaiRath article on the water poisoning:


    I guess that's one way to get out of there before the bullets start flying. Fake water poisoning.

    Seriously, are you dense? The hospital staff identified it as water poisoning.

    And just how did the hospital test the water? Do you think it's possible to get lab results from the water back in a couple hours? Even in the US testing water for contaminants takes weeks, and hospitals don't do it. I can look it up if you want to continue this.

  7. They are stupid / uneducated people from up country, and I bet some of them can't even explain why they are there, apart from getting some money!!!

    I think you'll find that all of them can explain why they're there.

    It's actually very simple: when our Dear Leader returns, the price of rice will go up. That's the line that's used to brainwash them.

    I really hope they don't get killed. Sure, wipe out the leaders and kill Thaksin, but leave the farmers alone.

    Best sentence all day. I'm sure a moderator will come along and remove it. But you hit the nail on the head.

  8. Whats the betting te reds will have aquired a couple of Armoured vehicals by tommorrow morning and the personal of said vehicals will be paraded opn stage. The PM says i'm gonna do this. the police negotiate the release of the hostages and we all wake up with a stinging sensation of De ja vu ob Saturday morning a its back to square one.

    The police are <deleted> useless, the army is less than <deleted> useless, Anupong is more <deleted> useless than the army and the PM, well i've run out of fecks

    Might be right about that. Let's go ahead and see. This isn't some 1 day protest. It's gotta end somehow, and IMO Abhisit has already given them everything they want, and it's not good enough. He can give them more, but then they will just ask for more.

    I do not think this is an "empty threat."

    The current PM has done everything in his power to prevent bloodshed.

    He has done everything in his power to not fall into the "trap" a certain person wants him to fall into.

    It is clear that a "certain person" wants bloodshed so that his "spin machine" can turn the event to his advantage.

    The REDs are not going away until they are finally forced to go away. That is too bad.

    I think bloodshed is all but certain.

    After that, some important questions will surface:

    What will the Thai government (and international community) do to bring the perpetrator of this tragedy to justice?

    Will the Thai govt. seize ALL of the perpetrator's assets to pay for the economic problems he caused?

    Will the REDS start a campaign of terror across Thailand?

    They already have the perpetrator's asset's. That's what this is all about at the end of the day. He want's them back by any means possible. He could care less about the rural people.

    I find it really annoying these countries giving him safe harbor. Dubai, Montenegro, Nicaragua, etc. I get Cambodia. Hun Sen has a hard on for Abhisit over the Preah Vihear thing.

  9. "Live Bullets to Be Used" - regardless of the circumstances?

    I can see Thailand's international status crumbling over the next few days - to a par with China.

    well nothing to lose considering they were already refused entry onto the Human Rights list today, might as well play up to that, nobody is expecting human rights to be observed anyway.

    Not exactly right - with China, they got the Olympics based on what everyone knew was an empty promise of improved human rights. Why? Because China has some clout in the world. When they talk people listen. Unlike this backwater country, which most people confuse with Taiwan. No one cares once you step across the border. There are lots of important things going on around the world, no one is interested in whats happening here. UK election, Greece collapsing, Spain is next. The world cup is coming up and playboy is going 3D. those are the important stories.

    Wish I had a dollar or pound for everytime I heard that one. I could retire in Thailand.

  10. Whats the betting te reds will have aquired a couple of Armoured vehicals by tommorrow morning and the personal of said vehicals will be paraded opn stage. The PM says i'm gonna do this. the police negotiate the release of the hostages and we all wake up with a stinging sensation of De ja vu ob Saturday morning a its back to square one.

    The police are <deleted> useless, the army is less than <deleted> useless, Anupong is more <deleted> useless than the army and the PM, well i've run out of fecks

    Might be right about that. Let's go ahead and see. This isn't some 1 day protest. It's gotta end somehow, and IMO Abhisit has already given them everything they want, and it's not good enough. He can give them more, but then they will just ask for more.

  11. Did I hear someone cry 'wolf' ?

    One thing for sure , all THAI are the same SAY I DO and DO Nothing , same in Business , same in Government , that way no one can be accountable !! Its the Thai Way

    Is there something we can say about "all" Canadians? All Thais are this way? You got to be kidding? Is this based on their culture, or is it a race thing, how can you make such a statement? The one thing you do have going for you is newbie, and in most cases that means uniformed.

    All Canadians can shovel snow and eat poutine. (Maybe that's only Quebec) There I said it. I'm a racist.

    J/K of course :)

  12. Time..??? It's been two months!!

    See Neville Chamberlain. The reds had their shot. They asked and were given new elections a year early. That wasn't good enough. The govt. has tried negotiations with them. They don't want it. IMHO Abhisit should be given a medal for the restraint he has shown so far. These red leaders do NOT want negotiations, they want blood. If it's from they're own people, so be it. I'll be it wont be the leaders blood.

  13. "Abhisit is about as good a politician as Thailand could ever hope to get," - this HAS to be the most pessimistic comment on ALL of Thaivisa?

    Well, I for one really do believe the man to be "a good man". Maybe he could become a politician in the UK?

    Sadly, he seems to be the wrong man for the job at this time.

    Looks to me like a benevolent dictatorship a la Singapore would be best right now........

    Never thought about that. You gotta admit getting Malaysians, Chinese and Indians to all get along seemed to work out quite well for them. I don't personally believe in coups or forced living conditions. (Singapore required that all public housing be 25% Malay, 25% hindu, and 50% chinese based on the population %) the govt. forced them to get along. They all seem to get along quite well.

    Not sure if it would work here, but can't be much worse than what is going on.

  14. I agree with most of that... I guess. What would you have the govt. do? Go sing songs around a campfire and kiss and make up. I think you're being a little naieve here. ... But order must be restored.

    The government should declare a general amnesty equally applicable to everyone from Abhisit all the way down to the bamboo spear totting Red. Only Montenegrin citizens should be excluded.

    Is this a perfect solution? No. Is there a perfect solution? No.

    Its the best available, because its the only solution that holds out the opportunity, not the guarantee, of elections that are seen as legitimate by all major political grouping in Thailand. This revolt will never end without a government that is perceived as legitimate, and only free and fair elections can deliver that.

    And yes, order must be restored. Buy only by a government that is perceived to be legitimate by Reds and well as others.

    If the Reds, or that matter the Yellows, continue with the kind of behaviour both have shown AFTER a free and fair election produces a government untainted by both Thaksin's sins and coup, then that government, not this one, would have the widely perceived legitimacy required to use force successfully.

    Thailand isnt there yet. And it needs to get there fast. FAST, before society unravels.

    And only a general amnesty will allow that to happen.

    Absolutely unacceptable.

    There should be a coup and maximum punishment for everyone who committed any transgressions.

    Build a special camp in the middle of nowhere and throw all the miscreants in there until they recognise what they did wrong, apologise to the Thai people, and promise to accept the rule of law as the supreme code of conduct which is a fundamental necessity of any democracy.

    Unless and until the people committing these atrocities against the Thais agree to act like adults and not like children, we need military rule.

    Is this a perfect solution? No.

    But it is a significant improvement over general amnesty.

    I agree. Things seemed to run pretty smoothly under the CNS after the 2006 coup. (I didn't care much for the new 3 tourist visas in a row and you're out rule imposed by them) but other than that things were stable.

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