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Posts posted by daboyz1

  1. PAD confirms to visit Si Sa Ket on 11 Feb

    BANGKOK, 10 February 2011 (NNT) – The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has insisted on visiting Kantharalak district in the border province of Si Sa Ket to give moral support to troops and local villagers affected by the Thai-Cambodian border skirmishes.

    PAD key figure Major General Chamlong Srimuang has confirmed that the PAD on Friday will visit Kantharalak district to boost the morale of Thai troops and residents along the border and hand them over one million baht in cash donated by the group's supporters in the past two days.

    As for reports that local villagers are against the group visiting the area, Major General Chamlong said that it was just a political ploy cooked up by the government. He claimed that military personnel were all very happy upon hearing that the group would make a morale-boosting visit to the district.

    A group of about 50 Kantharalak villagers on Wednesday gathered to protest the planned visit of the PAD, reasoning that it might trigger resentment on the Cambodian side, and local villagers would suffer from another clashes brought on by the visit.

    Meanwhile, PAD Spokesperson Prapan Koonmee has stressed that the PAD will stay put although the government has already enforced the Internal Security Act (ISA), saying that the group has been assembling peacefully, unarmed, and in compliance with the constitution.

    As for the move of the PAD to seek a temporary injunction against the ISA activation, Mr Prapan said the group would have to look at the details of the cabinet's endorsement of the security law first before deciding whether to file a lawsuit with the court as earlier announced.


    -- NNT 2011-02-10 footer_n.gif

    I thought Thaksin was clueless. These guys are just as bad. Must be the water.

  2. Personally I would love to see Thaksin back. I don't like Abhisit at all. I feel bad for him because just like Obama he was handed a country that was in the shIts and had to deal with it and I do agree that he is making a very good go at it and should be credited for that however I think he does not have the experience right now to deal with Thailands many crisis.

    I always get a kick out of people who say that Thaksin was corrupt and paid the poor for their votes and laundered money throughout Thailand and this and that. Well that's great isn't it? You name any government that isn't corrupt. The problem is most of the other governments that are corrupt (many in 3rd world countries that are poor) only put the blood money in THEIR pockets and do not give any back to the people.

    I know many of you sit in your 5 star condos in Bkk or Pattaya or..........and have never really experienced deepest darkest Issan or any other farming areas in the poor north and I don't mean only Udon, Ubon, Sakon etc. I mean outside of these towns and villages. If you did and actually went and talked to these folk you would know the REAL Thailand people and they would gladly nvite you into their homes and feed you and enjoy your company with no intensions of getting money or anything else for that matter from you. Just pure people.

    These are the people that support Thaksin and there is a reason for that so instead of flicking through your satalite TV channels on your 52" from your 60,000 baht a month condos and only refering to the blood that was shed from the "Red shirts" try and realize that these people only want a piece of the pie too. After all THEY are the ones putting food on your 30,000 baht tables.

    These Yellow shirts who just a month ago supported Abhisit have been getting away with whatever they like since Thaksin was ousted. First they staged the coup that ousted him, second they siezed the International Airport which devistated Thailand but to this day have not been dealt with for terrorism. Third, they are now demanding that the Government start a war with Cambodia. Fourth, they send spys into Cambodia and expect to not be punished the same as the Airport deal. Fifth and finally, these people are just terrorists with a 'get out of jail free" card.

    I do agree with this article that the Phue Thai does need to name their leader and start telling the people what they will do for them if elected etc.

    Things that I feel that Abhisit cannot do where as if Thaksin was back that he COULD do;

    • Stop the crap going on in the South with Muslims killing innocent people
    • Deal with situations like the recent floods where there would be immediate halp for the victims etc
    • Stop the crap going on now with Cambodia and restore peace with them and also move ahead for a brighter future with Cambodia as their alias.
    • Restore faith in the UAE for Thailand
    • Spread some money well needed right now throughout Thailand (blood money or not).
    • Disolve the CRES and let the Thai people decide how to monitor these situations
    • Control the army instead of letting them do what they please

    This is MY 2 cetangs worth and I'm sure I just started my own little war on TV. lol

    Good point. Look what Hitler did for a broken Germany in the 1930s.

  3. Pattaya always has been, and will be the place foreigners go to for anything illegal. Way it is, way it will be for the forseeable future..

    Go ahead and flame me, but I lived in BKK for 3 years. Everytime I went there, I wanted to get on the first thing smoking back to BKK so I could experience some sort of normal civilization.

    I think all the recent "suicides" and "self-defense" homicides should show people the deal there. That said if I ever want to hide out from the cops, I know where I'm going.

    I think you should be saying u live in the cesspit of Asia,you compare Pattaya v Bangkok????

    Pattaya is heaven compared to Bangkok

    Disagreement I guess. Take a walk on the beach after dark. Everyone has a different heaven. My opinion and yours are apparently different. "To each is own."

  4. I do not see why Pattaya should be worsrt than Bangkok.It 's just a place where you can find anything you want. it's the best and the worst of Thailand packed in one small place.At least it s more colourful and less boring than the rest of Thailand.And more safe than 99 percent of the rest of the planet.

    Pattaya always has been, and will be the place foreigners go to for anything illegal. Way it is, way it will be for the forseeable future..

    Go ahead and flame me, but I lived in BKK for 3 years. Everytime I went there, I wanted to get on the first thing smoking back to BKK so I could experience some sort of normal civilization.

    I think all the recent "suicides" and "self-defense" homicides should show people the deal there. That said if I ever want to hide out from the cops, I know where I'm going.

    There is good and bad everywhere for sure also in BKK and i do have a total different view of things than you do, but i'm not living in the city, just outside... That Danish blokes name doesn't at all sound Danish, does it ?

    Read up. I would suggest the farangs and their families might see it differently. Just a guess. It's no skin off my a$$. Good luck to all.

  5. Well said by all.

    Pattaya is the cesspit of Thailand (followed closely by Phuket) and both are tourist destination filled with low-lifes. It is not a place for any family. It is not a place to visit for weekends. It is certainly not a place for nightime solace and watching the stars. The the majority of crime there seems to be a mixed challenge between the Thai's and the dodgy Farangs, and the Police win against both in the corruption stakes.

    It is of no surprise to read about suicides, people being arrested with drugs, child prostitution, Russian mafia and so on. Ever since the days of Vietnam US (and others) gaining passes for R & R (raging n' rooting) Pattaya has enjoyed that reputation which like a festering sore, continues to pollute all who live there.

    It attracts Thai's who make money from the growing debacle of human misery, the rip off merchants and the scammers. Selling real estate with no titles, money up front for condo purchases and no contract ability to complete. Other Farang come, build some condo's or do house renovations, quality is poor, prices double that of Thai rates and so on. Bars scamming Farang (and others) and so on. Other Farangs come to buy bars with inflated figures, do their ass*s, then sell on and don't mind ripping off the next sucker and on it goes. It is really the armpit of Thailand. I inform all my clients coming in and people asking for holidays - to avoid both the P's. and will continue to do so.

    Laugh. Sounds like you've been around awhile. I hope you didn't go through all that, but I think most of us go through some of it initially.

  6. Pattaya always has been, and will be the place foreigners go to for anything illegal. Way it is, way it will be for the forseeable future..

    Go ahead and flame me, but I lived in BKK for 3 years. Everytime I went there, I wanted to get on the first thing smoking back to BKK so I could experience some sort of normal civilization.

    I think all the recent "suicides" and "self-defense" homicides should show people the deal there. That said if I ever want to hide out from the cops, I know where I'm going.

    Pattaya is in many way a human zoo .All types live there and I am sure there are many decent and honest people,its just we don't get to hear about them. The "bad eggs" are there and there is sure plenty of them.Its just the tip of the iceberg most likely. They have traditionally been protected by those with the power to do so and its unlikey to change in our lifetime. Does Thailand have an Elliot Ness ?

    It wont change in the near future. I'm not faulting anyone for living there, or partying there. I see it like you do, a "Human Zoo" I just got bored of seeing a zoo on that level. I could see a smaller version of it going to Nana, and not have to sit in a car for 3 hours.

  7. Pattaya always has been, and will be the place foreigners go to for anything illegal. Way it is, way it will be for the forseeable future..

    Go ahead and flame me, but I lived in BKK for 3 years. Everytime I went there, I wanted to get on the first thing smoking back to BKK so I could experience some sort of normal civilization.

    I think all the recent "suicides" and "self-defense" homicides should show people the deal there. That said if I ever want to hide out from the cops, I know where I'm going.

    There is good and bad everywhere for sure also in BKK and i do have a total different view of things than you do, but i'm not living in the city, just outside... That Danish blokes name doesn't at all sound Danish, does it ?

    I lived on Suk 33 and Suk 16 in BKK, so I did see alot of the bad BKK side. It never compared to the late night beach scene in Pattaya. You bring up a good point as I was tourist in Pattaya, but a resident in BKK. The place just seemed like the last stop before Purgatory to me.

  8. Pattaya always has been, and will be the place foreigners go to for anything illegal. Way it is, way it will be for the forseeable future..

    Go ahead and flame me, but I lived in BKK for 3 years. Everytime I went there, I wanted to get on the first thing smoking back to BKK so I could experience some sort of normal civilization.

    I think all the recent "suicides" and "self-defense" homicides should show people the deal there. That said if I ever want to hide out from the cops, I know where I'm going.

  9. Forced labor of 400 Thais on US farms? I believe the 400 went there at their own free wills.

    As mentioned in another topic, please stop making ridiculous remarks and go back sleep, my dear.

    forced? probably not. duped? definitely.

    i wonder how they even got the visas to get across the pond in the first place.

    I was wondering the same thing. Took me a year to get my wife a spousal visa to the US.

  10. :coffee1:..Thailand and Russia showing their balls.

    The continuing story of.....xxxx...only to be seen in Thailand :licklips:


    Precisely. What a great saga. I bet a few in the US Embassy are worried their careers are going down the tubes right now.

    If it was true that they tried to get Bout out onto a private jet, but the Thai police stopped it, I bet now they wish he had been allowed to go. Hadn't the embassy explained that 100 baht in your passport goes a long way in this country.

    Whilst it is nice to get people like Bout off the street, one would imagine part of the plan wasn't having to deal with the Thai justice system.

    As international espionage, gun running and entente cordial goes, this is hardly James Bond or Jason Bourne is it.

    Oh to be a fly on the wall in the US Embassy at the moment. And the delicious irony of watching the Thai legal system adhering to the absolute letter, comma and semi-colon of the law is brilliant. Hasn't the US Embassy heard of pastry boxes?


  11. The Russians will get him out somehow. I can't see them allowing the U.S to take him to Washington. He was trained in resisting interrogation techniques, so it will probably take the Yanks at least 1 week to get him to admit to his own name. The Cold War fire is being stoked up nicely.

    Let us hope he goes free. it would teach the USA a lesson. The US wanted to look smart by adding new charges (at least it shows that they have a judicial system on par with that of Thailand, which is only working for very rich Nationals). Now we may hope that it takes more than 90 days to run those charges it means he goes free.

    Yeah good idea. I wonder how the Russian govt. would feel if he was selling arms and explosives to Chechen rebels?

    I think that's what the Russians are worried about. What he will tell the U.S. I doubt they actually care one bit about him personally, just care about what he'll tell the U.S.

  12. Let us hope he goes free. it would teach the USA a lesson. The US wanted to look smart by adding new charges (at least it shows that they have a judicial system on par with that of Thailand, which is only working for very rich Nationals). Now we may hope that it takes more than 90 days to run those charges it means he goes free.

    Yeah good idea. I wonder how the Russian govt. would feel if he was selling arms and explosives to Chechen rebels?

    • Like 1
  13. I'll put my last stamp on this thread. I-134 is not a contract. It is used for K visas (K-3 is gone by the way) I-864 IS a contract between the petitioner and the US govt.

    If you come the the US on K-1 with a I-134, you WILL have to provide a I-864 for adjustment of status. No way around that. Also, the BKK embassy is pretty unforgiving when it comes to co-sponsors.

    I've been there and done IT!

  14. You will have to prove that your income was 125% over the poverty level for the last year (maybe last 3) when you file the I-864 etc. If you can't meet this requirement, you can get a co-sponsor in the US. They will not consider foreign earned income.

    Nope. All my income is foreign and it was accepted for meeting the 125% requirement.

    That is the exception, not the rule. Did you file I-864 or I-134?

  15. First thing : STOP USING THE CAR she could go to the police and say that you stole it ....

    then explain to her that all the land and house that you pay for can be seized by the state if it is proven that the money comes from you, so if she doesnt want to loose the land and house she'd better let you have the car or better yet sell it to you for 1000 symbolic baht. at the contrary of land, you CAN buy a car in your name in Thailand.

    This seems like good advice. I would probably do it myself, if in the same position. But the general rule is the farang get's screwed in such matters. Depends on what the rules were when the house was purchased. The rules seem to change on a monthly basis concerning this.

  16. This happened to me back in 2004 when I had only been in Thailand for about a month. I was outside MBK near the BTS station smoking. Tossed the cigarette down and two of our brown shirt friends grabbed me. Took me to the police desk at the BTS where another farang was sitting there for the same thing. I freaked and called the girl I was "hanging" out with at the time. Before she got there they showed me some pictures (looked kinda like a menu) with people throwing away cigarette butts. So the girl came down. They were saying it's a 2000 THB fine, but this time they will fine me 500 THB. I paid the 500. The asked the girl if I needed a receipt for my company expense report. I told her no because my company would never pay that. The cop smiled and put the 500 in his front shirt pocket and we were on our way.

    That was a very good lesson to me about how things work in LOS, and it only cost me 500 THB. My first, but not last experience with "tea money"

  17. That is a very useful link, thank you!

    One question.. when he says he filled out the I-130 and sent it in, he does mean the I-130 package that contains the I-130 along with a cover letter, birth cert, G-325A filled out by me as well as another G-325A filled out by her, pictures, marriage cert, etc. correct?

    He kind of makes it sound like he just did the I-130 form by itself and mailed it in, so I want to be sure I understand.

    You need to give it all to them with the I-130. The whole package. I'm not sure how secure that office is, since I've only been to the embassy. You might be able to just walk in and give it to them.

    I wish I would've known about DCF. I lived there in BKK for 3 years. I was so naive about the whole thing, I figured since we were married, it would be automatic. It took me a YEAR filing from the US to get her the visa. So you're definitely doing the right thing. Keep in mind the actual visa is only good for a year. They will send you either a 2 year or 10 year green card to the US address after you get the visa. So not sure how soon you planning on moving back here.

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