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Posts posted by daboyz1

  1. To me it looks like that Abhisit tries everything to cling in power and prefers violence and killing of civilians over elections.

    Abhisit, appointed by the 'clear' majority of 235 PM to his position as PM, divided the country more than anybody else.

    It looks to me like the reds don't care how many people die, just so they can force the elected government to step down.

    Finally, you understand that Abhisit was elected by a majority of MPs.

    In the December 2550 election PPP won 233 seats. If someone at TVF argue PPP had won the election, he will get immediately a heavy response and counter claims by a truckload of Thaksin haters explaining him that the PPP was far from winning and very far from getting any majority.

    If PM Abhisit is appointed by 235 MP ( just two more than the initial PPP results) the same truckload of members argue he has a the clear majority of the votes and is of course entitled to send the army out to kill his opposition, the insurgents and terrorists, all is justified.

    I never doubt that Abhisit has the majority, technically he has, but a PM, a country's leader needs more qualities than just a small small majority of MPs vote for him. He is not the man that can pacify the divided country. This government is a failure, they divided the country even more and do horrible damage that will need more than a generation to heal. Abhisit has become an ugly dictator.

    So who should replace him? Thaksin maybe?

  2. In a modern country a parent or guardian who puts a child in jeopardy (like, for instance, refuses to evacuate the child from a 'live fire' area) is liable to criminal charges. The red leadership failing to encourage the parents/guardians to get the kids out of there can also face criminal charges.

    How "modern" is a Government that declares an inner city area and a rally site to a 'live fire zone' for its military?

    Isn't such a government criminal as well and lost any eligibility or legitimacy to be the country's 'guardian' ?

    What a silly argument, about as modern as a "democratic movement" that sets up bamboo spears and gasoline-soaked tires in a commercial district and shoots people in the dark. Can we move away from this? We all know where you stand.

    Since we all want a return to peace ASAP, I'm wondering why Veera and the other Red leaders who supported the roadmap and Nov 14 don't make public statements backing the gov't and publicly calling for the Rajaprasong protesters to cease and desists, while also calling on the gov't to return to the roadmap.

    That would go a LONG way to calming a lot of people down, leaving only the few hel_l bent on violence to meet whatever end they long for.

    Anybody got Veera's email/phone no?

    I'm sure Veera's phone number starts with +44 at this point.

  3. 16 dead.

    No soldiers.

    Who is using "live ammo" ?

    Certainly looks like its just the Government side, those who should be trying to stop violence and killing, but they are the ones doing the killing.

    I know I'm gonna regret asking you this, but how can you possibly take sides with common criminals? That's all they really are. They hide behind what they say is political reform, when in actuality all they want is their paymaster back in Thailand and pardoned for his numerous criminal convictions/charges. I mean what's your angle here? If you have a clear thinking mind, you can't support these thugs. Are you possibly being paid to post here? If you are, cheers!

  4. Civilised nations do not shoot protesters!!

    I understand the pros and cons. But do not shoot protesters. You're going back into the dark ages.

    Many (probably most) army people in BKK puke at the thought of what they are being asked to do.

    Do you honestly think the Redshirts are being overly violent ??? There were a 100,000 of these people not so long ago. Think of the mayhem they could have caused. They didn't !!!

    Sure if the army shoot real bullets into you, you are going to be pretty angry.

    Vested interests don't care a toss.

    What if the protesters shoot at the soldiers first? Are they supposed to stand there and act like target practice for the protesters?

  5. 1. Has the government successfully surrounded the protest site so that water and food cannot be brought in?

    2. How much water/food do the protesters have stock piled?

    3. What leaders are still taking the stage/around Central World?

    Looks like this thing could drag into next week/eternity.

    The lack of real coverage of the events is astonishing.......especially on Thai TV (what a joke).

    I remember the Tsunami. It happened in the morning. They didn't even mention it until night, and even then they said 4 people were killed. It's almost like they dont want to ruin people's day.

  6. Reds' guards given beverage laced with sedative Thursday night

    Reds's security staffs guarding Langsuan area were given beverage possibly laced with sedative on Thursday night, an informed source Friday.

    After drinking for a while, some guards fell asleep while some others appeared to be unconscious.

    They were then taken to a hospital nearby.

    The incident was believed to be the army's ploy to weaken the red shirts protesters.

    -- The Nation 2010-05-14


    Yeah I went through this with the usual knuckleheads on another thread. Seems they bought Lao Khao from th wrong street vendor.

  7. >> The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) has ordered officers to go to the rescue of a company of soldiers, trapped inside the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, by red-shirt protesters.

    This is pathetic.

    It's like an old John Candy movie. Hey - maybe that's what it is- they're just filming it all as part of a new Teng or Kohtee comedy?

    Why also Abhisit needed to cancell his proposal for election on 14 November ? Does he look serious ?

    Abhisit won't last until November. This is too bad because he is competent and capable .... but he isn't corrupt and devious enough to last in Thai politics. He needs to have a few illegally obtained plots of land and a few shady fire truck or airplane or aircraft carrier purchase deals under his belt before the police and military will respect him ...

    Yeah then him and Thaksin will be roommates in (insert economically desperate country here)

  8. >> The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) has ordered officers to go to the rescue of a company of soldiers, trapped inside the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, by red-shirt protesters.

    This is pathetic.

    It's like an old John Candy movie. Hey - maybe that's what it is- they're just filming it all as part of a new Teng or Kohtee comedy?

    Why also Abhisit needed to cancell his proposal for election on 14 November ? Does he look serious ?

    Well, on the serious side he pulled back on his offer because the red shirts didn't give him an answer. The army is making him, the whole government and Thailand look ridiculous on the world stage. On the other hand, they are making the Italian WWII forces look good!

    Hey man!!!

    I have Italian neighbors.


  9. >> The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) has ordered officers to go to the rescue of a company of soldiers, trapped inside the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, by red-shirt protesters.

    This is pathetic.

    It's like an old John Candy movie. Hey - maybe that's what it is- they're just filming it all as part of a new Teng or Kohtee comedy?

    Why also Abhisit needed to cancell his proposal for election on 14 November ? Does he look serious ?

    I don't know why I even bother responding to you. He said leave by this date and we'll have elections on Nov. 14. They didn't leave. So no election date. Pretty simple.

  10. Malaysia is much more democratic now then it was under Mahatir .

    Recent yes but seems working .

    Yes, same for Indonesia post-Suharto. You don't put an asterisk next to democracy just because it's not textbook. I'm American and we often cite our history of democracy. We don't refer to the eradication of the Indian nations or a century of slave-holding or another century of Jim Crow-style oppression as a time that proved that we couldn't handle democracy culturally or racially or whatever, we just view it as a time when we were fundamentally wrong about how to administer our democracy (really, really wrong in one of the worst ways possible) and during which we were evolving. We're still evolving and our democracy is still imperfect. Everyone's is. You don't slap bookends on any given moment and announce that democracy can't work for that society because it's not textbook perfect at this moment. It's social and political and economic change, it takes time.

    I agree with that for the most part. Problem is, the current situation has no political way out. It must be a military way out. As much as I hate to give him credit, that pr1ck in Dubai is responsible for most of this. I'm no fan of military governments. on-on makes a good point.

    See the 2000 US elections. The difference is people didn't take over Washington DC. Granted it got pretty stupid. But in the end it was settled by the courts and we ended up with a stupid redneck for 8 years. (disclaimer I voted for him) Life moved on. I am sure democracy can work for Thailand, just not in this current environment. This situation needs military intervention.

    If the red's win the next election, you can bet the PAD will pull something again. And it goes on and on and on.

    Military rule is the right thing for Thailand at this point. If nothing else, for a cooling off period.

  11. Yep. Coup now! Sad to say, but Thailand was very stable after the 2006 coup.

    Who is going to commit a coup? Who would it benefit? What difference would it make?

    Anupong doesn't seem interested in a coup, otherwise he would have shut down the protests weeks ago.

    The only ones that would be interested would be those on the red side, and I think they would hit some pretty serious opposition.

    I don't know. They all seemed to get it together in 2006. I know Anupong is looking at retiring in the fall. Surely he has a successor. He's a lame duck a this point. Surely there is someone who will be taking his place.

  12. I can only speak from experience. When the coup of 2006 took place, all this BS stopped. Not quite sure why. As soon as they started holding elections, all this red shirt, yellow shirt garbage came about. It was very stable. I hate to say it, but maybe democracy is not a good thing for certain countries at points in time. I would think most people would love to go back to 2006 with a group of generals running the show versus what we have now.

    I don't think anyone can call what is going on now "Democracy" It is pretty close to a failed state at this point.

    What works well in the West, doesn't mean it will work in SE Asia. Look at our neighbours. None of them are truly democratic.




    Burma (Laugh)

    Malaysia ( Accuse your opponent of homosexual acts) Have him locked up.

    I think you get my point. I wont even bring China in to it.

  13. I watched TNN late yesterday evening and last night. I twice saw a clip that appeared to show an entrance wound on the right temple; that clip is no longer being shown. It appeared to be almost perfectly round, which would indicate that the shot was fired at approximately the same height as S.D.

    The doctors reported that the bullet entered from the right temple and ended at the left temple. To do that, the angle of trajectory would have to be flat, not from a great height - or bounced off the jaw up to the temple, which is highly unlikely. In any case, there was no exit wound, based on the surgeon saying that they removed the bullet.

    No. It exit at the upper neck. The trajectory is approx 30 degree.

    Hmmmm....then how was it that removed a bullet from his skull? Unless the surgeon who performed the operation is lying, or the press got it wrong, yada yada.

    But wouldn't an exit would from the neck create a lot of blood? There was very little blood around, either on him, the ground, or the people that took him to an ambulance. And the people around him had held him up in a sitting position for a while as well, and no one was trying to staunch the blood (from the clip on TNN).

    [edit] typo

    All these discussions about his injury mean nothing.

    I want the coup now, finish all this BS going on. Every day without a solution drags the Kingdom deeper into the SHole.

    Yep. Coup now! Sad to say, but Thailand was very stable after the 2006 coup.

  14. I watched TNN late yesterday evening and last night. I twice saw a clip that appeared to show an entrance wound on the right temple; that clip is no longer being shown. It appeared to be almost perfectly round, which would indicate that the shot was fired at approximately the same height as S.D.

    The doctors reported that the bullet entered from the right temple and ended at the left temple. To do that, the angle of trajectory would have to be flat, not from a great height - or bounced off the jaw up to the temple, which is highly unlikely. In any case, there was no exit wound, based on the surgeon saying that they removed the bullet.

    No. It exit at the upper neck. The trajectory is approx 30 degree.

    Well we don't know that we have accurate information .... news agencies reported him dead and then alive last night about three or four times .... CNN initially reported he was shot in the chest ... then it was reported that the bullet entered the left temple and exited the right temple .... then it was reported he was enter surgery to "remove bullets" (did they mean "bullet fragments"?) ... I didn't see the report that the bullet was against the left temple, but am not surprised that someone reported this ... he's been reported to be brain dead and also reported that he's in serious but stable condition .....

    Unfortunately this pattern of inaccurate information being reported by news agencies has been repeated over and over again over the last few weeks.

    The accuracy of journalism in this mess is really appalling. Some of these journalists (both farang and Thai) are as incompetent as the Thai military appears to be.

    I wouldn't expect any thing different from lame a$$ Dan Rivers. That guy has no clue.

  15. The reds have "damaged three military vehicles" at Wittayu intersection. When is the military going to start protecting their assets? Or maybe they just want new vehicles? What happened to the old professional Thai military ? Thailand better be glad they aren't in a war with the Vietnamese, Burmese or Cambodian military ... oops I forgot about Prea Vihar. The Cambodian claims about whipping the Thai military's ass now seems quite believable after seeing these guys in action.

    Didn't even think about that. I wonder if Mr. T's buddy Hun Sen is massing troops along the border with Si Saket. There's alot of angles in all this apparently. Anupong needs to grow a pair, and put a stop to this all the way around.

  16. Seh Daeng under police's detention at Vajira Hospital

    Officers from the Thung Mahamek police station used an arrest warrant to put Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol under police detention at the Vajira Hospital.

    He was arrested on charges of terrorism.

    The Nation 7 minutes ago

    Smart. Arrest a vegetable.

    At least you know he'll turnip in court.

    That is so bad, although I spit out my beer laughing.

  17. Seh Daeng under police's detention at Vajira Hospital

    Officers from the Thung Mahamek police station used an arrest warrant to put Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol under police detention at the Vajira Hospital.

    He was arrested on charges of terrorism.

    The Nation 7 minutes ago

    They guy runs around causing havoc and death. Once he's basically a vegetable, they arrest him? What a joke.

  18. The missus has just come in with the news that here in Udorn there's a 10pm curfew & any meeting of more than 5 people not allowed

    I was in Surat Thani when the same was imposed a couple of years ago. It simply meant that people went out and had their dinners as normal and that they did meet more than 5 people as normal, BUT, not is sensitive places and not discussing politics and not arguing with the police or soldiers if they are told to go home :)

    Yeah exactly. They imposed that in BKK for the 2006 coup. Didn't really seem to affect anyone's life on Sukhumvit anyway. If I recall they told everyone to take the day off. No violence at all. If 20 farangs with red signs went marching down Ratcahadamri, it would probably be an issue. Other than that things will probably be the same unless you live in one of the affected areas.

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