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Posts posted by daboyz1

  1. Anyway I for one am very proud of the young brave soldiers going in to rid the vermin of the streets whether they are my nationality or not.

    Yeah well said. Hat's off to the brave soldiers going about their duties in one of the very worse set of circumstances, fighting people from their own nation.



    agreed : it has to be done

    Doing a great job I might add. Maybe the police will take something from it, but I doubt it.

  2. The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :)

    Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

    It's a local problem in a small country that produces little and has no effect on the local region - and certainly not on the US. Why should it get more coverage in the US? US has enough things to worry about like housing prices, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, etc. Bangkok and Thailand don't make the list and they is no reason why they should make the list. That's just being realistic.

    Thailand should receive more coverage in the US. The US should have more real issue and international coverage period. Problem is there has been a coercive dumbing down of the public in the US for so long they think important news is a gang shooting, celebrity sighting or ipad review.

    They have CNN and CNNI (CNN Inetnernational) CNNI has been all Thailand non stop for hours. CNN just shows Larry King and the oil spill.

  3. For what its worth and its here say

    the red protestors (mums/dads/kids) have had their ID cards taken by the "officials" in the camps. In return they were paid some money, food, water etc. and the promise of more after the reds win.

    Assume the red protestors cannot leave as they cant get their ID cards back.

    The reds were expecting a million people to turn out and they are approx 5000 at present

    this represents 0.5%

    of this its possible that approx 300 motor cycle taxi drivers / taxi drivers / disturbed idealistic youths are causing billions of baht in damages.

    go figure!!!

    Any Thai can go and get a new ID card from any Police Station anywhere in Thailand if he says he lost it. Better come up with a new theory.

    IHMO this is not true, they should report it to the nearest police station and replacement can only given where the card was issued.

    You are right. You have to go back where the blue book was issued. I.E. if you live in Bangkok and are registered in Si Saket, have fun on the bus, cause you wont get a replacement id card in Bangkok. Stupid policy, but it is the way it is. I have seen this multiple times even if you have a passport and a copy of the blue book, you have to go back to where the blue book was issued.

  4. Everyone should love this. CNN read off a tweet they got saying "Thaksin will be proved innocent." The persons name:

    Robert Amsterdam

    They put it in the context of some random viewer that sent it. I'm not sure what to type. That just shocked me. I think they need a new research team. How irresponsible for a "international news agency"

    That said if I ever get in trouble overseas, I'm calling him. Just Wow!!


    Funny thing the guy used his real name. Mr. T might want to find another lawyer.

  5. Jatuporn and Arisman Have Fled after Soldiers Reclaim Ratchaprasong

    ASTV and several other media are reporting that key red-shirt core leaders including Jatuporn Promphan, Arisman Pongruengrong and Suporn Attawong have fled the Ratchaprasong protest site after soldiers were able to reclaim the Sarasin intersection.

    That's a shocker. Sure they will be drinking vintage 1968 wine with Mr. T shortly. While their followers die.

  6. Emergency service personnel confirms numerous black uniformed terrorists setting buildings on fire multiple locations near rama 4 hiway exit


    Buildings buring all over town now.

    This is Ahbist's greatest failure. Not anticipating the cost of cracking down.

    Reds asked for a political deal. He gave them bullets.

    Reds are going for the Outllaw Jonesy Wales solution - paint the town red, shoot the bad guys and burn everything to the ground. Can't blame them in their situation.

    Wow! Apparently you haven't been paying attention. Abhisit gave them a political deal. A very good one at that. I am actually kind of disappointed the tanks weren't rolling sooner. Can't negotiate with common criminals being directed and paid for by a wanted fugitive. Calling these guys terrorists is being too generous. Terrorists usually have a political or religious agenda. These reds are paid thugs. No more, no less.

  7. A great article in the Nation.

    Have to say I am gob smacked.


    Death toll more than just statistics

    By Pravit Rojanaphruk

    The Nation

    Published on May 19, 2010

    How many more mornings are we going to be greeted by more deaths and casualties, coldly and helplessly observing them like nothing more than statistics?

    Since April 10, more than 60 people have been killed. At least 36 civilians have died since the second round of clashes erupted last Thursday night. Yesterday, the government ordered three more public holidays in Bangkok so they could get rid of the tens of thousands of protesters holding out at Rajprasong intersection and elsewhere.

    Yet some Thais remain indifferent. They go about their daily business as normal, dining and chatting happily while killings continue.

    In fact, those opposed to the red-shirt movement even seem to be delighted that the Army is liberally firing live bullets. Few ask where the water cannons, the tear gas, batons, anti-riot police and ear-shattering anti-riot sound disseminator vehicles that the government "promised" to use are. Why are they not being used as weapons to disperse the crowds?

    A female yellow-shirt radio host at FM 97.75 station told listeners on Monday morning that 30 deaths "wasn't that much". Newspapers like ASTV-Manager Daily called for the government on Monday to finish off the enemy and urged Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva "not to lose heart".

    "Please be more swift and decisive," the paper advised Abhisit.

    As more people are being killed, we must acknowledge that everybody, no matter what colours they wear, have friends, relatives and loved ones.

    Their loss is not just the loss of a handful, but the loss of society as a whole. Deaths beget hatred and revenge, and hatred and revenge only bring death and destruction.

    It cannot be denied that the red-shirt leaders are partially responsible for the deaths of their own followers, but the government too should act more responsibly. Their decision to use war weapons instead of dialogue has already led to so many deaths.

    The government, which has armed forces at its disposal, has the responsibility to protect the right to life of its citizens. It has cruelly chosen to abdicate this responsibility and people who are affected by it can no longer regard the regime as legitimate.

    More people will certainly be killed in the hours ahead. We can no longer count on the wisdom of the government or the red-shirt leaders, and do what we can, as individuals and collectively, to try and end the senseless killings in Bangkok before civil war engulfs other parts of the country.

    Those who believe that violently ending the protest at the Rajprasong intersection and elsewhere would solve the current political crisis should rethink. There are far too many red shirts now and the killings will only increase. The protesters' sense of camaraderie and conviction are strong enough, and even though some of their leaders like Thaksin Shinwatra and those at the Rajprasong rally stage are deeply flawed, the red shirts' aspiration for an equal political voice and more equitable social and economic opportunities are real.

    On Monday night, I visited Klong Toei, where the red shirts have set up a new protest site over the past three nights. Thousands gathered there said they no longer believed in the government.

    I can't see how the red shirts would simply return home and forget what has happened over the past month, especially since the comrades and loved ones they lost are not mere statistics to them.

    I thought the whole point of these protests were early elections? Abhisit gave them that. A year early no less. They turned it down. I'm convinced unless their dear leader is put back into power immediately, they will continue to destroy Bangkok.

  8. You can bet if this was the other way around and Thaksin was PM. If the Yellows did something like this, it would be over in a day with hundreds if not thousands dead.

    Edit: I gave this statement some more thought. I'm sure someone will come along and bring up the airport thing with the yellows, so I should mention that.

    1. It was totally wrong for them to do that, and from what I read they are awaiting trial, although it seems to be taking a long time.

    2. Granted they did shut down the airport, but I don't recall running gun battles in the city.

    I'm not excusing what they did, but it is apples and oranges. Bringing in Somchai (Thaksin's brother in law) as PM, was incredibly stupid on the part of the PPP. Everyone knew Somchai and Samak were both proxies for Thaksin.

  9. Amsterdam a prize WALLY if I ever saw one.

    Inarticulate uninformed con man of a lawyer who is actually screwing Thaksin.

    Keep it up cretin

    Considering what he did for thew russina mafia he had it habded to him by the al jazeera woman. Amazing. He is meant to be one of the wporlds top spin doctors and that is why thaksin employed him. Disastrous start by him

    Another idiot ( Not realy as he is racking in the $$) but another despicable person as bad as the arrogant and paid off CNN and BBC reporters .... this is what is is controlling our world right now ..... Shit disgusting people !!! :)

    Yeah, I would call him a whore but I have more respect for whores than that


  10. And being a Canadian myself brings nothing but total embarassment to me and wants to make me vomit ... Oye what a scum and even that word is not strong enough to describe what he is .... Yuk!!! Yuk!!! Yuk!!!
    Great Interview right from the first question and answer w/Thaksin Lawyer

    Laugh. So one of Thaksin's cronies went into this guy's office with bag of cash. He went online looked at a few wikipedia pages and maybe some bangkokpost and nation articles. Then he gos on BBC. He obviously doesn't have a clue.

    I wish I went to law school. Then I could make piles of money representing criminals, and then going on TV and pretending I know what I'm talking about.

    The UN statement. That's even funnier. I seem to remember someone saying "The UN is not my father" Seems like he's running to daddy now. I noticed he brushed off the "war on drugs" I wish she would have brought up Tak Bai and Krue Se, but oh well. Even the Ractahdaphisek land deal. There's so many Thaksin scandals, I can't keep up with them all.

    I don't really see how any person with a normal thought process can't see Thaksin for what he is. A power hungry man who wants his money and power back, and couldn't give a $hit about anyone in Isaan.

  11. The rightwing lean from this site is shameful.

    This site allows any calls for death against the reds but deletes all posts critical of the current leadership.

    Have you moderators no pride.

    Sick stuff here.

    You are like ketchum fetchum kissing the masta slave holders.

    New name for Thaivisa forum.

    Thai rightwingtrash post board.

    Kill all the reds say you--then you laugh.


    wow a new red player...

    you know the moneys been frozen don't you?

    Same parrot. I wish they had some IP address filter.

  12. Google wall street journal Bangkok and you get an article which is insightful.

    Ahbist has made this situation much worst than it had to be. They could have made a deal - more money, elections, whatever. Ahbist stopped negotiations, not the reds.

    Instead, army with live ammo chasing motorcycle taxi drivers around and killing them. Unbelieveably stupid - will turn Bangkok into Beiruit.

    Ahbist should resign now. Take that idiot Korn with you. BTW - I don't think they will be able to vacaton in Europe or the US anymore. Killing rice farmers does not go down well there.

    Hope all you hard-liners enjoy your new Thailand.

    Abhsit gave them elections already. The Reds refused!!!!

    The Red leadership disagreed. They was a split. Those who supported the reelection left the movement.

    Thaksin didn't agree with the reelection! So he ordered his proxies to turn it down.

    I seem to recollect the 3 stooges walking away from the negotiations after first 2 meetings..... was not Abhisit that walked away.

    I seem to recollect that 2 weeks ago, there was a roadmap offered and the reds pretended to accept, tried to re-write the terms to their own suiting but failed to put anything together. Abhisit waited a week without an official acceptance, rally didn't end, when it could all have all been over. That was not Abhisit walking away.

    In the meantime, there were numerous M79 attacks on the public. That was not Abhisit wlking away, he showed restraint and patience.

    Let's offer another perspective on this opinion: "Abhisit would not be welcome in Europe":......... The rest of the world ahs seen these guys in on the red stage, speaking with anger, unwilling to negotiate with any ciompromise to their hardline position....... the rest of the world would never accept them as leaders if they were to be put in place as Thailand's MP's. That's a fact.

    There is only 1 leader


    and he wants Chaos

    he wants thousands of innocents people to die

    he want war in the streets

    Then and only then he can return as a hero

    and save all the people

    then rape the country financially

    Its called Revenge

    Your english is terrible, but you get the point. I'm glad you posted. The very guy they fight for, will steal from them later. Once a thief, always a thief. I still can't understand why people are laying down their life for this criminal.

    Also, please don't tell me this is democracy. Anyone that thinks that is very naieve. This is all about Thaksin and his money.

  13. For the 100th time. Abhisit offered elections a year early. These morons are only concerned with burning Bangkok to the ground and getting their criminal hero back in power. It's really that simple. I don't understand why some people are calling this some kind people power thing. This is about one guy and his inability to accept defeat.

    If Thaksin comes back and is PM again, that's when I'll truly pray for the people of Thailand.

  14. Google wall street journal Bangkok and you get an article which is insightful.

    Ahbist has made this situation much worst than it had to be.

    Google wall street journal Bangkok and you get an article which is insightful.

    Ahbist has made this situation much worst than it had to be. They could have made a deal - more money, elections, whatever. Ahbist stopped negotiations, not the reds.

    Instead, army with live ammo chasing motorcycle taxi drivers around and killing them. Unbelieveably stupid - will turn Bangkok into Beiruit.

    Ahbist should resign now. Take that idiot Korn with you. BTW - I don't think they will be able to vacaton in Europe or the US anymore. Killing rice farmers does not go down well there.

    Hope all you hard-liners enjoy your new Thailand.

    I like how the article had no byline or author. Maybe Thaksin wrote it.

  15. Can someone tell me how much the 55 pages of discussion here have contributed to an actual solution?

    None of course. What a silly question. The solution now is in the hands of the brave Thai soldiers fighting the red shirt insurgency.

    In the scene where the guy gets shot. Where the soldiers towards the left. It appeared that way since it seemed like they were trying to build a wall. But it seemed the guy might of been shot from behind from they way he leg moved.

    Sorry to be rude. Too bad they didn't get him in the head.

  16. There have been a few suggestion that armoured vehicles should be used. Consider this; tanks are equipped with a main gun (more or less light artillery) which fires an explosive round which makes a M-79 look like a kiddies toy. Both tanks and many APCs also carry quite heavy machine-guns.

    Tomas' wall was pierced by a rifle bullet. Heavy calibre machine-guns will do a he-ll of a lot worse. Like Tomas, there are other residents still in their homes.

    Neither the residents or the gov't want to see the start of wholesale slaughter, so leave the armour in the bases until it is time for an assault on the barriers.

    In these situations, an approaching tank is a more of a psychological weapon (it scares the crap out of people), you don't actually have to start using the main gun.

    A suggestion to anyone near the combat zone. Draw your curtains on the side nearest the fighting and if possible, hang blankets over the windows. It might sound silly, but a hanging heavy cloth can absorb most or all the KE of a bullet.

    The whole point about tanks is not the main gun. The fact is that they are track laying vehicles and would not notice the barricades. I don't know if armoured bulldozers are available.

    You would not like to be inside an APC covered with burning molotov cocktail and you would not like your reception when you had to climb out. These are crude instruments and can not be used without great collateral damage. Also as a previous poster wrote, do not put it past the red leadership to burn those tires and kill women, children, and old people and blame it on the govt. I think the RTA is doing as best as can be done now.

    Yeah it's gotta be tough for the soldiers. Most are probably conscripts, if not all. I actually feel bad for them. Mr. T's brownshirts sure wont do anything to help out. On and on it goes.

  17. Could be jumping to conclusions. Army declared they were not going to infiltrate, only close off. The rest is only a guess?

    Didnt do much of a job of closing off.

    Not just a guess actually. Earlier in the thread I suggested that the army should disarm before entering the encampment and, as I thought it was a good idea, I rang someone close to the Government. He said 'the military will never accept it, Abhisit does not control the military and they are pursuing their own agenda.' He also said you can see 'the military are shooting Thais while achieving nothing and that is not good either in the eyes of Thais or internationally.' He also said the 'police and military are corrupt to their very core.'

    So yes there is quite a lot of guessing in there. But I know Abhisit is committed to reducing the influence of the army in Thai politics. Also remember there is the army reshuffle coming up and he wanted to replace the coup's constitution. There are some 3500 people at the encampment do you think the Thai army cant contain them when they can execute a coup in three hours.

    So yes quite a lot of guesswork but it all seems to add up to me.

    So it isnt hard to believe they are manipulating this protest - in fact it must be harder to believe they apparently cant contain it. Cutting the military budget and revising the constitution as well as having a say in the army reshuffle, I dont think would go down well. Thaksin got kicked out for mucking about with the reshuffle.

    If you really believe Abhisit is interested in getting the Army out of politics, then please tell me why he has not used the police in this protest and let the Army do its job of protecting the country from outside dangers like from Burma or Cambodia.

    I'll take that one. The police are not loyal to the govt. Pretty easy explanation.

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