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Posts posted by ben2talk

  1. 1 hour ago, Nicebus said:

    Thats true and possible.

    But I cant find any recorded cases where little johnny went to school, caught the virus, then came home and killed Grandma.

    This pandemic panic has blurred much of the general populations sense of rational proportion.


    Very clever comment.


    I've seen many cases of people associated with people who have been exposed to someone who was tested positive with Covid who also developed Covid. This is a very contagious disease; more so than flu.


    I'm also aware that even a normal flu season is dangerous for old people at home when they live with kids who bring flu back from school...

  2. 23 hours ago, Trujillo said:

    "I'm confident Masks and distancing help, ..."


    I would be happy to read a published, peer-reviewed study (or several) on whether or not a mask actually does what Asians think it does and whether "social distancing" has any effect either.


    I am not aware of any scientifically verified proof that these are more than, "Well, they seem like good ideas."




    That must be a typo from natway09; it should be 80 percent don't require hospitalization.

    You may not be aware that when you breathe out, if you have a virus it can easily be spread over 5-6 metres - even to the next aisle in a supermarket.


    However, when you wear a mask, the 'cloud' of expelled air is restricted - more of it stays near your body and is less able to travel over distance.


    I wouldn't waste my time arguing about this because I'm incapable of finding a peer-reviewed study to support it... and as for distancing, I never caught any disease from anyone who was not in the same town as myself... so it's only a question of degree. 100m is possibly extremely safe - 5 metres is better than 2 metres, 2 is better than 1, 1 metre is better than 30cm.


    Now there are studies that show reduced concentrations of airborne virus with time and also with range... Lots of them.

  3. On 4/23/2020 at 9:17 AM, Gweiloman said:

    She is 64 and you still expect her to cook for you and to do household chores? Is she your slave? Employ a maid, for crying out loud.

    So you agree that women are the slaves, just lighten the married one with a maid?


    What I noticed is that she demands financial support... that's funny. It doesn't sound as if you have a close relationship, so you don't have much to talk about - so what's the problem?


    You're out of order, but so are many other married couples... finances should be a joint venture - it doesn't matter who earns what, it's family income. Similarly chores, cooking and cleaning, should be done by whoever is available.


    So you take care of your <deleted> and leave her to stay in her own room and play with her phone in peace.

    • Like 1
  4. Maybe the government's decision to redirect billions of baht from the health budget to fund Covid-19 preventive measures has been incredibly effective... talk about stealing from Peter to pay Paul and keep my massive funds from being called into use... Our industrious leader obviously looks slightly worried - having had to slightly delay massive military spending and, should this pandemic have more far reaching damage, may have to limit his additions to his multi billion dollar watch collection for a while.


    I'm confident Masks and distancing help, I also feel pretty safe outside due to the hot sun sterilising the environment - I never encounter any builders, and having also cut out many aircon environments/Malls then my main risk is limited to the 7-11 really.


    My wife's office all swore to 'isolate' at home/car/office so that her risk is limited somewhat - she's sleeping in the back bedroom now and has exclusive use of the car.

  5. 1 hour ago, rupert the bear said:

    a no of factors i feel-lack of testing,how do u know how many have it if you dont test a varied and wide section of the pop?,masks used ,the weather is a big factor the UV shrivels the virus,less physical contact,IE the airkissing mania in the west.the way figs are collected in relation to deaths.traffic accidents is an example your only a traffic victim if dead on the scene .those dying later didnt die of the road accident according t the govt.applies here with pneumonia figs.one thing is for sure though if you hide away then come out later it will effect you again.no immunity.wave 2 will come as it will everywhere.here we have had buses and trains full of people being sent home,a late response by gov after being flooded with mainlanders ,large gatherings for free food,to buy alcohol in a small time frame.etc exposure there,we dont know enough medically about its spread as chinas got more info but wont give it.all in all hospitals arnt full of the sick so its a bit of a mystery.i just wont to get out of here a ship of fools is what it looks like to me and the PMs the capt

    Sorry, I think this is supposed to be an English language forum.

    • Haha 2
  6. 15 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

    Human life, street value at today date, 10,000THB + funeral cost.

    Actually much less - this is an isolated case, most cases never come to light. We all know it's a military's regime - and after playing with parliamentary politics and rigging elections, the virus has helped a re-institution of total dictatorship... funding is increasingly off-limits to public disclosure or scrutiny, allowing someting like 18 billion off-budget spending in 2020.


    I was also interested to hear recently about the practice of military salaries of conscripts who get let off duties after their inital training by channeling their salaries to their commanding officers...


    Mammoth corruption and no need to come up with proper apologies for anything they do. Be grateful for 10,000 because they didn't need to give anything at all.


    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Tiger1980 said:

    Also these countries do not have high levels of Obesity,unlike in the west

    Dr John was also warning people in the UK about vitamin D levels when there's not so much sunshine - as well as certain ethnic minorities which have skin that doesn't produce so much vitamin D even when it is sunny; so there are many factors which are hard to pin down (other than the incredible government response...).

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    It is a close call between drinking to help handle the stress of being cooped up in a small non air conditioned apartment as many Thais have, versus getting drunk and acting like a drunk.

    Well I'd say that alchohol as a 'coping mechanism' is exactly the kind of idea to propogate to support the ban.

    Can't say it bothers me - I'd rather have a cup of hot tea.


  9. Interesting times - will they review the content and maybe pare it down to more interesting topics, or will they continue with the same old rubbish?

    I'm sure the essential learning content of most Thai schools could be compressed to a 2 hour daily video recap.


    Certainly not optimistic about dropping the amazing Thai History lessons (memorizing lots of pointless 'factoids' about some fictional historical information about the Thai elite...).


    Certainly some reading time is doing my son some good, and practicing his arithematic strategies... BBC have some nice Bitesize lessons out (if you can get them) too.

  10. 1 hour ago, Susco said:


    67% CPU usage is considered normal CPU usage. When using the app it uses the same.


    And why would my quad core be an issue but your quad core not?

    ROFL - when I open a terminal to run speedtest, I don't even see any change in CPU with an old i3-4130 @ 3.400GHz. I get pretty much the same result in a browser... so maybe Windows is the problem, or the weather.


    Certainly the whole reason testing is becoming an interesting topic is that for quite a few days now we suffered with 3BB giving patchy service (4-5 blackouts, but whenever I call I get some kind of story - and then it gets reset). Right now I'm stuck at about 54Mbits, and upload is very varied.


    I'm not saying 54 isn't enough, but it's not full speed. The biggest issue for me is the blackouts, with 3BB messing about at any time within a month of the bill being due, interrupting browsing with a damn login screen to check what I already know... it generally means me calling them up and being a very irate 'why did you cut me off again?' and getting a 'sorry, the cable has a problem, I'll reset your connection'.

  11. I enjoyed my GSX-R750. Over the river out towards Bang BuaThong it was good for about 275km/h, mostly fun for sprinting up to maybe 200. I had 20 years going from my first 400's the first 6 years, then two GSX-R's that turned up at the right price - now I'm on a PCX because it costs as much to run in a year as the GSX did in a month...


    Out of my old home on Bangna-Trad it was nice to take first gear up to 125 to get across to the u-turn bridge, then blast up to maybe 220 going back down past Central.


    I don't understand how people don't feel safer at speeds over 130 - maybe they're short sighted... certainly a bit too windy for touring, but for blasting around the city it's great. Also great fun having the extra headroom - and certainly safer over bumps and pot-holes than smaller bikes. Felt like a LIMO next to the PCX.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Guitar God said:

    Thailand has been one of the best examples of how to contain the virus and the incredibly low number of deaths is the proof.
    Thailand acted quickly and closed down non-essential services, told people to stay home, closed borders, even provincial borders, made wearing masks mandatory, sanitized hands and took temps at all public entrances, wiped down handrails and door handles.

    Why be so cynical?

    After I refused to let my son finish his year at School, they announced a lockdown and then let a few million people leave the epicentre and travel to the provinces.


    Then I remember a report about a boxing match going forward... stories about some large businesses refusing to shut down operations. I love the 'booze ban' being announced with a 24 hour window for crowds to go shopping and further mingle...


    Meanwhile a hospital advises patients to skip attending, do video conference with the doctor (great IDEA). Then they complain they wrote down the address wrong and someone must travel across the city to the hospital (which also closed down the car park) and spend all day there - not only to re-register (they can't write down the address and update it over the phone).


    When said person asked for copies of information about the case, they said that person would need to attend on another occasion because (as it was 3pm already) they need all day to collect this stuff - and they can't get it together and send it.


    Next, my son's Thai school spread a request via LINE groups to ask people to answer the question 'Do you have internet?'. I'm curious how many folks answered NO. They were also asked if they own a smartphone... again, how many can answer NO. Such stupidity is not believable - neither is the fact that you are criticised for pointing it out because 'they're trying to be helpful'. Funny they couldn't simply start making some video lessons and websites to punt their lessons (like Khan Academy if you're lucky, but simply BBC Bitesize if you're not).


    Meanwhile, take an early morning visit to Makro - nice and quiet when I went in, quick temp screen and handwash at the door, but NO LIMIT on how many people can enter - so distancing inside becomes impossible and checkout queues quickly back up. Then we're quickly reminded of stupid systems any time we travel to a hospital that has a sensor to see your car enter, and a voice that tells you you STILL must press a communal button before they'll give you a damn ticket.


    Sorry, 'best example' or 'apparently lucky' - I'd choose another term if I were you. All I see are bumbling idiots.


    The largest motivation I see for lifting the lockdown is the financial one... Assuming the virus can't last 2 days on it's own, I don't know why they can't let some places open alternate days and work harder on the message that if people travel only to work and then back home then they are less likely to be sick... meanwhile credit card companies are apologizing they can't give any extra time to pay, so a single month off work can spell disaster for many folks.


    Similar to China and all other countries - there's no hiding the fact that someone can die of a heart attack, not be tested, and not be counted as a COVID case. The real number in Thailand is likely to be maybe 200,000 right now - so you go on out and see if you can spot one. Don't forget, the virus can hang in the air for 3 hours or more so that if any one of those visits a 7-11 at 7am, you better not go in until afternoon.

  13. 1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

    Infection and death rate very low here in Thailand.

    Do you have any idea of the real infection rate?

    Interesting number in the UK from some clever statisticians showed 'excess deaths' included 3000 covid related and 2000 non covid related - more people are dying even from other causes (heart attacks) because they're scared maybe to go to hospital and leave it too late.


    Bkk post recently had a doctor saying he thinks maybe over 200,000 in Thailand infected - 80% have no symptoms and of the other 20% they only test about 1000 per day.

  14. Thailand has only 200 ventilators. Actual infections could be more than 40 times more than reported (80% infected have no symptoms) so real number can be 200,000, so testing isn't really gonna help this shower.


    More concerning is the incompetence in hospitals (including Bangkok) which still cannot operate without holding tons of people in queues - can't manage delivering medication without calling people to travel and sit around waiting, and can't even fulfill prescriptions written out by doctors (my doctor prescribed 4 months supply, they said they'd give my wife 3 months and she could go back for more later...).



  15. 49 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    Im sure most people will be going to the hospital if they feel they are having the above problem, pandemic or not.

    This is an issue - I just saw Dr John explain that in the UK, they showed about 3250 extra deaths attributed to COVID - but another 2500 deaths not... meaning people are suffering at home and not getting treatment. Many of those are heart related deaths, so don't be so sure.

  16. Despite some people complaining, I bought one dirt cheap on Ali about 7 months back, and it's accurate - just a standard chip...

    HOwever, they'll only filter out folks with fever - not COVID... hopefully if anyone with COVID does go out and has a fever then it would filter them out. I can't imagine that happening, but it's nice to know nobody with COVID and a fever will get in.

    • Like 1
  17. Just getting their act together might help a tad...


    For example, Ramathibodi hospital cancelled physical appointments, said they'll do it online and send meds to houses.


    Then they updated, forget the online appointment, just send the medication.


    Then they said someone mis-typed the address (seriously messed it up) so someone needs to visit the hospital to re-register the address. When asked if we could update the address without physically travelling to the hospital, my wife simply added the comment 'cannot, it is government hospital'.


    <deleted>. Stay home, but the hospital will call you into the most densely populated COVID area because they can't update an address by phone, or email, or text...


    So whilst we appreciate the Government are a bunch of  bumbling idiots, we have to also appreciate that the whole infrastructure is also made up of similar bumbling idiots - just visit a Thai school and you'll find out why.

  18. ROFL they're just too busy.

    Look at this - Ramithibodi, where there are tons of COVID patients, cancel appointments, they said they'll do video...


    Then they say 'forget the video, we'll just send the meds'.

    Then they say 'oh, we wrote the address wrong'.

    Then we said 'oh, just one small error - the address is.......'

    But they can't handle that. They can't change an address. They can't write down the correct address...


    Then they say 'You must come into the hospital and re-register, which took a full day last time...'.


    Negative social media? Totally out of order 5555555555



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