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Posts posted by ben2talk

  1. 10 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

    Also these officials come up with absurd measures, such as limited entry points to the markets creating unnecessary congestion and queues that could actually trigger the virus spread. Some of their measures are not very well thought and need to be reconsidered.


    Checking temperature is useless and a waste of time. It doesn't prevent the virus spread. I feel sorry for those people who have to stand and take the temperature. They could've done something else more productive.


    Wearing masks and personal hygiene should suffice entering a market. No need for long queues and congestions for a temperature check.

    Sure, makes more sense to keep ALL the gates open and have runners go around collecting information about how many went in or out of each one, right?


    Did anyone suggest that 'checking temperature' is there to prevent virus spread, or simply filter out anyone who is sick who is out and about with a temperature?


    Wearing masks and personal hygiene do nothing for crowds in high footfall areas. This is the whole point - so markets need to be quiet, and not too many people can go.


  2. 2 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Recently went to a couple of our local banks to try and pay some money into our daughters savings accounts and turned straight back around as the queues were horrendous. Several hundred people shoulder to shoulder with no distancing whatsoever waiting to get through the bank doors.

    Perfect opportunity for the virus to spread if ever there was.

    Exactly - they won't change the culture. You MUST physically travel to the bank, simply doing it digitally is out of the question.


    That was a major culture shock to me back in 2001, and nothing changed since then... though my wife did take time to find ways to avoid 2-3 branch visits per month, there are still several unavoidable ones which - to me - seem totally pointless.


    Last time I went, some 4 months ago we had a conversation in Kasikorn about how important it is to keep those people in jobs.


    The worry is that, as the need for physical workers is reduced, the benefits only get fed up to the super rich.

    • Confused 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, puchooay said:

    I disagree. Most students and teachers have Facebook, Line and other social media apps. Not difficult to set up video chat.


    Baring in mind most teachers write their own lesson plans and test papers, there would be no need for a national online system.

    Actually the basic curriculum is common to the whole country. Take a look at BBC Bitesize - it only takes a small team with a camera to produce a one hour presentation which could be 1. Broadcast on TV and 2. Made available online via facebook/lbry/youtube.


    Also take a look at Khan Academy - this gives clear ideas about ways to put lesson plans into action online - it takes not much longer than to actually plan and teach a lesson in a classroom, but it provides material that is permanently available.


    However, if you actually look at the rather pathetic effort they did make to put 'school TV' online, it's worse than the worst Thai TV you ever saw... The fact is that these people are just incapable of educating children even when schools are open.

  4. 38 minutes ago, redwood1 said:

    How many people wear the same mask day after day....I would guess most.....


    How many people raise and lower their mask at their convenience,.....I would guess most


    A virus is so tiny these 3 baht masks offer no protection..


    So the masks are pretty much 100% useless.......So the mask wearing is nothing more than a Theater production...

    The deductive reasoning is astounding.

    The mask, when on your mouth, will stop you spitting. It doesn't need to be there ALL the time to have SOME effect. That is NOT 100% useless...


    The problem is that it's very antisocial to go out without a mask - but in a country where masks are extremely hard to come by it seems the only benefactors of this policy are the hoarders who manage to keep their Lazada/Shoppee accounts working.

  5. 13 hours ago, Logosone said:

    The last thing you need in 40 degrees heat is to wear a mask.


    Not only is a mask uncomfortable but life-threatening, the truth is finally out.


    Anyway, it's a moot point, I never wear my mask now on principle. Went shopping, restaurant, never an issue with anybody.

    Proud to be a <deleted>.

    Like smoking in public, it's not acceptable - WE don't know if you're infected, so WE insist you wear a mask to protect US. It's not for your own benefit.

    • Like 2
  6. 13 hours ago, Greenhill said:

    Has he got any idea how malls would control a maximum number of people entering, when they've probsbly got a number of entrances? Also how would they control the 2 hour time limit? Solutions will be most interesting, I'm sure!

    There really is no cure for stupidity.

    When I want to stop people coming in my house, I close the doors.

    Actually, such measures should already be in place in places like Makro - maximum 2 people per trolley and a limit on the number of people allowed inside.


    Easy to monitor - count them in one door, count them out the other... if you can't manage that, then you print however many passes you wish to employ and have people pick them up going in and leave them behind going out. Nobody comes in if there's no pass... but what do you do if people forget to come out after 2 hours?


    However, as we've seen with the idiotic chaos in Megabangna car park (including 'no double parking' zones) that come from ten million people all deciding to go hang out at the Mall every weekend - the idea of limits is a criminial concept to the Thai mind.


    Everyone is entitled.

  7. 23 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

    Some of us are not out late at night. We don't drink and don't do bars or pubs. Just living a normal life. About the only thing I don't do anymore is go to restaurants and I have lost 4kg in a month from eating better home cooked food.

    Something else I achieved during the last week is to get a load of classical music and go through it making up playlists... right now 'Concerto de Aranjuez' is playing. Some things you just never get around to in normal times... My son is 8, and not going to school gives me time to read with him, and he spends an hour practising various skills - like arithmetic and writing - which is something I treasure having extra time for.


    So I'll be counting the costs of returning to normal life probably as much as many here are complaining about loss of boozing time.

  8. Prawit insisted that the report was untrue, adding that all of the government’s attention was focused on curbing Covid-19 transmissions.


    That's all they're thinking about 24/7 and couldn't spare 15 minutes to pay attention to anything else. They even forget to eat lunch and dinner... They don't have ANY other matters to attend to.


    If the Police said they don't have time, I'd agree - they're all busy in the station houses counting used bills and banding them up for storage in the safe... but the government, surely not!

  9. Fantastic story. Sadly all too true - I remember a guy turning up when I was a student in Fleetwood many moons ago. He took out a wad with about 1500 quid and bought a couple of rounds...


    A month later he left town with his winnings - including a BMW, and a boat that he persuaded people to lend him along with quite a few people that lent him 300 quid to get his car out of the garage so he could go and collect next month's salary (paid cash, as usual).


    Con artists get by being believable - hard to imagine how it can be done via internet, but anyone who can fall in love online without actually spending time with someone is pretty much fair game.

  10. 3 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    so what's the purpose of having the public holidays

    Well that's to stop people being forced to work 365 days per year for no extra pay than a basic salary...

    However, at this time I think companies should add public holidays to their 'holiday' allowance and negotiate with employees TBH.


    Are you suggesting the only reason to have public holidays (like Christmas Day in the UK) is that people don't stay home?


    Perhaps a slightly less developed idea of how to belittle everything reported in Thai news.

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  11. Strangely I never missed the closed bars, massage parlors, or smiling whores.

    Come to think of it, I don't much like crowds either... 

    Nicer to stay home with a hot cup of tea and read a book, listen to music, catch up on some TV... Schedule a good brisk 20 minute walk every morning before breakfast and again after 6pm to get the blood pumping. I must say the air quality is excellent and smells so much better.


    • Haha 2
  12. The worst thing here is to assume people will drive on the left; in the UK we learn to drive near to the kerb, but here generally they go straight up the middle at best... then come out of sideroads in  your face because they won't pull out and cross your lane before doing a right turn...


    Glad they find it amusing. Next video is monkeys laughing at monkeys throwing dung...

  13. On 4/25/2020 at 8:46 PM, treetops said:

    No one wants or has advocated holding your TV, silly. If your ipad is the same you may want to check exactly what you bought. You probably shouldn't have brought comments on intelligence into the thread.

    Sorry, someone was complaining they had serious issues holding the tablet for a long period - I guess you missed the point that I can watch TV all day without getting tired, and the same theory applies to an ipad, or even a smaller device like a Kindle, because you can just prop it up.


    It's a bit like complaining your legs are tired when you're standing next to a sofa... and you're right, one of the biggest issues with having intelligence is that the idiots around you don't get the inferences and assume that you're talking rubbish so I shouldn't bring that up.

  14. On 4/26/2020 at 7:32 AM, Skallywag said:

    Then you are not "giving" her the money, you are "loaning" her the money

    No - I give her anything she wants. She always gives back. If she says she needs money, I'd never say "I'll lend you some" because she just doesn't work that way and neither do I. There's a basic difference.

  15. Don't over-think it, just do it! Find a few video's on Youtube to give you some ideas first.


    I was broke when I got my first bike - a CM125 custom - so I just experimented until I could make it go. The basics are simple, you just need to practice until you can pull away without stalling and pull in the clutch before you stall when you stop.


    Then you need to refine clutch control - I had a screeching back tyre on downchanges for a few days, it soon went away - then it wasn't so much rocket science as 'muscle memory'. A bit like steering - you don't think about it much, it just happens.


    After about 5 years with bikes up to 250cc, I bought myself a CB500F (Four cylinder - big size) and was scared to death until I actually got on it. Then I realised how much more stable and safe it was compared to anything smaller...


    40 years later I found it much much harder to learn to ride a scooter - initially it was so much less safe/stable and not able to 'go' when I needed to 'go' so that I had to learn a whole new level of control. It took me a good few months.

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