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Posts posted by ben2talk

  1. On 8/10/2020 at 9:00 AM, Pilotman said:

    they could start by selling more than the same stuff that is sold in 9,000 7/11s, 4,000 Big C MIni, 5,000 Tesco MIni.  There is no differentiation in Thai mini marts, so I can't see how they can all make a profit. Same old, same old. 

    Funny perspective - I thought most folks use 7-11 to pick up milk/eggs/bread. Tesco has it's own brand bread and some unique product lines (and not so highly priced quite often) but BigC never got my loyalty - be it mini or full supermarket.


    Family mart always seemed shoddy to me - 20 years ago I still preferred Tesco and 7-11.

  2. 4 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    I am 52 and have thought that I would enroll in this global emergency evacuation flight insurance program so that I could be flown back to my home country when I need a major health care emergency.


    I guess that depends on the home country - for me, having stents after a heart attack, I couldn't have afforded to do it anywhere else and you can't get NHS treatment unless you're a UK resident anyway... that plan is for people travelling outside the UK, not living outside.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Wht didn't you go for the 1 gbps service, still only @ 600 baht a month.

    I don't think they do less than 1gbps service - all fibre offers 1gbps. It starts at 590, then 700/900/1200.


    From 590 to 700, the download is still rated '1gbps' but the upload goes up from 100 to 500 which is a huge difference.


    Currently, on VDSL, 3BB gives me a miserable 50-60Mbps (download speeds 5-6MB) and upload around 35MBs). I've a feeling they're pushing for the switch - I've been getting cut almost daily for a month now. They're putting my fibre in tomorrow.

  4. 7 hours ago, Titan1962 said:

    Also how about just enforcing the laws that already exist.

    like riding a bike while not wearing a helmet.

    Riding or driving without a license.

    Wow, of all the laws you want to reinforce - how about simply having police cars/bikes actively working on stopping drivers who don't drive properly?


    Start, maybe, with some driving schools and a proper driving test for anyone wanting to drive - and obviously re-testing for people involved in accidents as a beginning (I'm sure there's no way there can be enough capacity to re-test everyone as there isn't yet any real capacity for real training or testing of anybody).


    You also miss the point that they DO have 'proper' police - like the highway (sharks) police - but that they simply appear to be more for show... as is this news article.

    • Like 2
  5. 35 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    The winner of the most condescending post in 2020 goes to ............

    Well I'm constantly amazed how hard it is for folks to do stuff I take for granted to be available in a quick right click... nor how they can open a picture in an application that can't resize or crop... so the only thing we need to add here is text, for which I'd use GIMP.


    Has ANYONE in the world not heard of Gimp? Open image, select 'tools-text'...  I mean really???

  6. I can't imagine how it can be difficult - maybe because I don't use Windows.

    For a quick edit I generally right click/open in gimp, then it's an easy (Shift+C) crop, etc... it's just so easy it's not even conceivable that it can be made hard.


    For more fancy editing, Darktable is my favourite photo editing tool.


    This took maybe 15 seconds all in... hardly rocket science, and proper free and open source software - why use proprietory stuff?





    • Confused 2
  7. I don't see the problem here - just look at what a great job the military has been doing (aside from creating Thailand’s largest virus cluster, having a mass shooting in Korat, jailing the whistleblowers, supporting farmers to the huge benefits of CP, whilst asking CP to give a little help in return for gaining their most massive profits in history, destroying historical monuments, overthrowing elected governments, murdering civilians, etc.).


    We all know Thai's just can't wait to get their children back in school to resume square bashing and prepare themselves to clean the toilets of the military elite when they're conscripted.

    • Like 1
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  8. 13 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    Obviously it was sarcasm.


    If he truly loved Thailand, why would he want to commit suicide and leave his beloved country? ????

    A note apparently written by the deceased spoke of pain and personal troubles and mentioned that he loved Thailand, reported Sanook.

    Perhaps reading between the lines is a bad idea - pain and personal troubles in his personal life, not specifically related to Thailand.


    Knowing nothing about his personal life, or his health we might stab some guesses - knowing there were medicines around means possibly he obtained them to use ending his life, or they were medicines which he had to take to try to control some medical condition which affected his quality of life.


    It seems a bit sad, maybe he just didn't have much to look forward to - maybe his family abandoned him. What do you know?

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, rickudon said:

    Actually bought some beans today from Makro, as on discount. Obviously i was poking a bit of fun at the coffee connoisseurs, but Buddy Dean is the best of the 3 in 1 coffees i have tasted. For one cup a day, not much point in having a coffee machine.


    Now tea is a different case!

    Wow - not worth drinking real coffee once per day? I couldn't imagine anything else at home - and Buddy Dean is certainly not a cheaper option.


    I bought a cheap ceramic burr grinder for 2000 baht, then a cheap Electrolux dripper for about 1300 and so far that's supplied me with a minimum of 1 cup per day for maybe 4 years (after the power switch gave up on my last one).


    I'd say it's better to hit 'grind' (mine does around 5-6 seconds) whilst putting 1 cup of water in a machine and have a fresh cup 2 minutes later than mixing up any kind of 3-in-1. The only time I will touch 3-in-1 is if 1. I can't get water hot enough to make tea or 2. I have no other options and I really must have a hot drink in the morning.

  10. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    What is the current status of Pattaya?

    For me it's the same as it was the one day I visited in 2007:
    "To be avoided."

    The only times I travel there are 1. If my wife gets a discount weekend stay at a premium hotel - then I tend to stay in the hotel or 2. To visit my brother-in-law - but he now lives and works in Ayuthaya because there's nothing for him in Pattaya.


    So the 'current status' is 'completely devoid of interest'.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Third, why on earth would you ever start a fight with someone over a cigarette? Punks itching for a fight?

    Nicotine withdrawal is a bitch - understood by all smokers. I saw a fair bit of intimidating behaviour in the UK around people bumming smokes...


    It's one of the best features of quitting  1. Not being <deleted> off when I have no smokes and being refused if I lower myself to asking someone else to give me one and 2. Not having bums asking me to give them one.


    I'm happy to see I wasn't the last to switch - I see very little smoking since people took up vaping.

  12. 16 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    4 months of home schooling has been enough for me.  I need a day off...lol.  Sent the GF and the kids to the park thinking I could get a breather and instead I fell asleep in my office chair while looking for more online math papers for them to complete......

    Just sign them up for a couple of onlne classes - Khan is good, we do just one hour per day and that's better than what he'd do at school.

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  13. Good grip and shock absorption? I noticed a huge difference going from a GSX-R750 to a PCX.

    I noticed virtually no difference changing tyres on the PCX - the engine's still on the back wheel, and small wheels always suffer more from bumps in the road.

    Grip has never been an issue - except when there's dirt underfoot, when the tyres can't do their job whatever is installed.

    Price is more of an issue really, stock tyres are not only fine, but they're dirt cheap and you can find them easily...

    Depends on where you are and what's around TBH but it's not worth getting stressed about if you are a decent, experienced and adaptable rider.

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  14. It's useful to learn some, but learning to read well enough to read books or newspapers I'd say probably not. Also, judging by the time wasted by my son reading absolutely ridiculously  boring diatribe in schoolbooks I'd say it's best avoided.


    Enough to understand signs and basic instructions - but then you can open google translate in the phone and click the camera to get some translating done there.

    • Like 1
  15. Such a farce - even for the 10m square little Tesco in my soi.

    But when I went to Mega, they made me scan in to Ikea (though I told them I wasn't going to Ikea) from the carpark, then out to Megabangna again at the top of the escalator - so I wasn't registered inside Megabangna, only expected to scan in to individual shops.


    The problem is the app is such a faff - change language, enter phone number etc. I just pointed the camera, opened the app, walked in and swiped the app away. At least half the shops weren't bothering at all.

  16. for watching TV, wouldn't you be better off with an HDMI link to a TV? When my monitor got old, I shoved the box behind the TV and plugged it into the receiver, then another link from the receiver to the TV - so I get great sound and a big picture... It wouldn't work for a desk, I sit about 1 metre from the screen when using the computer, but 2m for watching moves/TV... added bonus is that it's hooked up to the main sound system, so just playing music or anything else works well too.


    I have Kodi and Plex Media Player on my TV upstairs, and a 42" screen means my son can watch TV on one half of the screen whilst I borrow the other half to do something else - or just fill the screen and watch TV.


    It also works well with UHD, but I'm just on an old LG 1980x1080 which is mostly fine. Big picture, big sound - super.

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