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Posts posted by ben2talk

  1. On 8/19/2021 at 5:58 AM, Chomper Higgot said:



    For those who are not vaccinated and/or don’t have a firm appointment now signing up for this Moderna opportunity now is a good idea.


    Yes it’s late but what’s the alternative?



    My wife signed up and paid the first time around, then I got an appointment, I'm 9 days away from my second Pfizer jab - so if the Moderna is available in 6 months, it'll make a nice booster (maybe one for me, and the second for her).


  2. <deleted> - 'Sorry that we refused to join COVAX, we did our best'. Interesting contradiction...

    'We did our best refusing all aid because we honestly believed that the opaque local production facility might just pull the rabbit out of the bag, so we bet heavily on that option instead...' There, fixed that for ya.


    Or 'We did our best to take care of our own interests, you're not very important - now go away and stop asking questions'.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    To register is one thing, not getting an appointment another.

    I looked at the registration - failed twice, then heard that the site had been freely offering it's data to all and sundry for a couple of days (2 hours in Thai language) and then paid in advance for a Moderna injection.


    With new cases up to over 5400 today I'll be surprised if it's safe to even attend to get a vaccine in a few more months time... Maybe they should lock down and wait until next year?

  4. There's another story - my wife went and had her first AZ shot, minutes later she was lying down with a high heartrate (153) and developed a fever - she was shipped to a hospital who said there were no more beds.


    When she said she would PAY (i.e. not as a government patient) they actually said they'd check to see if there were beds for her... but obviously they couldn't suddenly come up with one so they still turned her away. I'm curious how many folks in the hospitals don't actually have COVID but are reacting to the vaccine? and how many beds are not available for government patients. Certainly Princ seems to have 6 floors of wards with no lights on above the 11th floor.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

    I could not disagree more. A great percentage of infections are in-family or in-household or in-workplace. These people need to be isolated, even if asymptomatic, in order to protect others.

    But NOT in hospitals!!! Extra rooms could be found to isolate people who are not ill. They also don't need isolating unless they're living with other people - many people live alone here.

  6. I actually know folks who paid 4000 to get tested 'for piece of mind'... knowing full well that, even if they're not sick, they'd get locked up in a hospital for the duration.


    It's ridiculous that everyone tested positive must get a bed - that leaves no beds for the sick - and it's even more ridiculous that they'll shut everyone else out, including people who are sick!!!

    • Like 2
  7. ...however he was unable to explain why a famous international school in Chonburi was able to bus all it's foreign teachers to Bangkok to get vaccinated ahead of anyone else.


    ROFLMAO to think the rules will apply to business or people under the umbrella of some 'Good People'.


    So the real name for this formula might be accurately reported as  'unprivileged plebian formula', right?

  8. Simple steps.

    1. Rename Royal Thai Police to Royal Thai Minions or Royal Thai Mafia.


    2. Don't try to create a real police force because everyone knows it's just a <deleted> story to make it look like you want to hear from people what they want without ignoring it.


    3. Stop making fake news stories to try to fool people - we know you only ever tested one truck with a smoky exhaust in 2010 so stop saying you're doing a job.

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  9. Thai organization is amazing.

    Register first - but that's not really a working system, or maybe the system is designed to filter people out.

    Get appointments - right, when I go to hospital I have to schedule 2 hours for local private, or all day for a Thai hospital...

    e.g. appointment 1pm, turn up 11am for test, wait - 1pm still not starting my doctor's queue - maybe start 1.30 and wait until 3pm to see him, then another 2 or 3 hours to get medicine and pay the bill.

    Appointments are notoriously ridiculous, and people aren't really expected to turn up on time - they're expected (normal Thai culture) to wake up stupid early and turn up stupid early and wait wait wait.


  10. 9 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    The OP does say '120kph UNLESS HINDERED'.

    Probably Hindered, as usual, by Tik driving her truck along the centre lane at 60km/h when there's nothing in the left lane. So the speed limit will be maybe 100-120 in the right lane, then 160 for overtaking in the left lane.

    Also differing limits for different vehicles. 320km/h superbikes, for example, will be hindered by a 110km/h limit and not allowed to reach a heady 120km/h because they're so much slower than cars.

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