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  1. Skype to Phone UK unlimited, landlines only, is £2.40 a month. https://secure.skype.com/en/international-calls/United Kingdom
  2. Many on AN have lost what it was that enabled them to keep pace. The alleged turn towards "conservatism", as one gets older, is the polite way of saying that you are losing your intellectual flexibility, your faculty to learn/absorb new ideas and your previous ability to develop........to evolve. That turn is not a "choice", just as one does not choose to become less physically flexible and mobile as one ages........Dr Robert Sapolsky as good as calls it neural deterioration. To most younger people, and some on AN, everything around them is normal and they work with it. They still have to "strive", but they are not lost........as you are.
  3. This is the first time I have heard of the man and the first time i have knowingly heard him speak.......as opposed to hearing his voice, without knowing his name, on some radio programme. I think it extraordinary that you, or anyone else, would find anything so peculiar in his voice that they would have cause to comment. If you were to ask me if the presenter of the video was a woman I would say they could be a transgender woman who has superbly mastered the tones of a birth woman. I once watched a video of a TGW that showed before and after gender-affirming voice therapy......absolutely astonishing to hear the difference. Back on the subject: You are a million miles wide of the mark. With regard to your motive for posting: Time has rushed by and far ahead of most who post on AN........you are the person who most exemplifies that fact. It's not your world anymore, it's all going to happen...........whether you like it or not. Shut up and get out of the way, that is the message of Modernity.......oops! I posted it again:
  4. The whole world has the documents. NSA published them on Dec 23rd 2024: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/dnsa-intelligence/2024-12-23/cia-behavior-control-experiments-focus-new-scholarly
  5. No only you.....the troll who previously manifested on ThaiVisa/AN as "Nyezhov".
  6. The Crisis of Parliaments, English History 1509-1660.
  7. In 2008 I thought I would last until 2010. I was once assessed, by a college tutor, as "tends to rely excessively on his wits". It will take all of them to make it through the next 10 years.......I fear I may live that long. Happy New Year to one and all:
  8. Whatever the circumstances he provoked a lot of people on this thread to react like idiots. They are not the people who require hard evidence before making up their minds about who was at fault.
  9. A Saree guard, as fitted on MCs in India: Would need one both sides (Indian lady pillions travel with legs left) for all round blanket protection.
  10. Aye lad, "A score n' seven, or two n' a qwarter dozen Russyians....." They'd be bang on the same as roit they would.
  11. Until a credible source publishes a cross section of the structure I'm going with a concrete foundation for the array, sitting on a berm. For the moment WYSIWYG: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0mvynnxzzmo PS. I feel compelled to contest your assertion that you were the first person on AN to introduce the berm into the conversation, see below: Jeju Air Flight from Bangkok Skids Off Runway at Muan Airport, 28 Dead
  12. All eyes would have been on the aircraft. Difficult to believe that the tower would not have "pointed out" to the pilot that the landing gear was not down.
  13. PPrune probably the only discussion worth reading as far as the operation of the aircraft is concerned.
  14. Not much mention made, but I think you'll find that he came in downwind.
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