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  1. Nobody wants any sort of a cemetery in their back yard. On past predictions half of existing UK cemeteries will be full within the next 10 years, and many councils are already saying no to any more. Happily, good Christians like me, and Hindus, are OK to go up in smoke.........Muslims and Jews aren't allowed to do that. The fact of this being a Muslim cemetery (with scant reference to the wider, greater, cemetery space issue) is the sole reason it is in the pages of the "Torygraph"........ to maintain it's barking readerships rage levels. Surprised it didn't turn up in the "The Maul" first.
  2. Any "Thailand justice department" operates under orders..........which are little to do with justice. In his current circumstances It is only required to run show trials that prove him innocent. Anyone who hasn't worked out the how and why of his return to Thailand, and the reason for his current invulnerability, is not qualified to comment on the political situation in Thailand. Anyone who has worked it out would not be permitted to explain it on these pages. 🫠
  3. "What do you think is going on here?" The airborne equivalent of illegal raves or Thai MC street meets, swiftly followed by the media and netizen hysteria that the participating delinquents sought to achieve....... "cool". Idiots + toys + anxiety purveyors/junkies
  4. The full name for the party was, NSDAP....... National Socialist Democratic Workers Party. It sought to appeal to Socialists and Communists......that's why they stuck "Socialist" in the Party name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party "The renaming of the German Worker's Party (DAP) to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) was partially driven by a desire to draw upon both left-wing and right-wing ideals, with "Socialist" and "Workers'" appealing to the left, and "National" and "German" appealing to the right." See F A Hayeks book "The Road to Serfdom" for his analysis of the mutual "Collectivism" of the German parties of the left and right that made them so attractive to a particular segment of the population. The naming of the Party was all about votes.......nothing more. It was neither "Socialist" nor "Democratic". This is what it actually practised: "The strength of the National Socialist State lies in the fact that it is [ruled] from top to bottom and in every atom of its existence ruled and permeated with the concept of leadership [Führertum]. This principle [of leadership], which made the movement strong, must be carried through systematically, both in the administration of the State and in the various spheres of self-government, naturally taking into account the [ideologic] modifications required by the particular area in question. But it would not be permissible for any important area of public life to operate independently from the Führer concept" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Führerprinzip It's what your guy hopes to make of the USA. You voted for it........you are the "National Socialist".
  5. "Initial flight training, or the time to become an instructor, takes a year or two. After that, building the airline-required 1,000-1,500 flight hours (depending on the selected pathway) generally takes 2–5 years more to achieve, depending on whether the pilot works as a CFI, crop duster, aerial photographer, banner tower, etc Once at the airlines, upgrading to captain has black-and-white regulations regarding hours and experience. Namely, US airline captains must have flown 1,000 hours as second in command (SIC) at the airline level and be at least 23 years old" https://simpleflying.com/new-pilot-captain-progression-timeline/ 10 years sounds good to you so that's what you said. Just another blustering, AN know-nothing, plucking "truth" out of their own tiny "airspace".
  6. They are what they are.
  7. In truth GB was "felled" rather than suffering a "rot"........but ignorance and "confusion" obscures that from most. A large % of the population (tattered flag waving Brexit worshippers) still haven't got the memo: "As long as we rule India we are the greatest power in the world. If we lose it, we shall drop straightaway to a third-rate power." Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, 1901.
  8. Not according to the World "Zoophilia" Map (Oct '22): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Legality_of_zoophilia_by_country_or_territory.svg
  9. Alcohol probably not involved. Just your everyday ignorant, grunting, shrieking savage. Not worth the time or trouble.
  10. a) Monkey not a Hominid. b) Monkey not bipedal except occasionally, as are none of todays Great Apes (which are hominids) except occasionally. Having those two walk the same path is like you and a Neanderthal walking down Beach Road one after the other. 🫠
  11. She is the Alison Pearson that I used to see regularly on BBC2s "Late Show" in the 90's. That Alison Pearson would have us all gelded in an instant given the opportunity.
  12. He has thrived until now and is still alive .......he may even have reproduced. He is adapted to manage the loss of 40,000 baht......he's a rich Westerner on holiday Your "Darwinian aspect" would be laughed out of the lecture theatre by your fellow first day, first term, first year undergraduates.
  13. How come every other truck in Thailand has images of Al Pacino as "Scarface" on it? The predominance of US "soft power" indoctrination, going strong since the 1920's, has made sure that tens of millions have "Americanised" themselves.........in outlook and aspiration if not in material terms. Some read the small print, most don't : "The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic and a killer." — D.H. Lawrence

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