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Posts posted by duke69

  1. ....., the monthly payments will cease, and the apartment rent and the BMW lease will no longer be paid by my accountant.

    ehi!!! Do you want me as MIA NOI as well???

    I Know I know I'm an ugly man, but I can play pool, drink, and if the BMW is a 5 series I can give you a slice of my ass (the best part, near the bone = Parma Ham)!!!

  2. I've a friend 35 years old. Every year comes from Europe to Thailand or Philippines (alternate).

    30 days having sex twice a day. Drinks loads of GinSeng and other stuff.

    Never used a condom.

    Every day a different girl or ladyboy

    Yes people like him are not so uncommon.

    When I asked him about infections he told me: you smoke, you have more chances than me to die!!!


  3. these countries are looking for stability in international trade and looking for investments.

    Investing in a country where the currency kills your PL with forex losses is something that nobody wants.

    China peg, Malaysia peg, some other countries did not want to loose their face, but the $ is the main currency. Vietnam is the best example, the government will never peg the dong to the $ (comunists who won war against USA and hate them), but the country needs to attract investments and tourists = $ is the main currency in trade.

    In Indonesia you are allowad (if multiational) to own a company and have all the general ledger in US$ (this is what we did in our group). In this case you reduce the risk of foreign exchange losses.

    In all these countries, anyway, real estate and land is always in US$ or local currency equivalent to US$: In Brazil you buy an House with the value in US$ and when you pay: just convert the actual $ value in local currency.

    Argentina teached the world how dangerous this could be: a peg (if not well managed) might bring a country to collapse. The Argentinian pesos (per 1:1 to $) was already devalueted before the "big blast", and for international trades 2 years earlier multinational just wanted L/C and payment n US$ ...... after 2 years the per went to 4:1!!!

  4. Of course no Hard Core DVDs, in that case it's a big problem.

    For normal DVDs, put them in the Music CD folder (I use one for 80 Cds), and put this into your Hand Bag (you only get Xray in Russia).

    All the sleeves together, like a book (no Xray can detect them since it's paper).

    Trow away plastic boxes and buy new ones on Thailand (I don't use plastic cases anymore since my collection DVD+Music VDs is about 1000 pieces).

    If you want to be perfect, in the folder insert also some Music CDs, so you can explain them (in the rate case they stop you) that this is your private collection.


    It's almost impossible for them to say they're not original. But take 70-80 each time, not 200!!!

  5. I plan to retire @ 45, expat salary till that date (and savings) will be enough.

    After that I plan to open a shop selling antiques, plan to import european antiques to Asia (visiting Europe, friends, relatives) and trade asian antiques in Europe (travelling all around Far East).

    The shop in Asia will have employees and just a supervision by me, in Europe will be a pure trading activity. So I plan to spend most of my time travelling.

    Business has to pay "bread and butter", the extra quality of life will be paid by savings and return on investments.

    Sport, friends, beaches, TV, hobbies will do the rest.

    ..... bot not in LOS, I'm starting to think to buy a property in Krabi, where prices are still reasonable.

  6. Yesterday I went to a French restaurant, bloody expensive. Owner is a French gay who enjoys life here .....

    I got in and he didn't even say "hello", the service was good for Thai restaurant, but not for french standards .....

    I tipped 6 Baht on a Bill of 4000 Baht (the total was 3994).

    TIPS in LOS are U2U (up to you). They have to understand that tipping is extra money paid for extra service. Average service is ZERO!!!

  7. 5% if the service is good.

    If the service is outstanding my GF hires the waiter as sales man in the company where she works as HR manager (already 2 very good waiters became 2 very good sales men).

    Taxi = round to 10 baht

    Hotel = 40 Baht if the bags arrive in 10 minutes, otherwise just a complain to the reception

    B/G if they act very very well 500 Baht, if I can read the cash $ in their eyes nothing

  8. my penny:

    Farangs sometimes complains because they're used to it.

    They start complaining because they do not know the "unwritten rules" of the country, but when they understand that living in Thailand is much easier than in Europe or USA, they keep complaining to protect their "secret".

    They do not want a colleague to dig an hole under their chair and get their job, easy life, good expat package, not much stress in the office.

    They are extremely worried in coming back to Europe/USA because they know what they are leaving in Thailand and they imagine what they are going to face back home.


    If your wife really loves you, she will never tell her girlfriend that you're a BULL in BED, that you are a lovely hubby: she doesn't want someone to steal her secret.

    WOW such a romantic statement!!! :o

  9. most of the men are weak by nature and love a wife to tell them what to do (no responsabilities).

    The best thing about Thailand is that when you get pissed off, you can stop over Nana, have some fun for 20$ and go back home saying: "sorry my love, traffic jam".

    Try to do it elsewhere!!!

  10. In my opinion you should try to register the bike or sell it and buy a regular one.

    Chang Mai is not so big and you have big chances to meet the same cop again, and again.

    You'll end paying "tips" every day "same place, same time", and if you are going to try to avoid his "tea money" will be even worst.

    YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED, better to sell the bike, anyway you risk to loose it to the police.

    INSURANCE: yes technically you're wasting the money since the bike cannot be insured and if you make an accident you have to pay with your own money.

    TRY TO RIDE and unregistered and uninsured bike in USA, I'll bet you will find the cops inserting the exaust pipes (when they're hot) in your butt and asking you to smile, before being taken to jail.

    YOU PRETEND western style of life, you complain about laws and security, THAN YOU're the first one to cat wild with no rules!!!

  11. Farangs duped by Thai wives

    Dear Sirs,

    Has any individual or organization ever taken any action to protect farangs from being duped by Thai wives or girlfriends? I would have thought that this should be a high priority since I am very concerned that others might have been taken in as I was myself. I would think that there could be a support group with someone (an ex-patriot) having Thai and English fluent language skills and legal knowledge to advise gullible farangs. The group could even charge fees, creating a job for a competent person.

    Personally, I was unaccustomed to being lied to face to face by someone who I loved dearly. For four years, I was bled of cash and more painfully, feelings. After my wife admitted the scam, I was devastated. She had stolen four years of my life along with millions of baht. I have tried to get some legal action, but I am advised by a good friend in Bangkok that I would be throwing good money after bad. The divorce laws in Thailand are biased toward the Thai wife, so the farang always loses. The Thai lawyers at the law firm which I contacted in Bangkok are incompetent and slow to act.

    A support group could publicize the vulnerabilities of such unions and try to foster some support in the legal and law enforcement cooperation in bringing justice. They could also recommend detectives and attorneys who have proved their worth. As it is now, I feel that the Thai legal system and the Thai police adopt an attitude of ‘Farang against Thai’, rather than in any interest in the pursuit of justice.

    Best regards,

    Michael J. Bowens

    I quote the post since I wonder how some of you guys are giving such kind of statement without knowing anything .....

    I cannot read that this guy was old, fat, bold, went to Thai to abuse of a weak girl (poor girl), ....

    I don't understand where the statement that she was a BAR GIRL comes from, ....

    Really some of you are really silly person.

    You assume that all Thai wifes are sluts, bar girls, you assume that all farangs are fat, old, bald, losers, ..... this is weird!!!

    The guy was looking for an advice, you "pianted" him as a maniac loser who went to BKK to marry a prostitute .....

    May be I lost some other old posts where Micheal wrote he married a prostitite, 30 years younger than him, he has big bally cauz he is 60 years old and bold cauz ...

    In my opinion this guy married a Thai, a normal Thai girl (I know, most of you do not believe Thailand has no girls who are not prostitutes, since may be you only know Soy Cowboy or Nana, aven after 20 years in LOS), and got his dreams of a normal life destroyed.

    This can happen indeed with any girl from any country, but before shitting on him in such a way, at least, you should have asked for more information.

    Anyway this is a public forum, you are free to think that all Thai girls are sluts, that all farangs are maniacs with big bally and shinig skull and over 60 years old.


  12. SIMON

    On the Web there are thousands of photos of LOS and Thailand, 90% for free.

    I know what you mean: posting on the WEB photos with low resolution, and than selling the high resolution version (hope at least 6MP) for few $$.

    There are legal problem in terms of taxation (where is the web host based?), but since you made the photos in Thailand and sell from Thailand, should this activity be considered "professional" you've to pay tax. If it's an hobby you have to declare (if it works) on this web site that you are not a professional photoigrapher and you do it for hobby and passion (but in this case I doubt someone will pay $$ for your photos).

    Personally I have more than 2000 photos (most of them 6.3 MP) of Thailand, should someone require for them I have no problem to burn a CD fo free, Thailand is a very common place, so the photos are not worth much.

    Taking photos @ weddings?? Good business in Europe and USA, must the approach must be very professional, since the wedding is an important date for your client.


    You say:

    1) the resort has been already half "restored" (better word I guess since I believe it's very run down) and 1,000,000 baht have been spent on it ....

    2) you say that 1,000,000 baht additional will give you 50% shareholding

    3) you say: you'll be register a Co. ltd

    My OPINION: (just an opinion)

    1) the 1,000,000 baht already spent on the resort where have they been booked? If there si not Co. Ltd yet, those money are only on benefit of the owner. as "leasehold improvement" (BUT NO REGISTERED COMPANY TO ASSET THIS IMPROVEMENT) you will in any case loose those money shoudl the rolling rental agreement end.

    2) Your potential partner is already breakeven with 1,000,000 baht investment, so with just another 1,000,000 baht is giving you 50%!!! Should be desperate, is the GOODWILL of this resort worth ZERO? Already 2 years in operation, with wonderful future of huge profits and no Goodwill, with just the same money the original business man invested 2 years ago, you get 50%. So he worked for nothing!! Santa Claus??

    3) You register a Co. Ltd. Capital invested 2,000,000 baht in "leasehold improvements", the contract expires, the Co. Ltd goes bankrupt and bye bye expat.

    The owner of the resort will say: not my business I was just renting the resort, it's the Co. ltd. that had to pay me the rent and pay you back the loan.

    I add n. 4)

    You say that 12% return on a safe investment -- whereelse???

    Nowhere my friend, bust most of all NOT FROM THIS FRAUD


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