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Posts posted by duke69

  1. there are some farangs (business travellers) who actually go there and buy 15-20 DVDs, for a salesguy (paid 99% on commission) is something not to loose, for this reason each Farang is a potential buyer who can make their day!!!

    Just reply to them :"no need for DVD I have your sister"

  2. I'm getting bored with my job and thinking of opening a bar at a popular beach resort in Thailand somewhere.

    My idea is to have red neon lights at the front, complemented by Christmas Tree lights, all outdoors, full of slappers with a constant supply of shit tunes.


    if you need help in interviewing the BGs, let me know.

    Just pay me in Viagra :o

  3. what will you do when the mil run out, i say use the mil wisely, live a humble life, don't spend to much time at the bar, do some research for job, stay for a year or so to see how you like it in long term, buy yourself a return trip incase.

    ............ if he was unlucky (like many are), the girl will leave him alone (no money no honey), he will feel frustrated, ashamed in coming back as a loser to US, ......

    ...... use the last 40$ to take 1 night room in Pattaya, asking for a balcony and high floor ......

    pretty common story.

    Wish you to be wise, lucky and different buddy :o

  4. In Cartagena I tried Cocaine, I was <deleted>###ng like a beast all night, awake 24 hours a day......

    When back to Europe I slept 36 hours before getting back on Planet Earth!!

    Not Kidding

    Viagra: I would like to try, but I do not know ehere to buy it and how much is the cost (also for the generic one)

  5. Jump on her 12 days after she starts bleeding (the period).

    The OK time is 12-14 days after the ovulation (first bleeding).

    So from the first pad used next month, count 12 nights, than fly to Phucket, take a romantinc Hotel on Karon beach and do your job every day for 4 nights, .....

    will be her last period for the next 9 months


  6. The sad country of Bush where 15-20% tip is an hidden cost everywhere, where waiters are taxed on tips even if they don't get any ...

    Wrong! being tax on tips they do not get. Where did you ever here something as silly as that. If you want to throw your digs at America, at least do it about something that might have a shred of truth.

    Just say no to drugs, they are bad for you. :o

    The US I.R.S. increases the turnover of all the restaurants by a flat %.

    This means that if the Turnover for food and drinks + flat % is below the one declared by the restaurant, what declared by the restaurant is the taxable one, if viceversa the restaurant has to apply and justify this.

    For this reason also the waiters have to pay tax not on their official minimum hourly wage, but on an higher amount.

    If they get tipped they anyway pay less taxes (when compared with a full declared salary), but if they don't get any tip for 1 month (school example) they have to pay tax on an income higher than their actual one.


    Don't get pissed off, this is how things work in USA.

    Read also the article above linked, in NYC 18% is the minimum, the standard is 25% ind on a meal with some friends this amount is terrific, no sense.

    Please keep LOS unspoiled by this sub-culture

    Yes indeed drugs are bad for me, but if you tell me which one do you take to think like you do, I will change my puscher with yours!!!! :D

  7. It is part of the local class system:

    1. Affluent Asian

    2. Farang

    3. African/Arab

    And the 2. and 3. classes bring STDs into Thailand and stink as much as Isan girls' skin is an ugly shade of black , according to group 1. So better to mingle with the girls who cater for the 1. class, naturally less need for condoms, giving more of a first class experience. :D

    It's not a metter of classes and skin colour!!!

    Class 1 Average dick lenght 10 cm diameter 2-3 cm

    Class 2 Average dick lenght 14 cm diameter 5-6 cm

    Class 3 Average dick lenght 20 cm diameter 7-8 cm

    So How can a Thai (Class 1) have sex with a girl who already enjoyed Class 3???

    No matter, his dickie won't even touch the inside of the girl, unless he puts 100-150 condoms (to increase the diameter).


  8. CFO on a 4,200,000 Baht annual package + car + house.


    Live like I want (without having to be afraid of anything) and save about 85%.

    So I guess 50,000 Baht net per month (without saving money) are enough for a good level of life (but car and house rental are on top of that).

    If you leave your home country you must do for a reason (better life or pussy), anyway money are not the most important

  9. 1) Expat Job is mainly related to the trust the HQ has in you, not just @ cost/benefit $ ratio. Yes if you bring 20 of profit they can pay you 15, but sometime an expat position is based on other parameters.

    2) Expat jobs are the main cut big Multinational are making on overheads, we are ###### expensive.

    3) Many people are applying for expat position in these days, not just for the packege but also for the experience and the global economy makes it very simple.

    4) In Far East there is a offer for expat jobs which is 1/5 of the demand. In the future will be even worst.

    5) In some european countries till 15-20 years ago, speaking english was a PLUS and the benefit was to grab a very well paid expat job, now speaking English is a MUST and no more a PLUS.

    6) China expat job till 15 years ago was paid >250,000$, now is <150,000$ and this salary is still drammatically reducing year by year. The reason is that China is becoming a very easy country where to live, you can live with your western style of life and own food (Shangai, Beijing).

    7) Thai: Expats dreaming to work there for any salary, the expat package (from Multinational) is reduced ,100,000$ for non MD positions. Aussies are likely to relocate to Thai for much less.

    8) Living in Far East is nice, easy, cheap. This is reducing the value of the packages.

    9) In Far East most of the countries have developed in the last 20 years good Universities and the level of education of the local people is OK: no need for long term expats.

    10) Local are learning english, studying abroad, a very skilled and well paid local costs anyway 1/5 than an expat (same position). This is the ratio to compare, saying that an expat costs like 20 Thai is not fair, since those 20 Thais are very low skilled.

    11) Yes indeed most of the big Multinational are outsourcing to India, China (Far East no more), but they want local people, no expats. Otherwise they don't outsource.

    12) In a few years there will be a new generation of expats: Indian and Chinese high skilled expats. They will accepts expats packeges 1/3 of the actual ones, they do speaks 3-4 languages and they are educated and motivated as we are.

    My Multinational is already appointing as new expats a group of Indians (they cost much less than me) and sad to say they work in a very effective and efficient way.

    13) US or English expats (the most expensive ones) have days numbered, the just speak English and normally they face cultural problems without any willing to resolve them. European expats they will survive just a few more years because someone in the Mother company (old management) doesn't speak English and they want to have meetings in the "mother tounge".

    14) We arrive in Far East and we think to be the best ..... at the beginning it's true, but we have to bear in mind that we must keep growing (professional point o view) and we have to follow training, courses, MBAs, .... But we don't

    15) Expat position is a priviledge, but we think we are not paid enough and sometimes (after few years) we become lazy without realizing that in the mother company there is always someone with a gun pointed at us and someone else dreaming to grab our job.

    16) go back to work

  10. Wow like a beast market ..... when my daddy buys a sheep he talks in the same way.

    In this case why don't they try to sell her to Nana, for sure they will get more than 500,000 baht.

    I offer 500,001 ..............

    Nothing to do with selling, just telling you the sort of figures people ask for for the weddings. No bodys selling anyone, these are'nt arranged marrages.



  11. I would say that up here, a well educated, nice looking girl with a good job and family, they would be asking for around 500,000 and 10-20 bht, where this was to be kept would be open to negotiation.

    Wow like a beast market ..... when my daddy buys a sheep he talks in the same way.

    In this case why don't they try to sell her to Nana, for sure they will get more than 500,000 baht.

    I offer 500,001 ..............

  12. I need to change the built-in battery for my PDA model Compaq Ipaq 3670.

    HP provides this service but it's a 2000-2500 baht with an original battery.

    Surfing on ebay those clone batteries (all made in China) costs about 850 Baht (about 20US$), but I have no intention to have the hassle with money orders, shipping charges, costum duties, .....

    Is there a shop in Bangkok where I can get this battery for 1000-1100 baht (a clone one).

    My Nokia Hp works great with clone batteries which cost 1/5 of the original Nokia ones, so why waste money with HP/Compaq service??


  13. [........During the period of Sadam, he shut down all terrorist activities in Iraq. He used prisons like Abu Grave, Guantanamo .......

    Guantanamo, as far as I know is in Cuba / US base.

    So Saddam was allied of G.W.Bush and was keepingprisoniers in Guantanamo.

    Wow you should contact CNN and may be you'll get the Pulizer :o

    Just kidding

    The main difference between Malaysia and Indo is that fanatic muslims in Malaysia have food in their stomach ..... huge difference.

    Another difference is that their kids get cured by good hispitals, in Indo they die in Kampungs without even an aspirin ........ huge difference

    In Malaysia there are free elections so no dictatorship.

    Prime Minister Abdullah is accepted by everyone and is a very honest and serious guy (Mahatir was even better for 20 years).

    Yes the Malaysian prime Minister does hate USA policy and he has the balls to say that in public, but this is only a positive signal (I'd rather consider a coward Berlusconi and Blair for taking a position against 90% of their represented citizens).


  14. Organize and pay all the Buffet dinner (half western and half Thai-Chinese), so you can decide the menu without complaints or problems.

    ...... finish

    don't give anything else, you are seen like a cash cow, so use your culture (as they do) as a barrier, they will end up more than happy with the dinner.

    If you give them 5000$ for the dinner and ask back the balance, they will end up offering a poor dinner (blame on you, cheap charlie), get back 40% commission from the restaurant and giving you bach 8 baht for the Taxi.

    Sad but true.

    When I offer dinner (special occasions) to all family members (from my wife), I decide the restaurant (clean and good), I decide the menu (together with my wife, good food, good quantity) and I pay directly. Never had any complaint and saved money when compared to my first years where I was leaving them to do everything (dirty restaurants, poor food, bloody expensive .....)

    When I was asking my wife explanation she was the first one to be angry with her family and than was calming me down saying: "The Shark fin soup is expensive, the sea cocumber is very expensive, the fish lips are very expensive" all CRAP.

  15. So which farang country is responsible for this ever increasing habit in Thailand?

    The country of freedom, the country which is based on a TIP economy, where waiters cannot survive without tips.

    The sad country of Bush where 15-20% tip is an hidden cost everywhere, where waiters are taxed on tips even if they don't get any .....

    Is that freedom??

    They are then exporting this bad habit everywhere in the world and giving the right to some employers to cheat their employees with the excuse of "big tips".

    I very very rarely tip, only if the service is outstanding, this means that in a 5 stars restaurant I expect a super service (already paid in the bill) and everything above the super is tipped with 40 Baht

  16. Slighlty OT, but is there actually a decent lingerie shop here in BKK that sells SEXY underwear?


    Pratunam Market on the Main Road (the one with the shopping Mall), about 300 meters after the intersection (where there is the Amari Watergate Hotel) going up (so having the Amari on your back/left side and the Mall in front of you, you make the left and walk 300 meters through the street shops, than you will se, just a little bit inside a very small soi, 2 shops selling lingerie).

    They have all the Thai sized, some Bars in Nana buy from them.

    The first time I bought 1 piece for my GF (I was expecting her to blast me), after a couple of weeks she wanted to go there and bought 4-5 pieces ,......


    Average price is 200 Baht and Up

  17. somethins I joke with some colleaugues telling them that a word like VICTIM means nothing as well as a word like MARKETING ......

    VICTIM: depends which is your point of view.

    Sometimes the real Victim is the client who is devasted by the society in which lives, lonely, no friends, no love, stress, ....... and the prostitute waiting for him to fall in love for her and suck his money.

    How many times have we read on this forum about men willing to marry a BG just after 1 month ....... and than writing silly posts complaining that she destroyed his life (I know some of them are troll).

    Than some of us replying: IDIOT she was a BG=prostitute so you had to expect what you got.......

    Those men are VICTIMS of their society, style of life, country.

    You see, the truth is never totally by one side only, some prostitutes are victims others are predators, as well as the clients.

  18. My Topic was to highlight that in Indo fanatics killed other muslims without even asking for anithing, fighting for anything, just to create mess in a weak country and weak economy.

    It was to condemn fanatics, and I'm sorry that this topic was like honey for other kind of fanatics.

    My blame was for those terrorists, my fear was for LOS.

    90% of the answers are off topic.


    What is better for a ganatic Muslim to kill Farangs (western and US), who are drinking alcohool (against islam), in a pub with prostitutes (against islam) sitting on their knees ..... easy, easy, easy target.

    Don't think that those terrorists are just a small group, it's the mentality of most (some of them kill, some others know and protect them).

    Our prime Minister instead of vanishing himself with the scarf of Liverpool, should do something in the South, otherwise they will bring the problem to LOS or Phuket

  19. I lived a few months in Indo, this country is wonderful, people are nice, strangers have always benn welcome in Indo.

    The problem of this kind of terrorists is huge since there is not a chief, they do not ask for nothing. The want to hit the local (their) people to bring the country to mess and create more fanatism.

    The economy of Indo (before the crise in 1997) was supported by foreign investments, now nobody is investing there and also the tourism is spoiled.

    Bali and Yogiakarta are not enough to support 220 million mouths, textile companies have all relocated to China (safer and cheaper).....

    On 20th September there will be elections (last presidential turn off Susilo vs Megawati) and there is also the risk of civil war because the loser will be accusing the winner of fraud and this would only bring other bombs and deads.


  20. the only thing gogo bar girls are tested for by law is yabba :o Dont forget that prostitution is illegal in thailand so the gogo bar has no commitment to make sure its product is clean....

    some disco and bars (the good ones) impose a monthly test to the girls, accepting to have the test on a quarterly base.

    But most of those tests are FAKE (because it's cheaper and quicker, and if they are sick they do need to work anyway).

    When a girl is known to be sick she will be removed from the bar (the good ones) and join a lower level where no tests are required, never and ever.

    When they get sick (HIV) they believe that this was the destiny, but medicines are very expensive and they don't want to loose their face not sending money home for the sick Bufalo, so they keep working. They don't care for the client since what they're dieing for was a gift from a client and they have no problem in returning that gift back.


  21. Few hours ago there was a blast in fron of the Australian Embassy, the bomb killed many innocent Indonesian muslim and screwed once again the weak economy of Indo.

    I fear somethinh like that in LOS in 2-3 years time, should the government undeestimate the problem in the south of Thai.

    Indeed I love Indo, I have many friends there, and I feel very bad :o

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