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Posts posted by duke69

  1. Hi

    Looking for accomodation on the WEB for Phuket during new years eve, I have the feeling that all Hotels are betting offering rooms 4 times more expensive than in low season.

    I have no problem to pay double price or even more, but Hotels which normally go for 1000 Baht are requiring now 4000 Baht duting Xmas season.

    I do believe that emailing directly to them will save me from speculations from travel agencies.

    I just got the price from an Hotel *** @ 1700 Baht which is reasonable.

    Can you just suggest me some nice, clean *** or ***** Hotel providing me email or tel number so I can book directly???

    I would love to go this time to Karon, otherwise I will stick as usual in Patong.

    thanks 4 ur help

  2. 1000 Euro not including rent and car.

    Which means 50,000 Baht/month + at least another 25,000 Baht/month for a nice 100 sqmeters apartment + another 10,000 Baht for a car.

    With 30,000 Baht/month you are enjoing a very normal life, forget girls and beers.

    Travelling in Thai and Far East is a basic plus of an expat life and it costs!!!

    ps. a normal salary in Bangkok is over 25,000 Baht is the person is good and has some experience, a very good secretary costs 20,000 Baht / month (including transportation allowance). This is what I pay my secretary!!

  3. keep the party not too long, since 200 guests have sometime to pee and s hit, and without a proper location this would leave a nice morning smell for several days.

    Do not undervaluate the security service since you can have many of them drunk.

    Monks do expect money: you're Farang so about 200-300$ will be more than OK.

    Where you live you might have problem with the power, since the lighting and music will easily bring power breakdowns.

    From my experience you then have to organize also a small playground for kids, so the parents can get drunk more easily.

    Security also inside your home, otherwise the morning after you will be looking for your bed and mattress.

    Cash from guests: in villages expect about 100 Baht from each guest in cash, they cannot afford much more.


    104/19-20 KATHU PHUKET

    TEL 076 292315

    MR. RAM

    SHIRT 550 Baht

    SUIT + extra throuser 4,000 baht

    if you want quality give them 3 full days, baware of cheap fabric, choose the best one

  5. In the states, we have the same but mostly see hispanic people with flags in their cars. Hanging off the mirror But not US flag anywhere on the Vehicle, IMHO you should display what you are proud of but also show some kind of diplay of where you are living.

    sorry my friend. When talking about NYC you're right.

    Let's go to Maryland and West Virginia as well as South Carolina and you'll see US flags everywhere, also in the underwears.

    I never understood why all americans where (almost 100% of them) showing US flags on cars, houses, offices, shops, after 9/11 ...... was it bringing something positive?? Was Bin Laden worried about that??

    There was no place in US without flags or stickers.

    Now the situation is a little bit different, but US flags are almost everywhere (excluding NYC, D.C., Miami, Los Angeles, and S.Francisco, which actually are totally different from the rest of USA, being cities with high % of immigrants and higher level of education).

  6. Some thoughts:

    1) they are bastards and they deserve Jail

    2) True that English girls are considered (almost everywhere in the world) very easy to bring to bed

    3) Some kind of behaviurs in Europe are considered normal, in Asia are considered as an invitation/provocation

    4) when you hit another country you need to understand the local culture (even if crap like the woman/man relationship in Thai).

    5) If were 2 Thai girls, no one was talking about them, since they're westerner everyone is shocked, so also we are considering people in a different way

    6) Rape happens everywhere and so far the only one who went in Jail in the human history was Mike Tyson (2 weeks ago Kobe Bryant paid to be set free).

    7) Being western I condemn, but before doing this I realize that in the West rape is very common

    8) Smiles, hugs, kisses to a Thai are a GREEN LIGHT for him, to an European the Green Light is still very far

    9) Western girl have the total control of their pussy in the west culture, in Asia they just have to dress in a certain way, or be alone @ certain time, or behave very friendly with someone, to be considered as EASY TARGET.

    10) Going alone to the beach with some Thai men, late in the night, giving them room to desire, it's a MISTAKE

    Having said that I hope they will burn in ###### (the Thai men who did this rape)


  7. I use Bangkok Bank.

    Our local financial managers set up my bank account (saving account) and I'm getting the Interest rate as a local Thai.

    As a local Thai on saving accounts interest rate is about 2,5% (not bad), as a Foreign is less than 1%.

    Since my salary is in that Bank and I'm keeping "liquid" thinking to buy a property soon, interests are huge considering that right now I have in the Bank the equivalente of 80,000 US$.

    They're bastards, you need help by a local who will help you to talk to the Bank Manager (if you have a company with bank accounts in the same bank is much easier, you can squeeze their balls).


  8. The truth is any Canadien would

    jump at the chance of trying to get into the US. Look how they all live close huddled next

    to the US border. They love the US and Bush.


    poor guy Geography is not your best!!!

    You're probably confusing Canada with Mexico.

    bad bad boy, may be your wife prefers USA because the girls in USA are FAT PIGS (so no competition), while in Canada you can get too many temptations ..... :o

  9. Good country where to test whether your son is either shy or gay.

    Leave him in Pattaya and have the tour of Thailand just with your hubby, when you come back to pick your son up:

    1) he is not shy anymore, smiling and in the same time crying that he doesn't want to come back to Virginia, asking you for some money for a "sick Bufalo"

    2) if he walks in a strange way means that a Ladyboy did his dirty Job nicely....

    Leave him in Pattaya, he will enjoy anyway

  10. Canada is really just an outer province of the US. They rely on the US

    for protection etc etc.

    may be, but from the americans the main differences are:

    1) they are mostly fit (while US are fat)

    2) they do have sense of humor

    3) better educated, more polite

    4) much smarter: they got the best of US living with the best of european style

    5) they love the nature instead of Hamburgers

    6) they live in a wonderful unspoiled country

    7) they do not have Bush nor Kerry

    8) They don't smoke Marlboro

    9) they don't like McDonald

    10) more family oriented (US like to divorce and feed lawyers)

    11) no money oriented or money slaves

    12) Tipping is less mandatory than US

    13) they play many sports (not just watching sport on TV like US do)

    14) Toronto is wonderful, Montreal fascinating

    15) Real Estate and cost of life is still OK

    16) open minded for a stranger (like you)

    17) they dress more elegant and do take more care of themselves

    18) they are good skyers

    19) food with french, italian and asian influence

    20) they live in peace without willing to rule the world


  11. sorry guys 1800$ / months are good money, but you must be 100% disable!!!!

    Not even a person on wheel chair gets 100%!!!

    This Guy wants to visit a doctor, and just because he is depressed he will get ..... how much??? Probably he will be entitled for 300$ per months and get a SCAR on his CV which will take him off the job market forever!!!

    What do you do in Thai on 300$ per month??

    The vorm man makes much more ........

    If declaring to be depressed will entitle me to receive 1800$ per month for all my life, I'M DEPRESSED, CRONIC, NEAR THE SUICIDE, FANATIC (for pussy) ....

  12. I have a Fuji s7000 12 MP, fantastic quality if you don't mind having something bulky like a SLR. The quality of the photos depends on the optic, and a good optic/zoom weights a few hundred grams. NO WAY TO GET TOP QUALITY IN !%) grams CAMERA.

    All the pocket cameras are alike, no matter of Zeiss or whatever else, just marketing. They are good for daylight photos, and reasonable good for all other occasions

    I love camera running AA batteries (all Canon and Fuji do it) since you always get short of batteries when you need to take best pictures. Rechargable ones are too tricky.

    Buy rechargable AA batteries, if you finish them, just buy some normal AA, take the last shots and go home plenty of photos.

    In your list I would take the Canon

    check also the cost of the memory cards and take the one which memory cards are cheaper of that may be you can use also in your PDA (i.e. SD memory cards)

  13. basically 9 thai guys raped that gal and the police will do nothing as per usual

    The sad truth, TIT...

    She's only a woman, and worse-a foreigner, so the police gives a sh**. :o

    The guys in brown would only do a proper job if this incident made big headlines overseas. :D

    true and sad ......

    But having the names of those bastards, pretty easy to get them "serviced".

    A Canadian father with a few $$$ can order a pretty good service for all 9, by the way this is not fiscally deductlible since I doubt he will ever receive any invoice.

    If it was my daughetr I would do it nicely (in Manila you can find very skilled guys for pretty cheap ....)

  14. That's not an original idea for a bar. I've seen many places just like what you describe, and so have my friends. Yours won't be any different so go back to whatever it is that you were doing before you got all "creative" and shit...

    No, really? Where???

    Thanks everybody else for your positive feedback. Would anybody like to buy stock?

    sorry no stocks, may be I can buy a beer Jug

  15. He might also want to keep in mind that:
    Foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter the Kingdom.


    (4) Being mentally unstable or having any of the diseases as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

    Wow Will the authorities know about it?? I mean How will they know?

    the answer is YES.

    If as suggested by him, he is going to apply (now is too young to get pension) for social security based on mental instability, this (when approved, and US are not so easy going) will be public and pretty easy to be notified to Thai authorities whenever he will apply for a working Visa or register a company.

    If he stays in Thai as a Tourist, no problem, but 1,000,000 Baht won't last so long!!!

  16. How much is the average fixed salary for an waiteress/waiter in New York City, US 2k,3k or 4K, and how much are the the tax 30,40,50% or higher?

    salary for a waiter (wherever in the US) is crap. The restaurants owner make big buck underpaying employees and giving this extra shit to the clients .....

    this is no sense an totally unfair, I go to a restaurant to eat a Steak, not to pay the salary of the waiter. On the menu the price of the steak must include everything!!!

    In LOS we are bringing some employers to do the same and cut the wages of the waiters giving them expectations of huge tips.


    No Hate for the US, they do not deserve my time. I leave them playing the "good and bad" games, I'm neither good nor bad, simply normal

  17. My idea is to have red neon lights at the front, complemented by Christmas Tree lights, all outdoors, full of slappers with a constant supply of shit tunes.

    In all my years here, I've never seen a bar like that.

    at least will be original and UNIQUE

  18. 15 Kgs (unless you're 2 meters tall) is not realistic, or at least requires more than one Lipo session.

    If you live in LOS not a huge problem, if you coming from abroad could be expensive.

    Not and easy surgery, may be is the most dangerous one.

    How old are you?

    Better to get an opinion from a Doctor.

    The suggestion to start with exercise and diet is not a fool, anyway before and after the Lipo you have to exercise and stay on a rigid diet, why don't you start now and see which results you can get??

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