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Posts posted by Opl

  1. "Trump’s fear of AIDS seems to have been acute. He reportedly abandoned his relationship with his mentor, Roy Cohn, when the former aide to the red-baiting Senator Joseph McCarthy was diagnosed with AIDS; the clearest example is the link that seems to exist in his mind between Haitian immigrants and AIDS. "



  2. 11 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


    You say "There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart."     That statement is not definitive....it's your opinion.  You're guessing.


    Thanks for the medical opinion on his condition Dr Spidermike.

     "On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump had promised, “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.” 



  3. One of the problems we do have lies in the % of people of muslim culture ( wathever their nationality, including nationals)  actually in jail compared to the % this culture weighs in the total population. 

    And these numbers speak. I can't tell for Germany specifically, but it's a real threat since some of them do radicalize in prison. These are facts.  

    This is a failure



  4. "the crude lust with which he hunts his perceived detractors, and the veritable “sport” he makes of meting out his lacerating, punitive fury. This is far more indicative of someone bidding, shamelessly, to institute “omnipotent control” over others. Traits like fearlessness, unaccountableness, mesmerizing charisma, dominance, confidence, arrogance, contemptuousness, antisocial audacity, unconscionableness, recklessness, manipulativeness, untruthfulness and outrageousness arise from shamelessness. Trump has all these traits, and he’s never sought to hide them."


  5. 1 hour ago, altcar bob said:

    Not just Trump or USA   UK too, that vote for Brexit was one hundred and one percent based on race,immigration, that is...internal policies too in UK  Universal Credit aimed at one particular strain, race, tribe whatever you want to call them,another Pension Credits another blow to whoever cries racism at a moments notice.  Good ain't it

    ""I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it," he said. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

    'How LBJ Foresaw the Election of Donald Trump




  6. 4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Apparently yes, because he is now denying he said it.


    Why deny if it doesn't matter.

    President Who Has Lied Over 2,000 Times While In Office Claims He Never Made “Shithole” Comment

    "Of course, he called countries with majority black and Latino populations “shitholes.” Such a comment is completely in line with Trump’s claims that Mexicans are rapists, Puerto Ricans are ungrateful, and African-Americans are lazy. Trump’s “shithole” comment was a rare statement of truth about how he really feels about non-whites.” 


  7. 23 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    It doesn't "seem" that at all, has he said anything about his own merit in this connection?  It seems 'no'...

    If you think "no" , so then ...would it be    ".The president’s focus on the nationality, rather than on the personal merits, of immigrants suggests what he means by “merit-based” immigration.. the logic of “us” being better than “them,” with white Scandinavians reflecting a self-definition of “us,” that excludes blacks and latinos regardless of their relationship to this country." ?


  8. 58 minutes ago, altcar bob said:

    I agree with Trump.When it comes to living alongside these whatever Trump likes to call them,its thanks ,but no thanks. Snowflakes will melt like butter

    Does Trump consider that he has more "merit" of being born into a rich, white American family than a Haitian from a poor country? It seems that yes ... This contempt of class should logically disgust the popular classes.
    Otherwise, it's unless "merit" is less of a class issue for these people than skin color. an idea  that legitimately should disgust any human being.
    When they served as slaves they were insulted but welcome, when they were colonized they were insulted but it was they who were invaded, when they become independent they are still insulted. But you had to leave them alone in their misery, they disturbed nobody and asked for nothing, since you seem to despise them.


  9. "Donald Trump today boasted of the United States' sale of 'F52' aircraft to Norway. They don't exist, other than elements in the popular video game 'Call of Duty “In November, we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,” he blurted..“Trump was supposed to be speaking at the White House to announce Norway's purchase of 52 F-35 jets from American aerospace firm Lockheed Martin,” according to reports.




  10. 58 minutes ago, Silurian said:

    Not good numbers from America's youth for Donny John.





    " The Voters Abandoning Donald Trump

    According to previously unpublished findings, the blue-collar whites at the core of his coalition have lost faith over his first year in office. Together, the results crystallize the bet Trump is making for his own reelection in 2020, and for his party’s chances in November’s election: that he can mobilize enough support among older and blue-collar (as well as rural and evangelical) whites to offset the intense resistance he’s provoked from groups that are all growing in the electorate: Millennials, minorities, and college-educated whites—particularly the women among them.


  11. 3 hours ago, riclag said:

    stock market  over 25000, new supreme court justice , tax relief ,less restrictions on companies ,repatriating  overseas money and on and on. My 401k  is Thailand bound. That's my rating.  The economy is in its break out. How's it possible that you didn't know about these changes? What sort of news sources do you watch? 

    tax relief... "The Trump administration may have to decide whether to press one of his biggest backers on a contested $6.8 billion tax bill"




  12. "“Trump also appears deeply reluctant to learn anything more about a given country or conflict. He has come to despise National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, according to Wolff, because McMaster’s briefings are full of dry information about various global hotspots.That guy bores the shit out of me,” the president reportedly declared after meeting the general for the first time, an impression that hasn’t changed over the course of time. Within six weeks, Wolff writes, Trump was threatening to fire McMaster for being too boring."




  13. 1 hour ago, riclag said:

     stock market  over 25000, new supreme court justice , tax relief ,less restrictions on companies ,repatriating  overseas money and on and on. My 401k  is Thailand bound. That's my rating.  The economy is in its break out. How's it possible that you didn't know about these changes? What sort of news sources do you watch? 

    "Will Trump Punish the Farm Belt? Pulling out of Nafta would hurt the exporting states that elected him. "“Trashing Nafta would be among the great self-inflicted wounds in history. It would also tell other countries that the U.S. can’t be trusted to keep its word on trade, which would make it impossible to cut the bilateral trade deals the President says he wants. This is a strategy for making America weaker.”


  14. 7 minutes ago, riclag said:

    stock market  over 25000, new supreme court justice , tax relief ,less restrictions on companies ,repatriating  overseas money and on and on. My 401k  is Thailand bound. That's my rating.  The economy is in its break out. How's it possible that you didn't know about these changes? What sort of news sources do you watch? 


    "Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive. But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.


  15. 7 hours ago, Thakkar said:

    After that tweet, #stablegeniu started trending, as in:


    Javier Muñoz (@JMunozActor)


    8/1/2018, 2:34 AM

    Mar-a-Largo’s new signature drink is the Stable Genius!


    Coat the rim of a tiny cocktail glass in Tang.

    Add 2 shots of Russian vodka.

    Garnish with wedge of boloney.



    Little Whitedog (@djranco1)


    7/1/2018, 10:20 PM

    @realDonaldTrump Today POUTUS angrily denied having dementia

    by comparing himself to a POTUS also accused of dementia 

    who turned out to have actually had dementia





    And what about the " Nothingburger"? 

  16. Muslim population in some EU countries could triple, says report

    "The report, Europe’s Growing Muslim Population, shows a stark west-east divide. The Muslim share of Germany’s population could grow from 6.1% in 2016 to 19.7% in 2050 if high migration continues, whereas over the border Poland’s share would change from 0.1% to 0.2% in the same scenario."


  17. "Special relationship in doubt if Trump doesn’t get royal wedding invite, says Wolff

    Michael Wolff told the Mail on Sunday that Trump would resent any snub and the so-called special relationship could be damaged unless he “gets what he wants.“Trump’s foreign policy doctrine is simple: You Brits suck up to him and enlist in whatever geopolitical fantasy he has going, he’ll give you what you want — though only if it doesn’t hurt him. It is not so much vengeance, rather ‘you flatter me and I’ll flatter you.'””







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