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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 3 hours ago, lostlink said:


    CNN has a gigapixel of inauguration day taken at approx. 12:20 p.m. if anybody is interested.


    The link (if it's allowed)...........



    Great and very amazing, and funny! Thanks, Lostlink , for sharing !   

    ( the audience, including Melania,  looks rather bored.....this is terrible) 


  2. " I don't think people go to musicians for their political points of view. I think your political point of view is circumstances and then how you were nurtured and brought up. But it's worth giving a shot when it's the only thing you have."




    Springsteen has for years assured that his music was speaking for him but he became more politically involved since 2004, when he campaigned for John Kerry,

    Springsteen, who often refered in his songs to the difficulties middle-class Americans have to face, explained that he understood how Trump might sound "compelling."

    Springsteen comes frim a very modest family and was virtually alone. His talent made him sell hundreds of millions of albums around the world. Albums that speak very often of poor Americans. 
    And he knows what he's talking about, unlike Trump.

    Springsteen  donated $ 10,000 to Manufrance workers struggling for survival. Donald offered himself checks on the account of his Foundation. Two different types of men ...

    Springsteen pays taxes in the US, he is entitled to express his political views 


  3. " You came by the tens of millions" ( Trump)

    The biggest lies turn into facts when shamelessly repeated

    Trump's method  is exactly the one used by tobacco lobbyists and petroleum lobbyists:  deny,  invent false facts to create screens of smoke, throw as many aberrant affirmations as possible in order to drown out any opposition.

    Trump is in the right line of law firms advising Phillip Morris and Exxon ... this strategy usually aims to conceal very embarrassing things ( the enormous anti-Trump démonstrations  - More than 2 million people marched in the United States against Trump's misogyny and vision of America  - not to mention the processions in 70 countries around the world.)


  4. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:





    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A man who was described as “visibly deranged” eluded the Secret Service on Saturday and gave a five-minute press conference at the White House.


    The man, who somehow obtained White House credentials in order to bypass security, unloaded a delusional and paranoid rant that left a room full of experienced reporters shaken.


    “We were all very, very scared,” Tracy Klugian, a reporter who witnessed the incident, said. “The things he was shouting made absolutely no sense, and he seemed to just get angrier and angrier.”




    You are watching the new normal

  5. 3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    From the Urban dictionary: link

    An overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in "safe zones" on college campuses.
    Those social justice warriors are just a bunch of snowflakes.


    Thank You,  Canuckamuck, for the link you shared.

    " Urban dictionary is written by you" .. have a look on other expressions proposed this month

  6. 25 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:



    And it is fascinating that many more showed up for some of the protests, than for the inauguration. It is in his DNA to lie, fabricated a situation, exaggerate, and create a false front. That is what he does. Been doing it since he was three years old. My guess is that he used to practice his lies on his grandparents. He is the ultimate charlatan, and his word means less than zero. So, whenever he says something, just assume it is false. That is the best approach. 


    He is the inventor of the fake media front. Of course the media is fake. They do not like him. He has the thinnest skin in the history of American politics. Anyone who does not like him is a sworn enemy. Grow up Don. Grow some thicker skin. You will need it! The criticism has just begun. Get used to it. 



    Trump Administration issues " Alternative facts" , false claims



  7. 14 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

    Guess who was the women's march organizer.


    Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.






    Who started the march? One woman  : Teresa Shook

    "Hawaii grandmother Teresa Shook wanted to share her outrage with other women the night after Donald Trump was elected president, but she had few options in her remote island community. So she went on Facebook and in a popular political group wrote the first thing that came to mind: I think we should march."




    It started with a retiree. Now the Women’s March could be the biggest inauguration demonstration.




     (Meredith Blake/Los Angeles Times)






  8. 7 hours ago, simple1 said:


    At the same venue Trump also managed to again annoy members of the CIA whilst trying to mend relations.


    "Former CIA Director Brennan is deeply saddened and angered at Donald Trump's despicable display of self-aggrandizement in front of CIA's Memorial Wall of Agency heroes,"


    A former senior CIA officer told NBC News he was embarrassed, watching the remarks, which he called a "free-wheeling, narcissistic diatribe."




    from your link above : " Not quite a `this hallowed ground moment,'" the official said.

    Former CIA Director Mike Hayden, a Republican who opposed Trump, said in an email, "I was heartened that the President gave a speech at CIA. It would have been even better if more of it had been about CIA."

  9. 47 minutes ago, Shroud said:

    1. Donald Trump for president! 

    2. US-RUS relations should increase.

    4. Brennan is a retired turd.

    2. Liberals are losers. 


    End of story. 


    Just the beginning of a love story, Donald Trump to CIA: 'I'm 1000% behind you' "There is nobody that feels stronger about the Intelligence Community and the CIA than Donald Trump," he said,


    "Donald Trump delivered a rambling, unintelligible speech on Saturday in front of CIA staffers in an attempt to win over support in the intelligence community."




    " Trump to CIA: ‘Trust me, I'm like a smart person’






  10. Trump on Saturday accused the media of lying on the estimate number of people who attended the speech on friday, claiming, unquestionably, that "a million and a half people" were present.




    Trump claimed as many as 1.5 million people attended his inauguration rather than the widely reported estimate of 250,000. Ignoring photos and video to the contrary, he also claimed the National Mall audience stretched as far as the Washington monument.

    The aerial images broadcast on friday by American television showed a crowd that did not go to the Washington Monument and was clearly less than a million and a half.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Don't forget all the other phoney excuses. How would the Russians manipulate the voter's responses to pollsters queries pray tell? So far, Donald Trump is doing fine and putting America first is just common sence for a U.S. President.


    I do not forget that polls underpredict extreme votes - and this was the case - I do not forget how fake news shared on social media shaped trump's supporters minds -

    America is n°1 , America is best, America is the greatest, for the rest of the world,  but Trump needs to lower and denigrate America and the American people to give himself height

  12. 12 hours ago, Yann55 said:


    I would say 'most' rather than many, and of course it's a stereotype but stereotypes on principle describe a majority of people. So yes, Americans tend to be considered as loud, arrogant, boorish, patronizing and often ridiculous, especially in the way they over-act when socializing. But frankly, and aside from the 'over-acting' part which is indeed specifically American, can't these things be said of uneducated people everywhere ? Do these words not describe the uneducated majority of populations in every country ?


    The interesting thing about living in Pattaya is that one gets to observe individuals who come from many different countries, but mostly from the same segment of society. Some have money, but very few have education. The result is that they are strikingly similar to one another, no matter where they come from : America, Europe, Australia, China, Russia ...


    But we are so used to focusing on nationalities that when we see, say, a drunken Aussie behaving like a total jerk, we immediately tend to blame his jerk-ness on his nationality, even though his behaviour clearly has more to do with a blatant lack of education.


    For a long time, democracies have elected people who did not come from that segment of society, for better or worse. It was an elitist system, there is no doubt about that, and the Hitler episode considerably re-inforced that pattern, after WWII, as the West realized how dangerous 'little people' could be when they reached absolute power. The result was that 'the masses' felt (and rightly so) that their vote amounted to nothing, because they were always governed by people who didn't give a damn about them, looked down on them and favoured the happy few.


    What's happening now is that the uneducated are electing one of their own. It's not just an American phenomenon, and it will spread. Wasn't that bound to happen ? Are we to expect some good for 'the masses' out of this ? Unfortunately I don't think so, because of three very simple facts :


    1/ uneducated millionaires are the ones who tend to go into politics. Why ? because they crave for social recognition, because they realize that political power can make them richer and because it's exciting.


    2/ millionaires do not care about the poor. If they did, they would not be millionnaires.


    3/ clever but uneducated millionaires realize that by playing the 'I'm the champion of the poor' tune, they can get elected. Once elected, they can only do what they are used to do : screw the poor, and make the rich richer, including of course themselves. That's where the US is headed right now.




    Brilliant, Yann 55,



  13. In  major european cities the phenomenon of the Muslim ghetto is present and, as in France, firemen, police officers are attacked, drug trafficking is flourishing, and the majority of the people live on social welfare.




    Further information: Crime in Sweden and Immigration and crime

    Immigrants are over-represented in Sweden's crime statistics. In a study by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention in 1997–2001, 25% of the almost 1,520,000 offences were found to be committed by people born abroad and almost 20% were committed by Swedish born people of foreign background



  14. 12 hours ago, lostlink said:

    Less than one hour an eight year error will come to an end.


    Happy Nobama Day!


    We did it! Congratulation Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America!

    David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, the White supremacist organization warmly congratulated Donald Trump after his inaugural speech. "We did it!" 
  15. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump's national security transition has been more chaotic than others in recent memory, with important positions unfilled and many of his people less able, or willing, to engage on substance, U.S. officials said.


    1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Vice President-elect Michael Pence said Trump's transition was being completed ahead of schedule and under budget. "Our job is to be ready on day one. The American people can be confident that we will be."




  16. Trump's limited vocabulary reflects a narrow mind :


    In a transcript of an interview with the New York Times published on 23 November 2016, executive editor Dean Baquet makes reference to the National Policy Institute (NPI) conference in Washington D.C., during which members of the group could be seen raising their arms in a Nazi-like salute.

    Without mentioning NPI by name, Trump said:

    First of all, I don’t want to energize the group. I’m not looking to energize them. I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group. They, again, I don’t know if it’s reporting or whatever. I don’t know where they were four years ago, and where they were for Romney and McCain and all of the other people that ran, so I just don’t know, I had nothing to compare it to.

    But it’s not a group I want to energize, and if they are energized I want to look into it and find out why.

    What we do want to do is we want to bring the country together, because the country is very, very divided, and that’s one thing I did see, big league. It’s very, very divided, and I’m going to work very hard to bring the country together.

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