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Posts posted by Opl

  1. Trump lies about hus relations with Russia. The Russians are very transparent about the relations they have maintained with Trump and especially all his entourage during the campaign.


    "There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing this and have been doing this during the election campaign."

    Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did not name names."



  2. 2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Pure speculation based on guesses and very controversial figures. No one even knows how much Trump inherited. In other words, a typical, dishonest, left wing talking point.


    It's difficult to know how really healthy his business are - indeed - as long as Trump does not release his tax returns. And he won't. And you agreed an said he doesn't have to.  His attitude is questionable.


    "Great entrepreneurs build businesses with purpose at their heart and always treat people with respect. These are not characteristics I see in Mr Trump," 




  3. On ‎09‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 2:48 PM, snoop1130 said:

    Streep had turned an acceptance speech at Sunday's Golden Globe awards into a blistering attack on Trump. "This instinct to humiliate when it's modelled by someone in the public platform by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life," she said.


    "This instinct to humiliate when it's modelled by someone in the public platform by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life," she said.


    It's an attitude  that has to be denounced and fought, and Merryl Streep nailed exactly what makes Trump  odious to those ( and they are many) who care for at least some human values and respect.


    Merryl Streep has the courage to  speak out publicly .





  4. 1 minute ago, oilinki said:

    It's been oddly quiet from the Trump/Putin section. 

    What's the next step? Threats of big war would be my personal guess. Let's see.


    maybe.....  " Donald Trump suggests sanctions against Russia may be dropped if Moscow is 'helpful'



  5. 34 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    That report is about establishments and individuals who are, as far as I am aware, breaking French law. One has to wonder why those effected don't report them to the appropriate French authorities.


    It goes the other way, too. Remember the recent, widely reported case of a Paris restaurant which refused to serve two Muslim women?


    As the links in my post show; there are no Muslim controlled no go zones in France where, as you previously claimed, Sharia law controls the populace.


    I live in France, and I have given my opinion about the guy owning a restaurant in a suburban city where the majority oh the inhabitants are of muslim culture or origines, and about the burkini also

    There is a very interesting article - but only in french ( entre bobos et barbus)  - that explains what it means for a non muslim woman,  to live in Paris in a street ( Morand / Timbaud ) where there is a salafist  mosque - but it would be out of topic.  


  6. On ‎13‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 1:19 PM, 7by7 said:


    When a baker systematically serves men before women, when small shops are replaced by Islamic bookstores and when "fashion" stores only display integral veils, it's a no go zone for women ( and this is the case for some streets Inside Paris also)   

    French women who have been effectively banned from cafés and bars in certain 'no-go' suburbs in the country are fighting back. 

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4032680/Undercover-footage-reveals-no-zones-women-France-s-majority-Muslim-suburbs.html#ixzz4VjzIwAro



  7. 10 hours ago, iReason said:





    "When the president-elect arrived, a group of staff and supporters standing in a space near the elevators in the Trump Tower lobby applauded.

    That group would act as Trump's personal cheering section during the news conference, clapping and whooping whenever he made points they liked."


    Yes pathetic ! "If the cheering staffers created a sense of support for Trump as he denied any collusion with the Russians during the campaign and promised to get Mexico to pay for his wall, the scene outside was a reminder of the other side of the coin. Protesters holding up signs likening the Trump-Pence team to a “fascist regime” lined up across Fifth Avenue from Trump Tower in protest."



  8. Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?


    Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!



  9. 18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


    Thanks for sharing,

    From your link above, this phrase, IMO defines Trump's way :  

    " President-elect Trump, in my view, is testing the waters to see if he can get away with violating what I would call this government ethics provision. And whether President-elect Trump gets away with this depends, it seems to me, in part on the public response as well as the congressional response.…"


    Public and Congress ...

  10. 25 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



    He knows enough to defeat numerous Republicans for the chance to run against an establishment Democrat and win a presidential election that was widely considered unwinnable.  :shock1:


    .” He openly violates moral rules and conventions because he believes himself to be superior to them. Also because, as Bob Dylan sang when Donald Trump was still a teenager, “money doesn’t talk, it swears.”


    Trump marks first Super-President



  11. 1 hour ago, Grubster said:

    I see it a little different. He and the other billionaires know how they got to be billionaires and they also know that it wasn't right but they only played the cards dealt. They have a chance to change the game so it doesn't continue. Nobody can buy them off. I sure hope I am right on this but will admit it if I am wrong. While Clinton and Obama were surely better for the working class and the common people than Reagan and the Bush's they were still a big part of selling out the same people. We need a radical change of direction.


    The Trump supporter sees him exactly exactly the way he wants her to see him: " Finally someone who thinks like me"




    How can she possibly believe someone who spent his  entire life among millionaires if not billionaires "thinks like her" ?



  12. 32 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    I don't really think Trump wants to go down in history as being the guy that just made money from his presidency.  He is filthy rich already. I think he will try to do what he thinks is best for the people. Whether or not he is right about what is best is another issue.


    I do not think Trump ever thought in his life he would or could go down.

    I think he will be extremely proud to be the first to make BIG money from and during  his presidency , and need the other billionaires of his cabinet to testify.

    I think he will achieve his personal goals, and install his name as a dinasty.

    I think American voters and Russia handed him the opportunities - knowingly.

    He has wealth, fame, power and glory.

    And no opponents.

  13. Repeated incidents / crimes - of the same kind  do of course fuel the préjudices people can have towards their perpetrators.


    " "Some of the perpetrators had made a plan to celebrate New Year's Eve in Cologne via social media, saying 'We'll go to Cologne — there will be a big party,'" he told the German news magazine. "This phenomenon of group sexual assaults — surrounding women and then abusing them — is a massive problem in Cairo, for example. The perpetrators were likely familiar with this behavior from their home countries."






    I have no doubt parents tell their daughters to take no risks by avoiding encounters with groups of foreign men under certain circumstances.


  14. White House win provides a stimulus for the Trump brand

    "The Trump brand is worth more since his election than ever before, adding to his portfolio and raising questions about conflicts of interest. His adult sons have been traveling the world since the November election drumming up business for the brand their father spent decades building,"



  15. 5 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    Trump's daughter seems to have married a very talented man who regardless of the inevitable charges of nepotism will do a fine job.  JFK named his brother Attorney General - nothing wrong or improper with that.


    ( i've noticed, Boon Mee,  how you constantly give free pass and open credit to Trump Family members in advance ... regardless of any kind of ethics concerns - and deliver certificates of satisfaction for the future,    so what could possibly be wrong? )...  

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