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Posts posted by Opl

  1. Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Barron Trump


    How Trump's 10-year-old son could guide U.S. cybersecurity

    " Astonishingly, Trump's imagination for what computers can do — and therefore what technical vulnerabilities today's companies, consumers and governments might face — appears limited by the observed skill set of his 10-year-old son." His technical incuriosity helps us understand why, for example, he (wrongly) believes that manufacturing jobs are primarily disappearing due to insufficient tariffs, rather than automation.



  2. 16 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Speaking of gullible, that is fake news and exposed as such long ago. Why is it being posted yet again? Snopes fact checkers say FALSE.





    maybe - maybe not - maybe he thinks so and did not tell ... who can be sure , it's likely something he thinks and says - or the opposite , as you know his statements change - anyway IMO this reflects today's reality.

    and defines Trumpism.   



  3. 2 hours ago, Silurian said:

    And if you are not dead in line with Comrade Donald, then seems you are on the "outs". He just booted a senior security adviser that wasn't in line with the no Russian influence theory.


    Former CIA director James Woolsey has split with Trump, 'effective immediately'




    Trump needs no advisers, he constantly claims he knows everything better than any expert.

    “I’m speaking with myself because I have a very good brain”: Donald Trump is really smart, according to Donald Trump




    For the rest he only needs drive belts and echo chambers.  

  4. 23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    And yet many, including Trump, deny this.  Incredible.



    Donald Trump, Julian Assange, and the Control of the Republican Mind

    " Trump’s insinuation that his fans will ignore any evidence of his guilt, however plain, has been vindicated. Perhaps no episode has demonstrated the Fifth Avenue Principle more dramatically than the case of the Russian email hack."





  5. According to the Turkish daily Hürriyet, investigators believe that the perpetrator of the attack, which killed 39 people on the night of 31 December to 1 January is a 28-year-old Kyrgyz national who settled in November in Konya, southern Turkey, with his wife and their two children, in order not to arouse suspicion. 

    The security authority in Kyrgyzstan announced that one of its nationals had been interrogated by police on its return from Turkey before being released.
    The assailant had also fought for the Islamic State (EI) in Syria.

    According to Hürriyet, the assailant is believed to be linked to a cell that committed a triple suicide bombing at Istanbul's Atatürk airport, which killed 47 people in June, attributed to the IA by the authorities.


  6. - Sexual relations outside marriages are strongly condemned in Muslim countries and the very important expenses necessitated by a marriage force young men - unless they have a personal fortune - to postpone the date of their marriage until they can afford the costs , often after they get 30 y.o. This is the classic explanation of sexual harassment .


    - Collective sexual harassment "is known in the Arab countries as" taharrush gamea " :  isolation and encirclement of women by a group of men . ( These collective rapes were recorded for the first time in 2005 in Egypt).

    is even possible to distinguish, according to the mode of operation, whether it is a coordinated attack, sponsored, or popular sexual harassment. In the first case, the attacks are simultaneous, very intensive;

    It is clear that the crowd effect is used as protection of the perpetrators, as satisfaction of frustrations, as the occasion of robberies and perhaps also as a technique of humiliation. It is also likely that the authors expect a lack of response given the difficulty of filing a complaint on these grounds


    As is often the case when Muslims or North Africans are involved, police officials feared the accusations of racism and minimized things to avoid polemics.





  7. " 'I am not controlled by my donors, special interests or lobbyists.' (FB september 2015) one of  D. Trump's most effective marketing messages: that he’s beholden to no one and can’t be bought because he’s a rich man who’s self-funding his campaign.   Donors representing 38% of the top positions in the next government. Six major donors are among the ranks of the future presidential cabinet, a figure "far superior to those of the recent administrations".


    Trump rewards big donors with jobs and access

    Contributors who met with Trump gave about $59 million in support of his campaign and other Republicans, averaging more than $800,000 per donor.



    The heiress quietly shaping Trump’s operation

    "Major GOP donor Rebekah Mercer has funded many of the groups and figures helping to assemble Trump's team, and now she's formally part of it. Some of the biggest names on the right are jockeying for power in President-elect Donald Trump’s nascent operation, but one of the lowest-profile figures is arguably among those wielding the most clout — a press-shy hedge fund heiress who co-owns a boutique cookie bakery."



  8. On ‎01‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 0:01 AM, hawker9000 said:

    ...And the Commander-in-Chief for the last eight years has done nothing but draw pretty red lines.

    Not true.


    Obama Curbed Chinese Hacking, But Russia Won’t Be So Easy: "“How we approach an appropriate response that increases costs for them for behavior like this in the future but doesn’t create problems for us is worth taking the time to think through and figure out.” The US strategy in China was in many ways the polar opposite of a knee-jerk, hack-back approach. It was a years-long series of diplomatic and legal efforts, all aimed at curbing Beijing’s economic espionage.

    " “We need to stop thinking of solving cyber problems purely through cyber means,”


  9. "This is your last warning! Do not celebrate Christmas Eve! ",  said the daily Milli gazete, close to the Islamo-conservatives in power, In its edition of December 31. ," Unimaginable this New Year delirium! Santa Claus everywhere, in shopping malls, in markets, in the streets, in the workplace, on television, in the cities, inside the houses where one sees huge Christmas trees ." Well, where is this place? Is'nt it a Muslim homeland?

    (from the link below , in Turkish)





  10. 1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


    Well....i would think the correct protocol is for him to arrange for mr trump to be briefed and shown the evidence. Then figure out the way forward together. There is no need to start something willy nilly....that he cant finish....hes out in 2 weeks or so....


    1 hour ago, smotherb said:

    Yes, that is what you would think. Apparently, the president did not think that.


    With Trump's addiction to Twitter , anyone should be extremely carefull... 

  11. On ‎31‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 11:56 AM, IAMHERE said:

    The US has done more than hack computers to affect elections in other countries. Pot, Kettle, Black: are the words that come to mind.


    The Kremlin Goes Global: From Soft Power to the Weaponization of Information
    Vladimir Putin’s first public reference to soft power came in a 2012 article called “Russia and the Changing World,” in which he described it as “a matrix of tools and methods to reach foreign policy goals without the use of arms but by exerting information and other levers of influence.  • The Kremlin exploits the idea of freedom of information to inject disinformation into society. The effect is not to persuade (as in classic public diplomacy) or earn credibility but to sow confusion via conspiracy theories and proliferate falsehoods.

    To learn more about the Kremlin Toolkit : page 12 -> 14  of The  Institute of Modern Russia (IMR)'s  report : The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture and Money




  12. “You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I’ll tell you what: No computer is safe,” Trump told reporters during his annual New Year’s Eve bash.

    Trump says he ‘knows a lot about hacking’ and doesn't trust computers. He added, cryptically, that he also knows “things that other people don’t know. And so they cannot be sure of the situation.”

    Asked what he knew that others did not, Trump said, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”







  13. I'm not sure it's that smart for Trump to congratulate Putin when the stake is US national security.

    Now that Trump has shown whose side he is on, I do think Obama was very smart to create this little incident before leaving the W.H.

    Putin's reaction or retaliation is not the main aim of this move: It's Trump,   passing the stress test.

    Let's see.


  14. "Russia Sanctions: What Will Congress Do? Are enough Republicans in Congress interested in constraining Trump's freedom of action on Russia, and would an outgoing Obama administration be willing to use its last "lame duck" days in office to sign such legislation?  "Nikolas K. Gvosdev December 31, 2016


    (..) The challenge is now whether Republicans in the Congress who are skeptical both of Russia's intentions and of the commitment of Trump's announced national security team to be tough on Putin will join with Democrats and the outgoing administration to lock in Russia sanctions by legislative action, making it far more difficult for Trump to lift them by executive fiat. (..)"

  15. “there is no such thing as a former KGB man” (Putin) According to the Russian daily Kommersant, a major new reshuffle of Russia’s security agencies is under way that will unite the FSB (the main successor agency to the KGB) with Russia’s foreign intelligence service into a new super-agency called the Ministry of State Security .. at its core, the reshuffle marks Putin’s asserting his own personal authority over Russia’s security apparatus."




    French newspaper Le Monde reported on Wednesday that an unnamed Western intelligence agency believes Russian hacker group APT28 - which is also known as Fancy Bear, Pawn Storm or Sofacy Group - to be behind the OSCE attack.

    The same source told Le Monde that APT28, which is believed to have connections to the Russian intelligence services, carried out cyber attacks on the Democratic National Committee during this year's presidential campaign in the United States.


  16. 4 hours ago, Jeffrey346 said:

    This is about hacking. Not about Hillary or the election results..  Obama did the right thing and hopefully Trump will support the Obama's actions....


    After Obama sanctions Russia, Trump says it’s time ‘to move on to bigger and better things’




  17. Sprint has 30,000 employees and does not have any outside of the United States.

    So the 5,000 jobs for Sprint will be "repatriated" from nowhere ...
    Moreover, in a statement from Sprint's management, the company is talking about creating these jobs on the basis of a decision made several months BEFORE the elections and finalized in recent weeks.
    And in return for the creation of these jobs considered costly, the company expects reductions in costs (and jobs) not yet quantified in other professions
    Finally, through this communication coordinated with Trump, Sprint hopes that the purchase of its competitor T-Mobile will finally be authorized through the deregulations announced by the president-elect.
    Indeed, the American regulator of Telecoms refused it in 2014 to prevent too much concentration in the sector (less competition would be unfavorable to consumers) ...



  18. The Swedish Language Council today introduced in the dictionary  "Trumpifiering" (a neologism that seems borrowed from French "Trumpisation" ).

    "Trumpifiering "in Swedish is one of the 43 new words ratified this year by this institution, which depends on the Ministry of Culture.
    Definition: "modification of the political debate in favor of a rhetorical style in which one speaks out in order to be noticed without taking into account the consequences or the facts".

  19. " Continuing confrontation in Ukraine and, more recently, Russian involvement in Syria have focused Western attention even more closely on Russia’s new military capabilities, and have reintroduced the world to old Soviet-style disinformation and subversion in the form of ‘information warfare’. The re-emergence of these previously dormant Russian foreign policy tools has caused widespread surprise, and this in turn has fostered a perception that their use represents a radically new and different form of warfare.  
    This paper examines these two reinvigorated aspects of Russian capability: use of the armed forces, and use of information warfare. It seeks to answer two questions in the light of the events of 2014– 15. What new capabilities is Russia displaying? And what can or should the West do about them?"





    Summary 2
    1. Introduction -Context 4 What was new in Crimea? 5
    2. Russian ‘Hybrid Warfare’? 6 NATO and hybridity 7 Nothing new 8 ‘Hybrid’ viewed from Russia 9
    3. The New Russian Army 13 Russia’s military transformation 14 The new Russian soldier 16 Rearmament prospects 17 Implications for neighbours 19 Military intimidation 21 The military outlook 24 The National Defence Control Centre 25
    4. The Old Information War 27 Adaptation by trial and error 27 Success or failure? 31 The unimportance of truth 37 Influence – political and economic 40 Consequences 41 Cyber, trolls and bots 44
    5. Trigger Points 47 Western responses 49
    6. Policy Implications 54 Political 54 Military 55 Strategic communications and media 58 Intelligence and assessment 61 Cyber and information security 62 Deterrence 64
    7. Final Word 69
    About the Author 70
    Acknowledgments 71

  20. "the Russian defense budget seems to be entering a slowdown. According to IHS Jane's, military spending in Moscow has seen its first decline since the late 1990s in 2016. IHS is even splitting an incredible forecast: "We expect the Russian defense budget to fall again next year , And goes under the French budget in seventh place around 2020, with a budget of $ 41.4 billion, "said Craig Caffrey, senior analyst at the firm."




  21. Several months during the Tunisian authorities did not respond to the German requests concerning Anis Amri on the pretext that his Tunisian nationality was not proven. Then, data arrives in Germany in the aftermath of the drama. Finally, a terrorist cell Is identified by the Tunisian Ministry of Interior in the entourage of the one who is suddenly Tunisian.


    The Tunisian internal security forces  alarmed by the risk of Tunisia "sinking" in the event of a massive return of Tunisian jihadists to their country,  urge Tunisian government to take "exceptional measures", including deprivation of nationality. "




  22. Also from the same source shared above 

    " The naifs who voted for Trump believed his promises to fight on their behalf against the corporate lobbyists, Wall Street and the political establishment. Well, what do you know?

    Donald Trump is doing exactly what establishment Republicans have done for decades: gin up fear among Americans of modest means to get their votes, then, once elected, serve the interests of the monied class."


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