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Posts posted by Opl

  1. TRUMP: Sure. I had a great meeting with President Obama. I never met him before. I really liked him a lot. The meeting was supposed to be 10 minutes, 15 minutes max, because there were a lot of people waiting outside, for both of us. And it ended up being — you were there — I guess an hour-and-a-half meeting, close. And it was a great chemistry. I think if he said overwhelmed, I don’t think he meant that in a bad way. I think he meant that it is a very overwhelming job. But I’m not overwhelmed by it. You can do things and fix it, I think he meant it that way. He said very nice things after the meeting and I said very nice things about him. I really enjoyed my meeting with him. We have — you know, we come from different sides of the equation, but it’s nevertheless something that — I didn’t know if I’d like him. I probably thought that maybe I wouldn’t, but I did, I did like him. I really enjoyed him a lot. I’ve spoken to him since the meeting.

    I think he’s looking to do absolutely the right thing for the country in terms of transition and I really, I’m telling you, we had a meeting, Arthur, that went for an hour and a half that could have gone for three or four hours. It was a great — it was just a very good meeting.

    He told me what he thought his, what the biggest problems of the country were, which I don’t think I should reveal, I don’t mind if he reveals them. But I was actually surprised a little bit. But he told me the problems, he told me things that he considered assets, but he did tell me what he thought were the biggest problems, in particular one problem that he thought was a big problem for the country, which I’d rather have you ask him. But I really found the meeting to be very good. And I hope we can have a good — I mean, it doesn’t mean we’re going to agree on everything, but I hope that we will have a great long-term relationship. I really liked him a lot and I’m a little bit surprised I’m telling you that I really liked him a lot.

  2. Since June 2016, when a police commander and his partner were stabbed to death at their home west of Paris. Their three-year-old survived.

    The attacker  had spent time in jail over jihadist links and had a list of targets including public figures.

    The fear of targeted retaliation has gained. In the police first. In justice too. Some investigations opened since then have accredited the risk of magistrates identified among the targets envisaged by individuals linked to terrorism.

    This is IMO far more important than the incomfortable situation of Muslims in Europe due to terror laws.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Nebula said:

    Interesting after reading this I stumbled on am article about the 8th century. Dont knw how many hisotry books have this as of today though. I l just paste small part: "The Byzantine-Bulgarian victory of 718 and the victory of the Frankish king Charles Martel in the battle of Tours (732) stopped the Muslim invasion in the interior of Europe. " History repeats itself. For most Europeans this must mean something. Especially those whose countries existed at that time and fought. There were later other battles but cant write them all. 



    also off topic, but :

    In the early 700s, Berber Muslims from North Africa, often called Moors, had conquered nearly all of the Iberian Peninsula. Over the following seven and a half centuries, the Christian kingdoms to the north gradually retook control of the peninsula, and by 1300, Muslims controlled only Granada, a small region in the south of present-day Spain. But the Reconquista, or Reconquest, was not complete until 1492. In 1479, King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile married, uniting their kingdoms, and thirteen years later their armies expelled the Muslims from Granada.



  4. When a fool of Allah commits an attack in France, it is indeed France that is aimed for its values and the French in the first place

    Muslims in Europe suffer from the connection - Inside their communities -  between organized criminal gangs and islamic terrorism.

    As long as "moderate muslims" do not realize they better lend a hand to help arresting the perpetrators , instead of keeping silent by fear of retaliation, or by loyalty, solidarity Inside their community , they'll have to face growing rejection; and it is hardly reversible.

    But they are now more active and organized at denouncing islamophobia in their host countries.  

  5. On clemency, White House sees distinction between Snowden and Manning cases


    " "Chelsea Manning is somebody who went through the military criminal justice process, was exposed to due process, was found guilty, was sentenced for her crimes, and she acknowledged wrongdoing," Earnest said. "Mr. Snowden fled into the arms of an adversary and sought refuge in a country that most recently made a concerted effort to undermine confidence in our democracy."



  6. Neopalpa donaldtrumpi, a new species of moth named for the president-elect. The moth is a small guy, with a wingspan of less than one centimeter, Nazari said in an email. It has orange-yellow and brown wings, and sports bright yellow scales on its head.

    “The specific epithet is selected because of the resemblance of the scales on the frons (head) of the moth to Mr. Trump’s hairstyle,”  the article states.




  7. 17 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Yes. Boringly predictable victim mentality. Claiming oppression because of opposing 'views'. You make this issue about Orwellian doublespeak and agitprop to divert away from the issue of donald's disgusting bullying of a disabled person; bullying that I and many others witness directly. This so called 'opposing view' is an insult to our intelligence and has rightly been called out by everyone from Hollywood actors, to civil rights organizations, to TVF moderators.


    Being contrarian is fine but when it is done at the expense of a minority disabled person, it is puerile.


    I refer to the last words of your post : it is puerile... it is what young children do when they test and discover the concept of cruelty and learn to how gain popularity by making other people laugh.

    Meryl Streep nailed it perfectly, and she is the kind of woman who can say it out loud - with impact.

    I - besides- have no doubt about Trump's admiration for Meryl Streep as an actress.



  8. A recent opinion study lead by Ipsos Institut in France compares 2016 to 2014 :


    French society is stiffening towards religious fundamentalism and its visibility is rejected:  veiled mothers accompanying school trips (68% opponents, +6) or men in traditional Muslim dress (52%, +4). The burkini (swimsuit covering the hair and the body) made a shocking entry among the contested attributes (72%), after being at the heart of a polemic last summer.
    The visibility of Islam in the public space is a source of tensions more intense than two years ago, and there is also a diffuse anxiety about the symbolic figure of the Muslim man, As if it were carrying a more palpable potential threat


    Mostly, because of the terror attacks," according to Ipsos opinion poll, 51% of French people now consider that Jews have "reason to have fears of living in France", a figure up 16 points from 2014.
    There is an increased empathy, it seems that the non-Jewish French identify better with the first group targeted by terrorism.


    With more than 700 individuals, jihadists accompanied by their families, listed in the combat zones in Syria and Iraq, France has the largest contingent in Europe. Executioners, gravediggers, jailers, or front-line workers, 250 of them are "fighters" who have learned to use Kalashnikov,  bombs,  kill or execute prisoners. Many now want to flee the chaos in Syria and Irak, and return in Europe.  

  9. 11 minutes ago, optad said:

    I think you give Donald more credit than he deserves.


    I cannot see him thinking that far down the track. You have him seeing the third move on a chess board. Phew. 


    Destabilising Europe is not for games. He is an idiot but don't think even he would risk a fragile europe.


    Then again most of what The Donald does is unintentional. 


    maybe you are right, maybe someone else has a great strategy going on...


  10. 2 hours ago, optad said:

    Why would an American President want to destabilise Europe with comments like that?


    As Briggsy said , Trump politically sides Putin in the sanctions lift and the rise of far right movements in Europe élections, every move to weaken Europe is welcome . 


    1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

    Because it suits Vladmir's agenda. Whenever Trump says anything on foreign policy, he is just repeating what his Russian handlers have told him to say.


    Trump is also interested in destabilizing European Economic Union in favor of US trade deals - easier to negociate separately as Super Power one by one with each country - consider how Trump is already working on Mexico economy  and the NAFTA treaty -

    next to come : UK


    Eventually, if finally  EUR disappears, it will be all in favor of the USD as international trade deals currency.


    US Banks and Wall Street won the élections ( anyway - whoever is elected)


    Trump is POTUS -  not leader of the free world.   





  11. 14 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    As the Trump campaign has pointed out, the actions and language he used he had previously used against two non-disabled reporters. So, yes, he mocked a disabled reporter but not for being disabled


    I'm quoting only Trump's words in response to your opinion " So, yes, he mocked a disabled reporter but not for being disabled"


    1/ Trump lashed out at columnists Jonah Goldberg and Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer had called the candidate a "rodeo clown." "I get called by a guy that can't buy a pair of pants, I get called names?" Trump said at the time.

       (Krauthammer is paralyzed from the waist down.)


    2/ "Now, the poor guy -- you've got to see this guy, 'Ah, I don't know what I said! I don't remember!" Trump said as he jerked his arms in front of his body. The gesture was all the more personal because Kovaleski covered Trump while reporting for the New   York     Daily News between 1987 and 1993, a tumultuous period for Trump




    So easy

  12. *Removed Post edited out*

    Do you realize Trump's  flip flop about Russia's interference in the US election proves he "does not have a full appreciation and understanding of the implications."?


    15 things Trump said about Russia that seem even weirder now




    "Trump responded to the most recent allegations by parroting Russian denials and comparing the United States to Nazi Germany."

  13. 20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


    I have made it very plain that I do not much like him, but the man won the election and is about to become president.  I also object to the way that he has been dishonestly demonized before and since he was elected. IMO,  something like 80% of the talking points against him are very distorted facts or out and out lies.


    I'm not sure national security is a distorted fact ..

    "Outgoing CIA Director John Brennan blasted Donald Trump Sunday for discussing the possible easing of sanctions against Russia, saying the President-elect "does not have a full appreciation and understanding of the implications."




    therefore, Trump cannot be the leader of the free world!

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