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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 31 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    We have seen in the past that when the left wing appear to be a clear a present danger that there is a strong right wing reaction. That's how fascism started, as a response to communism. Now we are seeing the far right in the US responding to the chaos the left wing extremists are causing. This is hardly surprising. 


    Both are being investigated by the federal authorities and will be neutralised.

    We know how In the past, the conjunction of extreme left and extreme right  brought populist leaders to power for the worst. 

    We know how today, whenever there is an opportunity to undermine center-moderate governments in place, both left and right extreme wings join their efforts on the same battleground, so that even their followers directly switch from the left to the right. So I still don't understand how you exonerate far-right activists of grabbing such an opportunity to reinforce their political platform in middle-of-the road people minds? 

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  2. 10 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Yes, I read about them working at the same club. I wonder if we'll find out Chauvin had some axe to grind? I just hope we don't get bogged down in BS. He put his knee on the dude's neck and killed him. Nothing else matters IMHO.

    It would be interesting to seek if he has a record of putting his knee of a white dude's neck long enough to cause harm, or if it was just George Floyd's bad luck.. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    The stuff he did was super weird. But a conversation starter, nevertheless. RIP

     They have liked to create 'gentle disturbances' in spaces owned by human beings - to make people   become more aware of themselves and their surroundings. "

    (NASA asked them to create a work in space - Jeanne-   Claude answered that NASA should call them back when there are lots of people up there.)

  4. 27 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Surprised that his wasteful extravagance was still tolerated. Tossing in the word "recyclable" did not make his next project environmentally responsible. Polypropylene is a plastic with limited secondary market use and is derived from hydrocarbons. In plain language, it is a contributor to both global warming and plastic waste.

    Christo's artwork 'The Floating Piers' on Lake Iseo, Copyright: picture-alliance/dpa/M. Kappeler Christo's projekt 'The Floating Piers' - fabric is cut up, shredded and turned into polyester felt, Copyright: Altex


    These shreds landed in the sand of a riding ring

    Christo's project 'The Floating Piers' - The last shreds of the artwork land in the sand of a riding ring, Copyright: Altex

    ""Christo always wants his projects to be destroyed beyond recognition," says Karsten Stienemann, director of the company Altex in the German town of Gronau. That's why his machines were running all week to shred the yellow fabric to pieces and then combine it with other synthetic fibers. In other words, it is all recycled."

    The art is turned back into raw material. "That's 100,000 square meters of fabric and altogether 45 tons of textiles," he says. However, that's just a small part of his company's work, as Altex processes and recycles 3,000 tons of textiles a month.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Yes, the scorn he got is also known as Freedom of Speech. The fact is, Michael Brown was a thug. "Hands up don't shoot" was proven nonsense. Brown was killed while attempting to assault a cop. Barack Obama sent a legion of investigators to trump up something on the officer that shot Brown and came up with nothing. Now you know why Kaepernick was ridiculed. He's a clown.

    it's time to wake up and smell the coffee

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