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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 9 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Lie by his brother, they are not mentally ill they are Muslims. You do have to feel for the so called asylum seekers though in Glasgow, shared bathroom in a 3 star hotel, free food, free health care and wi fi, It's a disgrace they should be given detached houses, cars and call girls. Things must have been so much better in Sudan ????

    "Home Office facing legal challenge over asylum support rates during lockdown as current conditions create ‘support gap’ for people surviving on £37 a week"

    Four asylum seekers have together threatened the Home Office with a legal challenge over support rates during the lockdown, with their lawyers arguing that failure to increase their support during this time constitutes a breach of human rights law.




    you're welcome


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  2. 41 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    You think the Asians in the US were offended? I'd bet not many were, but the liberal media is jumping at anything Trump says to make it racist. I'll bet you most just had a chuckle.


    As an after thought many of us grew up with Archie Bunker and the Jeffersons on TV, now they were always saying crazy racist things but us as Americans simply laughed. No one got butt sore over in your face racist words because they were "Funny" 


    But Trump says "Kung Flu" and the country is coming apart at the seams.


    Kum Bah Yah America.....

    Asians in the US who don't feel offended are like bananas.  They will feel the pain when they'll be insulted and won't be able to return the compliment, because there is no possible reply at the same scale.   

  3. 51 minutes ago, Masterton said:


    No, I am not going to be baited into a debate with you on this matter. I already explained that I am not an expert on this topic enough to be drawn into a whole detailed discussion on deficit spending and the stimulative effects thereof. You can disagree all you like on whether Trump has helped the economy or not, it is not relevant. But record high stock market, record low unemployment, millions off foodstamps etc etc happened with Trump in office. And the original point I was making anyway, was that people in general did not have to like Trump personally to be happy with what he has accomplished during his first term, whatever the things they are happy about may be. The economy was just an example of that, I was not making any particular case for it. 

    did Trump inherite the 2008 financial "mess" Obama had to deal with?



    "When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves."


    U.S. deficits from 2012 to 2030

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  4. On 6/21/2020 at 3:51 PM, elliss said:


        Trump has a distinct advantage over his opposition .

          He has balls , but no brain . 


    "Trump rambled about how well he did on a cognitive exam two years ago and even proposed challenging former Vice President Joe Biden to take the same test."


    • Haha 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    If you brought even more of them, their disproportionately high propensity for criminal activities would only reduce the percentage of white crime more. increased crime is one of the aspects of diversity that the apologists don't like us to talk about. Fake asylum seekers, and overstayers begin with a crime to start with.

    fake asylum seekers, then mafias and criminal gangs => armed radicalized outlaws

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  6. 16 hours ago, balo said:

    "He is thought to have come to the UK from Libya as a tourist in 2012 before claiming asylum as he was at risk from Islamic extremists in his homeland because he 'liked to drink' and didn't lead a 'strict religious life'. "

    So he came the UK as a boy, he was 17 in 2012. What turned him into a mass murderer?  


    a frustrated loser is something to be 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    I expect the lefty media will be coming up with the excuses soon, he was a lone wolf, suffering from mental illness, has post traumatic stress syndrome due to coming from a rather unpleasant country, led astray by some imam or other who nothing will be done about, was just turning his life around when provoked by people drinking beer which offended and provoked him. Same old reason for the slaughter however much they, and one on here, always tries to spin it, and that is Islam.

    "mental illness", "post traumatic stress syndrome"...  but according to our own standards, which could as well be the result of misinterpretations - we do not have the same codes.  

  8. 43 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    I asked for a link to a media report (forum etiquette when making a claim) confirming the Reading murders had been declared a terror attack; i have now located and posted.

    You quoted my post, where I never mentioned " terror attack" and asked for a link to justify a claim I have not made, invoking  forum etiquette ?

    ( my post was exactly: "knife attack committed by an asylum seeker, repeated pattern in European host countries")

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  9. 7 hours ago, RobFord said:


    Here you go, the seven most disturbing allegations (including Trump didn’t know the UK had nuclear weapons) in Bolton’s book.

    from your shared link ... "Bolton claims in the book that Trump told China’s Xi that Americans wanted him to get rid of the two-term limit imposed on presidents by the US Constitution."


    • Haha 1
  10. "Trump’s Own DOJ Finds No Link to Antifa In Protests"

    "An NPR review of court documents for 51 individuals who are facing federal charges related to the demonstrations found no alleged connections to the anti-fascist movement. "

    The only mention of an extremist group in court documents is in a case against three Nevada men who allegedly belong to the right-wing "Boogaloo" movement, which aims to incite a civil war.

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