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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 26 minutes ago, rabas said:


    Millions of people around the world (millions) take chloroquine - without malaria -  some take it for years, not stop, because it prevents malaria. It is  a prophylactic.


    And it has nothing to do with Trump.


    As the risk of getting malaria while living in the US or Europe... is very low if not null, and if this drug is'nt proven effective against COVID-19, the side effects overwhelm the benefits... So Trump touting the "miracle drug", a "gift from God".. a "game changer"...is encouraging his followers to bet at their own risks ( "what do you have to lose?")    

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  2. 3 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    It's hilarious when you think about it. Hydroxychloroquine has been around for 65 years. It's even prescribed to pregnant women. Suddenly, after Trump touts it as a tool to fight the Chinese virus, we're finding out it's actually horrible? Pathetic. But funny as heck, too.

    So:  millions of people - without malaria - should take the risk of this drug's heavy side effects and so deliberately chose to worsen their health condition betting to avoid COVID-19 infection.. a benefit that is not even guaranteed - is that Trump's deal?

  3. 12 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Of course no government which has taken the lockdown route is going to admit they were wrong to do so. But that is not evidence that lockdowns work. 


    The fact is, right now there isn't any proof either way. I know because I looked long and hard for an independent study. It seems you fared no better.


    We'll just have bate or breath until the pandemic is over for a proper assessment of which policies did and didn't work. Hopefully, next time around, the world wil fare better.

    Wuhan without lockdown.. 

    • Confused 2
  4. 16 minutes ago, tropo said:

    They should report on it. Nothing wrong with that. It's their obvious bias in the headline that is off putting. I won't read a report with such a headline. I hope you enjoyed it. This thread headline talks about a drug touted by Trump.... BBC took it a step further by calling it a "Trump Drug".

    "Trump, Medic-in-Chief".... better so?

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