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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 9 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

    Whenever Trump speaks I find it entertaining...in a sad comedic way.

    "Trump said, “In the fields and jungles of Vietnam, they delivered a swift and swiffian, It was swift and it was sweeping like nobody’s ever seen happen. A victory in Operation Desert Storm, a lot of you were involved in that. A lot of you were involved. That was a quick one.”"


    • Sad 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    But they still do come and come. Just look at the recent murders in the UK lately from immigrants. They are still coming and why is that. It must be a easy life where they come from if a hotel room is not good enough with money and food given to you.


    They keep coming because the UK is a soft touch like many EU countries. Germany, Sweden, Denmark are all feeling it for their generosity.


    Just remember we are all in a Thailand forum where a country doesn't put up with fool,s yet it is acceptable for your home country to do the same. No doubt the liberal lefties will be shaking in their boots with anger. Like the Lilly Allen's and other champagne socialists, I don't see her and others opening up their mansions to the immigrants but they are happy to let them into the streets of the people.


    We have the EU to thank for that.

    Be coherent, take back all UK border posts ( such as Calais)  on UK soil

  3. 2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I will add this to my list. Too many non Brits telling Brits what is good for them and give us your money. You need the EU and you need to give us your fishing rights and do what we say. Same mantra being spewed for years. Finally the people got the opportunity to say no. No more.


    Accept it or stop talking a load of old tripe.

    You've got to get ready, I'm not telling you what is good for you (as a non Brit) - BUT in real life, the Continent is just ( edited: 20 miles/France and the Continent)  away - Brexit or no Brexit - Accept it


    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    There we go with the "distortions of competition" again. It's the EU restrictions which are keeping all of them noncompetitive, be they EU standards, or external trade and tariffs. They won't like it up 'em when we do trade freely with the rest of the world.

    How many concessions have the EU already made on this? They barely 'allowed' us leave without a fight which is not quite over yet. The full market access is not without consideration. The consideration is full access to the UK market - you know that lovely export of 372 Billion quids worth of EU exports. That's enough for special treatment.

    Happy to end the 'senseless negotiations' right now and go straight to No Deal. However there will be a few EU states who need a spoon full of sugar with their medicine. Sugar in the UK will become cheaper as the EU tariff is lifted.

    these are the joy and happiness of a blind Brexit
    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Damual Travesty said:

    Now he wants Americans to wear masks. Yet I distinctly remember them saying don't wear masks it's safe to ride the packed to the gills NY subway and trains to NJ without masks. Go to hell  Fauci - all this clown is trying to do now is cover his ass. They have all been nothing more then mealy mouth worms who give nothing concrete . It's up to the herd to protect itself old style now - build up immunity and get strong.


    No economy can survive a prolonged lock-down, the people are now confused. They are confused because the medical leadership of the USA - and for that matter - most of Europe - and the USA got conflicting advice from the medical professionals on what do do - they also failed to prepare - failed to sound alarms - failed in every way. The President, politicians - etc - all turned to these clowns and they simply spit garbage day after day. Time for them to simply step aside and shut their mouths. They are no longer relevant.


    I am sure that in every closed door meeting him and that other woman whatever her name was left everyone at the table confused with their double sideways incomprehensible medical CYA speeches! Get lost!

    and concretely: do you wear a mask? 

  6. On 6/29/2020 at 10:11 AM, johnmcc6 said:

    you can't rely on anything from the new york slimes.

    “This president does read and he also consumes intelligence verbally. This president and I’ll tell you, is the most informed person on planet Earth when it comes to the threats that we face. You have Ambassador O’Brien who sees him in person twice a day, who sometimes takes upwards of half a dozen calls with this president. He’s constantly being informed and briefed on intelligence matters, but I’m not going to allow The New York Times to dictate when we give and when we don’t give top secret information.”


  7. 14 minutes ago, BestB said:

    It’s not about believing trump, but about reading full article and seeing if story makes sense  and the only people for whom it makes sense are the trump haters and not because of the story itself but because of their blind hate of trump

    it's about the "most powerful man in the world" ( "how lucky you are, I'm your President") who does'nt read anything else in office but tweets. 

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

    UK and EU set for clash on fish and financial services the headline from your FT link

    Doesn't say EU fishing access has been agreed 

    In real life..dependance is on both sides:

    "UK has been standing out for the Falklands and its squid and fish sales to the European Union, according to an article from the Financial Times, credited to Jim Brunsden in Brussels, and referred to the post-Brexit EU/UK trade talks."



  9. 4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    We have offered a solution. A free trade deal similar to the one with Canada. It is only the EU's inflexible, intransigent, childish behavior that is preventing such an obvious solution from happening. They are acting like a rejected teenage girl throwing a tantrum.

    It was Switzerland, then Norway... ( both too soft)... then Canada (undefinite).... now Australia, and soon, No-Deal - anything else left?     

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    Oh dear you feel the EU is not required provide solutions, only objections or demands, in a negotiation process where both sides are desperate to be perceived as cutting a good deal, is there any wonder the negotiations have proved difficult.

    Or perhaps the EU really don't have the flexibilty or the answers that would sit well with the confirmation process of 20+ countries all protecting their own best interests


    While Johnson - in favor of a no-deal (AKA "Australia terms") bets on both the collapse of the EU and the revitalization of Global Britain boosted by coronavirus, and yes "Status Quo" is the best negociation tactic (in addition to blaming the French) of course!

    The EU is since years preparing for a no-deal...too.       

    • Like 1
  11.  "They think they are taking away Donald Trump's greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time. You watch, they'll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3. And guess what, after Nov. 3 coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen." May 17, 2020  Eric Trump


  12. 5 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Unbelieveable the ungrateful xxxxxx how much is job seekers these days? With everythng free I could easily live on 37 quid a week and the holy lot are not supposed to drink of course. Maybe they want more so they can send it back home. You still see people claiming asylum seekers do not get any cash handouts, the only handout they should get is a ticket back to where they come from. The human rights law being invoked as usual, needs ditching ASAP.

    they are grateful to the smugglers who got them to destination.


    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Lie by his brother, they are not mentally ill they are Muslims. You do have to feel for the so called asylum seekers though in Glasgow, shared bathroom in a 3 star hotel, free food, free health care and wi fi, It's a disgrace they should be given detached houses, cars and call girls. Things must have been so much better in Sudan ????

    he did not like haggis so he went amok 

    • Haha 1
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