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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 2 minutes ago, scammed said:

    yes, he had some dumb comments about virus,

    but en large he dont make a difference and neither does anyone else

    It makes the difference when it comes to his own health.

    "I personally think testing is overrated, even though I created the greatest testing machine in history," (Trump) 



  2. 8 minutes ago, scammed said:

    i think the quarantine policy got it 180 degree wrong,

    if you are going to quarantine anyone, do it with the infected, new arrivals,

    and possibly those at risk.

    NY did instead quarantine to productive population, and then sent the infected to nursing homes

    bristling with dying old folks, what could possibly go wrong with both economy & the dying ?

    And what do you suggest for undetected asymptomatic infected who are the productive super spreaders? 

    Would everyone be tested like Trump and his entourage, then you'd be right, is it the case?   

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  3. 22 minutes ago, Logosone said:


    Dey was not guilty of anything. He was a tower guard. He killed nobody. Yet he is convicted of 5000 plus murders? And nobody bats an eyelid?

    "As a result of the Demjanjuk precedent, guards who worked at death camps could be charged with abetting, contributing to, or being complicit in the killings that took place there."



    • Thanks 1
  4. 59 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    “The eyewitness accounts and expert reports have for the first time made me fully aware of the extent of cruelty and suffering,” Dey said. So he was not aware of what was going on, he did not know there were gas chambers until this was explained to him. Then he would have put two and two together after the fact that the screams came from the gas chambers. At the time he heard them different explanations would have been more obvious to him, who had no idea of the extent of the final solution at that time.

    No. He is acknwoledging that he did not fully realized "the extent of cruelty and suffering" until his 9 week trial, the eyewitness accounts etc...  which means that he spent his whole life after WWII ended without even being fully aware, which says a lot about the man who worked in a concentration camp. As you say "people die" in camps. So he never listened to testimonies of people who survived, never heard of Primo Levi, probably was not even interested. 




    "“Consider if this is a man…”: the imperative issued by Levi’s text is thus not that one should persist in seeing the human in the inhuman. It is more like its opposite: that one bear must witness to the inhuman in the human. And that our humanity in some sense depends on this."


  5. 12 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Last presidential election poll I saw showed Trump with a 40% or so standing, trailing Biden by double digits...  Have 40% of Americans literally gone insane???

    not insane but perhaps because Trump is the caricature of what they think Americans are,  compared to the rest of the world: the best ever, greatest in everything, tremendously powerful - pause, rewind and replay ...  nothing is questionable.... "History repeats itself, 1st as tragedy, 2nd as  farce" 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Remind us, what did Magna Carta say about ‘Banishment’, Exile’ and the ‘Right to come and go without let or hinder’?




    I'll remind you that she is not just a devious ISIS housewife, she served in the "ISIS morality police", was allowed to carry a Kalashnikov rifleand also tried to recruit other young women to join the jihadist group, She puts Sharia first, to be clear. 



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  7. 12 hours ago, nemo38 said:

    What do you do when there are millions of them in the country already, with the law entrenching them, and anti free speech laws and conventions that stop you discussing the problem?



    "During an official meeting on Islamic-Christian dialogue, an authoritative Muslim person, speaking to the Christians participating, at one point said very calmly and assuredly: "Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you."


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