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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 16 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Hope Boris uses all the tools at his disposal, promises are always broken by any govt, give them EU mafia panic not fear to get things sorted in 11 months. 

    The UK has the opportunity to compete with the EU with lower standards in fiscal, social or environmental matters ... at the cost of restricted access to the European market, so just do it, where is the issue?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Wrong. He acted in accordance with his oath. Foreign policy has nothing to do with it. Unless you thing foreign policy is to ask foreign govts to investigate political rivals. Against the constirution.


    He was not the wb so he reported nothing. He did his duty answering a subpoena. Thats what men of honor do.

    .. "For the land of the free, and the home of the brave"

  3. 22 minutes ago, izod10 said:

    You just trade,no need for trade agreement,just buy and sell as need arises. Problem with EU goods were artificially hiked,French farmers getting paid far more than their worth.  Once UK out of EU watch those EU buyers flock over to the UK on buying sprees,everything way over the top,is it 23% VAT over there?,think ireland even higher or about to be as the country is broke

       Boris is on a winner,just bide his time,no need to negotiate on anything

    and of course you believe you'll trade with the US the same way, "no need for trade agreement, just buy and sell" ? Or maybe you'll impose your terms? 

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  4. 34 minutes ago, englishoak said:


    Except its OUR waters by law again so there is that. 

    I'm not disputing this point, equal access ( under quotas conditions) was seen as a betrayal because the fishing industry was sacrificed for other national political and economic purposes While fishing accounts for less than 0.1% of UK GDP, the issue weighed in favor of leaving the EU in the 2016 referendum.

    Johnson's speech suggests a solution to European apprehensions about fishing. By becoming a third state, the UK takes back control of its exclusive economic zone, to the detriment of European fishermen. The UK will be an independent coastal state at the end of 2020, controlling its own waters". This agreement should be renegotiated annually with Europe; in exchange of an agreement on British aviation's access to the single European sky.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


    Yeah because not knowing the stadium is a stone's throw over the line is also by itself an impeachable offense. Schiff is drafting the article now. Obviously people in Kansas don't cheer for the Chiefs. He once also didn't know there was some random text input on his phone and tweeted it out.


    This is certainly another covfefe moment. You want to see real blunders look at the dems in Iowa. And speaking of guys that don't know which state he is in look no further than Biden.

    Nothing to worry about, " The video was included in an Instagram story by a real estate agent for a Russian-American firm who frequents Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties and events"

    Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article239913588.html#storylink=cpy"
  6. 11 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Fear of Islam is not irrational as Islamophobia suggests. it's quite understandable that a religion which inspires so many attacks on unbelievers, and which has a call to do that in the Quran creates at least a bit of uneasiness. We should not fear them of course we should expose the falsity and absurdity of the nonsense they all believe in, laugh at it in fact.

    Charlie Hebdo always stood against fundamentalism and religious conservatism, whatever the religion, precisely the 3 monotheistic religions, targets of their satire.

  7. 5 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     If you want me and others to stop focusing on the Islamophobia in your posts, stop expressing it!


    Going to answer the question? A reminder of it: "Can you explain how Islam, political, religious or secular, has had a detrimental impact your way of life? The only real detrimental impact it's had on me is the lack of parking spaces around the local mosque on a Friday!"

    i posted earlier about it, as replies to other posts in this thread, and the posts and replies have been removed maybe as 'off topic" I suppose, because I refered to France, so I won't post again here. But it's so obvious. 


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  8. 9 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    Can you explain how Islam, political, religious or secular, has had a detrimental impact your way of life? The only real detrimental impact it's had on me is the lack of parking spaces around the local mosque on a Friday!


    No mention of Muslims in that particular post; true. But as Islamist terrorists profess to be Muslims, the connection is clear.


    Obviously the majority of Muslim spokespeople, political leaders, religious leaders and ordinary citizens, not just in Europe but worldwide, do condemn the terrorists; I'm glad that you now acknowledge that fact. A real change of heart based upon your posting history!



    The problem you have with posts like mine is that you focus on Islamophobia as a consequence and not as a cause.

    I absolutely have not changed in my opinions. i'm totally comfortable with the idea that criticizing any religion is not a crime, nor an offense.    

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  9. 27 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     One of the stated aims of the Jihadists is to stir up hatred of all Muslims by non Muslims in Europe. The more they succeed in this, the more they can recruit to their cause.


    All people like you and other Islamophobes have succeeded in doing is help them achieve their aim!

    I said I stand against Islamic terrorism and Islamic Activism in Europe. You call it Islamophobia.

    I'm totally against any impact of political Islam in our way of life in Europe. 

    I did not even mention "Muslim" in my posts. 

    So I have to understand from your argument that Muslims in Europe don't condemn Islamic Terrorism and Islamic Activism in their host countries?


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