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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 14 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    I heard the Chinese were there to help reduce the death toll and containing the infection from spreading, same as they did in their own country, if so, why numbers keep climbing

    people who died yesterday were probably infected over 4 to 6 weeks ago, expectations are that numbers will still increase the next 2 weeks or so...then decline if the lockdown effectively slows the spreading  

    • Like 1
  2. It looks like how "herd immunity" could work out:

    Links below explain it well and it's not specific to Italy only.


    1 /the virus circulated unnoticed in the country from at least mid-January – thriving because so many of the infected had no symptoms at all, or only mild symptoms like a cough and a mild temperature


    2/The country has the second-oldest population on earth, and its young mingle more often with elderly loved ones.


    Superspreaders + PANDEMIC result in  unsufficient protective gear and hospital capacities 


    ( how to get ridd of your MIL)

  3. 56 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    There’s something worrying the management of the world’s supermarkets and food brands.


    Supply chain failure.


    If that happens all bets are off.

    Exactly! Due to "infectious disease management procedures"

    Eurotunnel has reduced its load rate from 32 heavy goods vehicles per shuttle usually to 24 since Monday. Truck drivers, who get off the truck during the crossing to UK may thus be only one per row of seats in the passenger wagon intended for them, to respect the physical distances intended to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 


    • Thanks 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Whichever way you wish to parade the facts, 3000 deaths in Italy is much worse than the UKs 103, unless by twisting facts you are trying to pull the UK down, but we all know you would never do such a thing now don't we.????

    The facts are that Italians and other nationals can't fight the virus by being just " more British", sad.

    When Italy and others  shared their equipments with China mid-february, there were "only" 33 deaths in Europe, sad again.  

    And you know that "herd immunity" takes its fair share of our loved ones, too sad

    • Like 1
  5. The availability of CCB-ICU beds[4], artificial ventilators[5] and ECMOs devices has been described as a critical bottleneck in responding to the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. The lack of such devices dramatically raises the mortality rate of COVID-19."

    Link below: 

    This is a list of countries by hospital beds per 1000 or 100,000 people, as published by the local governments, international organisation (OECD, E.U.),  2020 coronavirus pandemic and hospital bed capacity

    • Thanks 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    No, that's far from exactly what you repeated. Instead, you MANIPULATED a quote. And you simply refuse to admit it.


    Jeezus, this is so embarrassing I honestly feel sorry for you.


    Here's my advise:


    Just stop.

    Good morning from France,

    Just rest a little bit and you'll feel better.

    Thanks for your informative contribution to this thread, the issue is crucial.

    PS: I should have added that the UK ( as well as many other nations) also sent equipments to China - something you probably are ignorant of - but did not add the info, because it's out of topic .. the UK is not part of the EU which is the sole object id your concern. 

    Stay safe wherever your are, and please excuse my poor English as I  excuse your French   



    • Sad 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    You didn't manipulate the quote, you only added a line..?


    Just stop.

    i added the information the line below.

    Post n°24 , I first just shared the li,k https://www.dw.com/en/eu-crisis-center-monitors-coronavirus-outbreak-offers-aid-to-china/a-52344944

    As you obviously did not read, I then after quoted the part in response.

    And added below for your comprehension and knowledge that Italy did also help China.

    You are judgemental on topics you are poorly informed of, and do not care to search to understand even when given infos. Too lazy. 


  8. from the link I shared previously in response to you, quote ; " China has requested additional humanitarian goods and medical supplies from the European Union. Face masks, protective gloves and clothing will soon be delivered to China, according to the European Commission. So far, Germany and France have already delivered protective gear to China.

    and so did Italy."

    Unfortunately, when later Italy was in need due to the spreading of the pandemic, no country could help and had to keep the goods  for themselves, the needs are so huge, nurses and practicians in hospitals don't even get enough protection. There is nothing the EU could do further right on. Usually we get the masks from China. 

    Now , 3 factories in France produce ffp2 N95 masks full time and can't even meet the needs. 

    Same issue with the ventilators, etc... 

    For the future I believe the E.U will secure the avaibility of those equipment. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    My initial question was: And what did the EU do?


    If the answer is "nothing", why don't just say so?

    French bashing...? What on earth are you on about?


    And I answered; as other posters did in former threads mentioning the funds, but as you are obsessed with the EU, you keep repeating yourself.

    Stay safe and good luck.  


    20 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    Oh...France sent protective equipment to China..? I didn't realise... Sorry my bad. Italy should be ashamed of themselves.

    My opinion is that French bashing is not at the scale of the issue.

    In early February, no-one outside of Asia thought there was a serious threat for the rest of the world.

    So sharing was possible.

    Maybe you know that the protective equipment are "made in China" mainly. And no country has enough masks etc.. now. Even in hospitals. 

    It's easy to blame by ideology

    Italy has given the gift of it's experience to its neighbours , including from accross the Channel, so say thank you.  


    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    But evidently not about tests.


    Despicable? Got it. How about his supporters.

    Trump is rational; " “I’m a business person,” the president said in a White House press briefing in late February. “I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them. “Some of the people we’ve cut they haven’t been used for many, many years, and if we ever need them we can get them very quickly and rather than spending the money.”” 

     Here's Video Of Trump Trying To Explain Why He Cut The Pandemic Response Team

    President Donald Trump dismantled the US National Security Council’s pandemic response unit in 2018 ― a subject he claims to know nothing about now that the country is being buffeted by the coronavirus pandemic.

    • Confused 1
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