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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. I have seen the same statement many times over the last 4 decades. It is like old beer in a new bottle. The crack down will be on trucks operators that have not paid their dues.

    In the past when we were loading out trucks, with cargo to be shipped through the world, we knew the weight well in advance. The biggest problem we had was not the weight but, 40 Ft. trailers that had no breaks, and no lock downs for the containers. We stared inspecting the vehicles before they were allowed on company property, and rejected all unsafe equipment. The owners of the trucking companies were told, fix the process problem, no more shipment with your company until you do.

    OH! The company I worked for was Thai owned company.

  2. There are some journalist and multimedia organizations, that do not investigate the information. Organizations like BBC and CNN are notorious for only providing their leftest liberal side of the information. During the unrest in Thailand in 2010, theses news organizations only reported there leftest views. There was very little press on the two assassination attempts on the PM, the assault on foreign diplomats at the ASEAN conference in Pattaya. They also have the attitude, that we are European, or American, we know what is best for the world.

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  3. These problems in the South are similar to the problem, Malaysia had in the 50's and 60's. They created a well trained group code name VAT 69. They pacified the civilization. Today that would be much more difficult, there are large amount of foreign funding and cadre coming from the Middle East. There is no problem with Islam, the problem is with organizations like the ISIS, which are radicals.

  4. She should spend her time improving service .

    Improving Service??? What would you like improved? Being a Yank myself, I find the US Embassy to be very helpful, service is quick. What more do you want, or are you even an American?coffee1.gif

    The service that is lacking is the same in all American Embassies, the service to non Americans wanting to go to the USA. There is a quota given to every Embassy. This is why there are hundreds of thousands streaming across the southern boarders. Immigration reform will not help. How many people through the world are living in poverty, non to these people can qualify for a visa. If you want a visa you must own land and have a large bank account and be able to go through the rigorous background check. The ISIS, Mexican drug cartels do not do the embassy process, they just walk across the boarder, thanks to the guideline provided by the government. cowboy.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

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  5. I actually know this band of three.

    They are true crooks involved in money lending also. They have their fingers in many local pies including many shops and are all tied in with Thaksin who almost certainly assisted them in their empire building. They had a lot of political influence here.

    As a matter of fact one of their other cronies died a couple of years back in suspicious circumstances, he lived at the end of our street in a huge fortress of a house and they bought up loads of natural sumps, filled them with sand and built moo baans on them and a building connected with the PTP that never gets used. They are in fact still building, but nothing much sells.... all in our area.

    I really do hope the junta finds all their businesses, they have a lot more than this report tells, but if they looked into all the companies they own (and their families) and all those company assets, the whole scale of the thing will truly be unveiled. I am talking billions probably. They even own a load of Amazon franchises right across the country.

    BTW I forgot to mention.... They built my house.

    They must start on the top with Thaksin. Such small (even they are locally big) fishes won't help much. They must size the Shinawatra money and properties and go than down.

    Alpine Country Club and Resort.

  6. A blood test will tell many things. It will tell the doctor whether you are a drug user, have a contagious disease, not only if you have HIV. Twenty two years ago when I took my medical examination for Permanent Resident Status, They also tested for Elephantiasis,  Malaria and Dengue. 


    It all depends on where you will be working and what job you have. It has nothing to do with your sexual preference. coffee1.gif

  7. Meanwhile, the US companies Apple and Nike among hundreds or thousands of others, continue to use near slave-labour workers in far away parts of the world, where conditions are so bad that workers sometimes try to commit suicide.

    Good old USA, telling everyone else what they shouldn't be doing while doing it 10x worse themselves.

    The joke of the world and they don't even realize.

    You are correct, and the US government is taking no actions to stem the flow of children being trafficked across the Mexican boarder. Another case of beating other countries for inaction, while the USA is encouraging the trafficking into the USA, for political reasons. It is time for politicians to be replaced, they are all corrupt.

  8. With the current visa clampdown turmoil and the resulting mass exodus, will we see a negative rate for July? laugh.png

    It will soon be revealed if, as suspected for many years, the tourist arrival numbers have included border runners.

    The current visa crack down, is the enforcement of the law, and elimination corruption within the police. It has been reported that some of the companies doing visa runs and owned by police, politiciand and influential persons..

  9. He said the fighter aircraft was able to destroy several F-105, F-4 and B-52 fighter bombers which were very powerful at that time. (MCOT online news)

    Maybe one of you military guys can set this straight, but I thought the B52 was a strategic bomber, not a fighter bomber. And I don't remember too many North Vietnamese aircraft ever taking to the skies--at least not while the USAF was there. I could be wrong. But there should be some experts out there who know.

    There were many North Vietnamese fighter pilots, and some of them were very good.

  10. Kangaroo court followed by firing squad.

    No need for witness, we already know the verdict!

    The reality is Thaksin will campaign against any verdict on the basis that the government has been replaced by a Junta - he will claim the trial is biased.

    Extra-Judicial killings arising from his war on drugs and his own convictions will of course be forgotten about while he portrays himself a man of judicial process.

    Especially by the USA and EU. two other corrupt organizations.

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