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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. The canal system in eastern Pathumtani was developed by the royal family as a way to provide water for thr farmers and drainage of flood waters during the rainy seascon. The contractor that dug the Rangsit canal was not paid in monies but was given land rites for the land for one kilometer on each side of the canal. This created the present Tanuburi districe. The distance between the canals going north and south is approximently 2 kilometers. All land was owned by the government and under the control of the Ministry of Interior.

    Large portions of land was set asside to be used for flood controle. One area of Government land the Nong Nue How swamp was one of these areas.

    5o years ago the only main road going to the eastern provinces was Sukhumvit road. there were raised bridges approximently ever 2 kilometers crossing a canal going to the Gulf of Thailand. In the last 50 years eastern Bangkok and other provinces have grown rapidly. Villages have ben built with high walls to protect the resideents, Large Induatrial Parks have also been constructed, all have high walls and dykes. Than 10 years ago the new air port was constructed, on the Nong NueHow swanp land filled in and canals were blocked.

    Many east roads have also been constructed, and or expanded. Two lane roads are now six lanes. Whole areas east of Rangsit are now large villages, Large shopping centers have been build. During all this work mistankes in engineering design, lack of planning and proper governmental approval. The regulations and laws covering these construction projects exist, but were not inforced.

  2. The UN sholud look into the country where hundreds of thousands of humans are trafficed every year, and the government does nothing about it. I am talking about the USA. This month we saw that hundreds of Thais that were working as slaves in Hawaii, and that the people responsible for this action were released. What about the Vietnamese in Guam?

    What about the easter european girls brought into the States for prostitution?

  3. Hun Sen, was the leader of the Kamer Rouge incharge of the area along the Vietnam border. He defected to the Vietnamese when the Kaner Rouge leaders accused him of being to friendly with the Vietnamese. He was installed by the Vietnamese to be PM and he did not object when the Vietnamese adjusted the border line.

    The border line should be adjusted to the point to where it was before the colonialist French took over. Cambodia did not exist.


  4. The military does dot start wars, politicians do. Chamberland did a bolicks of a job negotiating with Hitler. The League of Nations sat and did nothing, now mank soldiers have died because of politicans. The government systen in Thailand was established when the Navy overthrough the monarcky. The problem in sothern Thailand was casused by politicians, now the politicians want the military to do the job they failed at.

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