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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. There will not be a problem, the members of the elite 111 control the PT party already. Just because a politician was told to stay out of politics do not say that there are not clandestine way of control. Brother, sisters, , brothe in-laws, and children are put into office and do as they are told. When Thaksin was conviced of using his office for gain, his brother in-law was the PM.

  2. China had Red Guaerd, Cambodia has the Kamer Rouge, Thailand has Red Shirts. All the coups have been financial. The coup that overthrough the monarcky, was because there was a world recession, and the budgets for the miitary and goverment offices were cut. The 2006 coup was not about Thaksin it was about corrupt politicians and their henchmen were raping the country, and taking everything. If this happens again, and if corrupt politiciand start filling up bedrooms with large quantities of cash, than sets see what happens

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  3. Many years ago, while Gen. Chavalit was supreem commander, all communication licences were controled by him. At that time there was compitition on licence for satalite communication. It was rumored that he was paid by the competetors for the licence and the winning company paid over 4 million dollars. I do not know if this is true or not, but TIT. OH! he did not return the money from the losing bidders.

  4. This is very interesting. Secretary of State Hillery Clinton said that USA had donated 50 million dollars for the clean up and repair of DonMuang air port. The reason it will take so long to complete the job is because of the fighting among the AirForce and the AOT on who will get the money. It was been rummered that interested parties get 1/3 of any project. If this is true than that would be over 16 million dollars.


  5. It could be that the coup could come from within her own party. The Red Shirts could revolt against her, and the government. The police could revolt because they are not getting enough from the government, and the assistant PM is accusing the police of being Black shitrs. The Black shirts were the ones accused of being the killers of soldiers and attackers of innoceent paople in the hospital.


  6. What about the barbarians north of the wall. The chinees built a wall to keep out the Mongolians. The Romans built the Hardrian wall to keep out the Barbarian Highlanders. The Thai Government built tha Big Bag wall to keep out the water, and make the people suffer. All these great plans failed. The Mongoliand invaded China, the Highlanders defeated the Romans and Bangkok fllooded, but Thai prople north of the big bags are still suffering and have suffered for more than two months..


  7. It is apparent that CM Kittiratt, has never worked in a factory. How can the Industrial Plants like Toyota, Hana, Western Digital, Hana and Toshiba be back into operation in 45 days, when it will take longer than that to get the water out. After the water is gone all wireing MUst be varified and checked, piping for air must be flushed and dried, cooling system will have to be cleaned.

    If the factory is working under a temperature and humidity control, than all heppa filters will have to be replaced, at the cost of hundreds of US$ each. All raised flooring will have to be removed to chect for moisture and contamination..

    This can not be done in 45 days! :angry:

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