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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. Chalerm

    Is a burned out old man with to much ear medicine.

    A two year old could see that the reconciliation bill has nothing to do with reconciliation. It would be more appropriate to name it the white wash bill.

    Since when does a bill that will cause a wider political spread get named reconciliation Bill. A reconciliation bill would be as different as night and day from what the PT are claiming to be reconciliation.

    But if we would look at his bank account he would look a lot smarter than you and me together.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    It is an achievement to make so much money with such a small brain, I really respect that.

    After the 1991 A list of persons that are unusually welthy was prepared, on the first list was K. Chalerm was amoung a group of Military and others. At that time he was Muan Chon party leader.He also a member of the Pm office and Education. He was found to have 54 million that could not be accounted for. At that time Anand was appointed PM and he was cleaning up the mess.

  2. I read this and I wonder what planet you people live on...so biased and blinded by hate for anything that can remotely be associated with Thaksin. Of course the Army had snipers, they took out that general who was leading the red shirt defense....shot from the hospital across the way by a sniper...and whether it technically a sniper rifle or not, makes no difference...Sansern is simply distorting the truth to create a flase impression. Abhisit failed the country by not having ANY accountability for the slime that massacred innocent people who were fighting for what they believed in politically, which means that now we still have the problems we have today. What do you folk want, Abhisit's cover-up, or an investigation to uncover the truth and punish those responsible? Abhisit's a liar, plain and simple....when the shots were first fired, he claimed on television that the army didn't have any live rounds...next day he's demanding that the red shirts return all the ammo, guns and vehicles they captured...swallow too much kool aid propaganda and you will never get at the truth...but truth isn't really what is wanted here is it? Every one of these articles brings out the hate brigade and the snide witless comments....it's pitiful...grow up.

    It is always a hilarious moment in every forum, when someone who firmly believes in fairytales tells other people to grow up and share his beliefs.

    But back on topic.

    "[...] that general who was leading the red shirt defense" Seh Daeng Sawasdipol was of course not the military mastermind behind the bamboo and tyre barricades. Mostly because he was just a loud-mouthed idiot who would walk around the camp in a carnival costume of jungle fatigues, a vietnam-style hat decorated with safety pins of hand grenades, combat boots and a web belt with a machete and attached canteen - in the centre of a mega city like Bangkok. But he was useful as he drew the attention away from those men in black, that constantly gave the army a hard time in their nightly raids, while Seh Daeng was busy instructing the red rabble to pile up old tyres and decorate them with pointy bamboo sticks.

    All good things, however, had to come to an end. Seh Daeng grew overconfident and started to think that he was actually Thaksin's "Chief of Staff". So when the negotiations between the Leaders of the Red Shirts and the Government seemed to reach an agreement on premature elections, Seh Daeng declared those Leaders as removed from their posts. A most unwelcome turn of events. But Seh Daeng was too popular with the red rabble,so kicking him out of camp would have caused massive protests. As the cause needed a martyr and he had become a liability, he was quickly taken out by a trained marksman. Some of the witnesses correctly but most probably accidentally pointed out the location of the shooter in the redshirt held territory, while others just heard the supersonic crack of the passing bullet and were 90 or more degrees off the mark. But his killers correctly asumed that the red shirts and their fan group, including retarius and others, would blindly believe that he was taken out by the army because of his "military experience"

    As Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm, has told us, the General Seh Daeng was taken out by Police Snipers. He also said that the men in Black were police. Could it be that big brother was not pleased with Seh Daeng telling the press that he was taking orgers from Mr. T?

  3. A cartoon was printed, in the Si Krung news paper, on 4 August 1931. It the caption to the cartoon was " Cruel-faced giant does,t plough the fields but on the back of the people" . Which translates farming on the backs of the peole. It appears hothing has changed in the last 80 years of democracy. The rich politicians are leaches on the backs of the people.

    The farmers are going deeper into debt, and the corrupt officials are making new rooms to keep the money. Thr rice pledge was for the farmer to get 15,000 baht per ton, but they are being cheated. For the farmer to raise a crop he goes into debt for seed and fertilizer. Some farmet are in debt for an avarage of 100,000 baht, to be able pay back the loan he must harvest 7 tons of rice. This does not count for the cost of production and living expensed.

  4. The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that no counterfeit drugs for the treatment of diabetes and cancer were smuggled in from China and sold in Thailand as widely reported

    It is all in the wording, diabetese and cancer, but there could be counterfit cancer drugs for sale, and there could be counterfit diabetes drugd for sale, but the drugs being sold are not for both cancer and diabetes. whistling.gif

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  5. All the forecast of dume is being spun by the press and politicians. There will be no problem, if the PTP and the Red shirts assept the law, but if they follow the instructions of big brother and assept anarchy, than we will have an economic and tourist problem. The majortiy of the problems are coused by greed. It makes no difference which political party you follow. It is all greed.

    The judges have affrimed with his mjesty the King. that they will uphold the law.

    If the any one does anything against the ruling, than it would be like Manchester City telling the line judge, if you rule agains me we will kill you.

  6. If he did get a visa, some one in State Department, or Homeland Security or Justice Department received a domation. Though to could have been a donation to a politician for his reelection.

    Smells like fraud and corruption to be.

    We know Mr. Holder will have some of the boys from the FBI meet him, OH! that could be wrong thr FBI do not work for Mr. Holder, they are part nof the Treasury department. Bring down the US defficit.

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