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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. Robert Amsterdam, who now works as legal counsel for the red-shirt Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship (DAAD), slammed the TRCT for suggesting in its report that former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra end his political activities.

    Does Robert Amsterdam have a work permit, if he does not, than he should be arrested and punished. In accordance with the labor law.

  2. Last week I drive along Klong 1,2,3,4& 5 ans klong Rangsit. From the Lamlook road to Ratipat Canal, There was no indication thet there had been any maintenance of the canals, they had not been dredged, they has large amounts of trash, trees and water plants. I live next to klong 3 in Lamlokka district, the banks of the canal have colapsed into the canal. Where OH Where, Oh Where, did the money go?

  3. Malaysia, during the 50 and 60 had the same problem, They created an organization, which was joint operations of police, and military called VAT 69. Operations were set up to remove the people away from they terrorist, they were called Statigic Hamlets. VAT 69 eliminated the problem, freed the people from fear. They used they same strategy as the terrorist.

  4. On Friday afer reading about the great work being dome by the water committees, I drove along klong 1,2,3,4,5 and Rangsit canals. Canal #1 from Future Park south, was completely blocked. Canal #2, 3, 4 ,5 from Lamlokka road, to Amphur, Klong Luang, had blockage caused by trash, different types of greed vegitation, and have not been dreaded. Same with Rangsit canal. I do not know where these government agencies are getting the data they are using, to make decisions. I do not know where all the millions of Baht, to clean up these canals, has gone.

    I do see companies like Bangkok Glass and Western Digital have taken upon themselves, using their own money, to build water retention walls around their factories. This is not flood prevention, this is individual companies, that has taken upon themselves to protect their assets, because they do not trust the water commities.

    These water commities had said that they would provide a plan, to the public, on which areas were to become " Monkey Cheeks ". This was two months ago, that this information was to be provised.

    No information, No visabel actions being taken in eastern Pathumtani of canal cleaning.

  5. The DSI, the kingdom's highest criminal investigation body, has so far ordered inquests into the deaths of 19 of the victims, and said it wants to question soldiers in connection with the military operation.

    The DSI is also under the control of the Police, which takes orders from DPM Chalerm. We have all listened to DPM Chalerm talling us that he will bring back Big Brother. The DSI has do nothing to investigate the assalt of foreign diplomats in Pattaya, or the two assination attempts of the PM. Has the DSI completed the investigation 2500 innocent people, during the War on Drugs?

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