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  1. You said "18yr is of legal age to obtain a licence to ride a scooter." That's incorrect. I corrected you.
  2. 15 years old for motorcycles upto 110cc
  3. Do share. Without sharing, evidence isn't worth a to$$.
  4. Facts should be backed by evidence. Do you have any?
  5. Boredom in Isaan? It's a very large area. You must have traveled extensively to be able to make such a comment. Or, you spent a couple of days somewhere, you didn't like it and think everyone living in Isaan share your opinions.
  6. Like I said, you are wrong. I've lived in Buriram over 21 years. I came here to teach for 3 months but decided to stay. Now I've stopped teaching and live a nice, peaceful life with my wife whom I met here in Buriram whilst teaching. Many others I know have done similar. Many that have come to live here with their partners are also very happy. Mostly sussing out the area before making commitments. I'm sure there are those that have made mistakes but that is a small minority. Buriram and Korat are busy places. They have the facilities that other places, such as Chiang Mai, have. I live away from town for the quieter life but close enough to be near to what I need. Buriram also has good bus, train and air links to Bangkok and ChonBuri, if that's what you want. Also only 3 hours away from Siem Reap. Happy Days.
  7. How does it feel to be sure and wrong at the same time?
  8. That's not happening though, is it? The work shy will always be work shy, regardless. The government, what ever party, could never afford to raise the threshold to £20000. It would cost far too much.
  9. I'm jlnot arguing. I asked a question. That question remains unanswered.
  10. Stupid is as stupid does. You've clearly not fully read the original post I quoted or, as I said previously, you are suffering from your usual selective reading syndrome.
  11. You are suffering from selective reading again. That's plainly obvious by you only commenting about economics. Go twist again.
  12. No, it wouldn't. I thought you were more intelligent than that. Obviously not. Another reason to ignore most of your posts.
  13. Contract signed. No nonsense. You clearly don't know the "Thai Way".
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