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  1. If they've borrowed the car, they've had permission. What's wrong with that?
  2. 3m wall? Totally unnecessary.
  3. I agree with your second sentence. I live in a village. I get on well with my in laws, all 50 or so of them, and the neighbours. My wife set the house rules with regards to people walking in, with input from me. The garden gate is always open. Visitors wait prior to entering the house. It's great. I love my surroundings.
  4. Living in a self built prison. Not my idea of fun. Each and to their own.
  5. These kinds of posts always make me laugh. I'm guessing the OP lives with a Thai partner. Instead of running off to his computer to whinge to prople that can fo nothing, why not speak to his Thai partner? It's quite simple.
  6. They are not an agency. There are there to accept applications and pass them on to the relevant visa processing department.
  7. It's not unusual, maybe not all 20b notes but certainly huge bundles of notes and bags of coins.
  8. What about the Mom and Pop shop owners who shop at Makro using their takings to pay a 20000B bill in 20b notes?
  9. I guess you'd use troll tokens. You could collect them when people cross your bridge.
  10. Water under the bridge. You must have seen it flowing passed as you were sitting there.
  11. How can you not like a whole area of Thailand, an occupation and a whole group of non defined people based on one experience?
  12. That doesn't answer his question.
  13. Why worry about age? If you're with the right woman, age is irrelevant.
  14. As you live under a bridge, I'm surprised you didn't mention the echo.
  15. That's an interesting point. With the hormone treatment transgengers go through, would a female transitioning to a male have higher levels of male hormones than a male transitioning to a female, thus making it unfair for them to play in the team corresponding to their birth gender? If men are always men and must compete in men's events, a woman must always be a woman and compete in women's events, even if their testosterone levels are sky high.

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