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  1. That was their pledge. All they have to now is start.
  2. Lots of "thinks" and "believes" in there. I don't think or believe it's possible.
  3. Minced pork shoulder and pork fat, 80% to 20% ratio. I don't use breadcrumbs but make my own rusks. Plain flour (500g), water(250ml) baking powder(20g). Bake, 230c for 10 minutes, and grind. Pork to rusk ratio should be around 90% to 10%. Salt, pepper and sage to taste. Mix everything together. Fry a little and taste. Adjust seasoning accordingly. When you are happy, stuff into skins. These are available fresh from any pork vendor, will need cleaning, or frozen in Makro.
  4. My concern would be two pledges they made in their manifesto. To raise the minimum tax threshold to £20000 and the minimum wage to £15. That creates many many billions of untaxed salaries. Where is the money going to come from to run public services? How are they going to manage inflation when millions of people spend the extra money they have? How will they control inflation when businesses put up prices to cover the extra salaries?
  5. No. You are incorrect. You jumped, hijacked, a comment I made to another poster to facilitate your rant and empty accusations towards me. You then failed to answer a simple question as it would have undermined your rant.
  6. I've read the topic in relation to the Sweeden shootings. No comments from you. By your logic, you're are defending that attack.
  7. You made all that up. Just goes to show, doesn't it? I asked one question, as you quite rightly pointed out of another poster, and you threw your toys out of the pram and make baseless accusations. That's half the problem, isn't it? As can be seen by the original post I replied to. I haven't asked you to ajudicate. I asked one question. Your inability to answer that question is, in fact, an answer itself. I repeat, I am not left wing. I am not condoning any attacks. I am querying the use of certain words. That's all.
  8. You are wrong. You also imply I've lied. Wrong again. Batting for the wrong team? I don't know what you mean by that. I've not backed anyone. Wrong again. Let me ask you a question. Simple Yes or No answer is all that is required.... Is saying "always them", referring to attacks on the public and Muslims being attackers, correct?
  9. I'm certainly not left wing. I'm pointing out the incorrect use of words such as "everytime", "all", "always" when referring to incidents and Islam. I have not deflected anything. I've pointed out I correct use of words. Simple. No shame on me.
  10. There are many others you've missed that were not. The comment I replied to said "always them". That is incorrect.
  11. You didn't read about the shooting incident in Sweden last week?
  12. Go to the abattoir near to the morning market. Failing that, go to the market at about 4am. That's when the freshly slaughtered pigs arrive to be distributed to the pork vendors.
  13. Sukhothai is the best in Thailand.
  14. A top 10% household income is £72k. That's not rich by any stretch of the imagination. There are many jobs in that bracket that would be deemed "regular" and "reachable" for many many of the working public, if they can be bothered. A couple I know from Ghana working in supported living work 48 hours a week, 4 x 12 hr shifts. That's around £64k. If one of them choses to work one shift of overtime then be in the top 10% of household income. Oh those pesky, lazy immigrants. 😁😁 The top 10% of earners earned 31% of total income in UK 2023/2024. They paid 60% of all income tax collected. Is that "fair"?

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