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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Unless you are under 25, it won't happen in your lifetime.
  2. When it has come to an end, yes. I agree. The only way Brexit can come to an end is if UK rejoin. I'll be happy to discuss failure then.
  3. Has it stopped? Are UK back in EU? I didn't think so.
  4. You misunderstand. You can't say " it wasn't different" as the scenario under discussion didn't happen. We will never know what might have happened had UK left in April 2019.
  5. It is my understanding that UK life out of EU is ongoing. Until, unlikely, the UK rejoin EU it is ongoing. Therefore, it is impossible, also grammatically incorrect, to say it has "failed". "Failing", "not going well", "could be better", maybe. However, "failed". Incorrect.
  6. Sorry if you misunderstood me. That was an invite.
  7. Oh dear. Another Wiki user.
  8. For far different reasons than you think it is Let's face it, you and Farage are different ends of the scale. It's funny though that you side with Farage to try to prove a point.
  9. Churlish has other meanings too. Such as " difficult to work with or discuss with" but, I'm sure you knew that.
  10. But, unlike some on here, I don't need to lie, exaggerate or belittle others when making comments in an attempt to get a point across.
  11. On the contrary, we're my comments to be marked, they would be so in a balanced way. Not a biased way as you appear to be suggesting. Anyway, I feel very privileged to have all 3 of you as an audience all at the same time. Shame Ridy is AWOL.
  12. As I pointed out, it's not an argument. If you believe it to be fantasy, od love to ser conclusive proof that things would not have been different. Remember, as far as you are concerned nothing without a link is worth talking about.
  13. Many of my thesis, while studying for my degree, were returned with good grades and remarks such as " a good, balanced view". Make of that what you will.
  14. To get around Yasothon there are Songteaw pickup trucks, three-wheeled cycles (Samlor), motorcycle taxis and tuk tuks.
  15. So, as expected, you can't prove me wrong. I knew that all along as I was only making a suggestion. Your churlish reply above just goes to add more substance to your failed attempts. However, my suggestion is not meaningless. It is possible things could have been different and is a valid suggestion. The problem is you believe anyone disagreeing with you is wrong when, quite simply, they just have a different view.
  16. "Could have been different"? Yes, it's possible. Care to prove that wrong? The extent of my arguement? I'm not arguing. Just making a suggestion. Care to prove it wrong?
  17. Why not? You love to play kids games.
  18. That is not the question in hand. You said there would have been no difference to negotiations if the withdrawal agreement had gone through 8 months before it did. I suggested there might have been. I asked you to confirm a suggestion. You appear to be unable to. That's it. I've proved my point. With your help, it appears. Thanks for that.
  19. I didn't say " Covid crisis was instrumental in the benefits of Brexit not being realized". That's a twist from you. I merely pointed out there would have been plenty of time to work on intricacies. I'm sure you'll disagree so please confirm that you feel the subject of Brexit would not have cropped up in Parliament, during cabinet meetings, at PMQs or any debates between April 2019 and Feb 1st 2020. No wriggles, now.
  20. And that has nothing to do with what I said. You comment and twist to suit yourself, as usual.
  21. Oh, but it would have. It would have meant leaving almost a full year prior to being plunged into disarray by a global pandemic. Plenty of time to have made inroads.
  22. More sensationalist media b$#@cks. A sensible headline would be "Offender jailed for sexusl abuse of child", just like any other story about abusers with not so famous siblings.
  23. So your original post explained why your wife doesn't get 700 a month? No it didn't. Hence my further question.
  24. Hence my use of the word " constituents".
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