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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. All of that only applies if you let it happen. For me, we'll, I have a mind of my own.
  2. The link you posted even quotes tge Sovereign Grant. It confirms what I said. You obviously didn't read the bit about how the treasury have reaped £3 billion in the last 10 years from the Crown Estate. In case you're nit that good at maths, £3 billion divided by 10 is £300 million. Sovereign grants average around £80 million a year. 300 minus 80 is 220.
  3. Funny. I asked you to look it up. Anyway, it's not the tax payer that pays it. It is the treasury. The treasury use money from the Crown estate. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance
  4. No. I'm the one giving the information. You are the one ignoring it to suit your own agenda.
  5. I think you'll find what they do is working. Also, they more than pay for themselves. Why not read up on where the Sovereign Grant comes from?
  6. No. It's school rules. All young boys that attend government schools have to have skinhead style haircuts.
  7. He suggested we were all failures in our own country. I'm not and wasn't prior to moving to Thailand. Hence my comment " Speak for yourself".
  8. If we weren't failures in our home countries, we wouldn't need to move here. Speak for yourself.
  9. Because of your outlook on your own life, I can only sympathise. However, please don't include me in your "we". I am stronger willed and make my own way in life.
  10. Oh dear. Now you are thinking for others too. Sad.
  11. Obey? You clearly have not even fundamental knowledge of how a constitutional monarchy works. Also, remember. It is not the royal family that create the entertainment. (A recent book excluded).The "circus" as you put it. That is the media. I'm sure, if they could, they'd love to live a life without cameras being pointed at them everywhere they go.
  12. Varies from hospital to hospital. Our local hospital has a sign up asking for masks to be worn. There is,a box of masks next to the sign. Healthcare facilities still take Covid seriously. If someone has tested positive, back to wearing masks.
  13. That wouldn’t happen. The media frenzy about them would continue far into the future.
  14. They are deemed "Private". Not much difference to curriculum as the are governed by OBEC. The can accept students from any area in Thailand and are not governed by the rule they must take 60% from their catchment area. They will receive small government grants. The teachers at private schools do not need to have a university degree in their taught subject. At a school I worked at there were teachers teaching English because they "spoke a bit". Their degree was in something like Social Science.
  15. I can't answer that. However, there will likely be some kind of legislation to deal with it. William seems OK as does George. The monarchy seems in good hands for the foreseeable future.
  16. And what about the plethora of castles and other royal sights around Britain?
  17. Indeed. Not tax payers though. It will cost the treasury. The money will come from funds receive from 85% of the Crown earnings from tax year 2022/2023. The UK economy will lose more money because of the extra bank holiday that so many wanted.
  18. And what elected head of state of any country has been suitable or talented? Trump? Macron? The majority of those in Africa? South America? Asia?
  19. I can't believe you don't know the Sovereign Grant is a percentage (15%) of what the treasury collect from the Crown earnings. The Crown are large net contributors to the economy.
  20. I prefer Non-Fiction.
  21. Quite right. Just like I said. Those that can't test will end up lower government or private schools. Testing for EP is a different kettle of fish.
  22. Judging by your OP, you clearly know very little.
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